I had this experience yday. I was practising intensively pranayma for the first time with my teacher and suddenly through closed eyes I could see white owl flying towards me looking at me eyes to eyes until it kind of dissapeared eiether right in front of me or through me. I have no experience of shamanism at all but I am aware that totem animals exist.
Could it be my totem animal and what would it mean?
Could anybody please let me know about website or book for more informations?
Thank you and have a nice weekend
RE: totem animal
Hi Mica.
Owl:Deception,Wise, watcher, fate-seer, riddler, silence, vision, insight, seeing hidden motives in others, clairvoyance
You could also look on [link= http://www.holisticshop.co.uk ]www.holisticshop.co.uk[/link] or [link= http://www.amazon.co.uk ]www.amazon.co.uk[/link] for Medicine Cards, you get a bookand it comes with apack of fantastic cards with pictorial detail, the book gives you the meaning of each animal.
Youwill also find the same traits of Owlin your own personality.
Have a think to see if you are in the dark about something around you,how are you being deceived and by whom, or have you deceived yourself ?Remember OWL asks "who? who? "
Hope that helps 😉
RE: totem animal
Thanx Lyn,
The interpretation sounds rather dark and shadowy ;). BUT as I am in my Saturn's return age now and going throughhaving to make a lots ofchoices I hope it's sign of seeing well through the dark ;-D
I will look up the cards . . .
Love and Blessings
Mica x
RE: totem animal
Wise Owl can see that which others cannot, which is the essence of true wisdom. Where others are deceived,Owl sees and knows what is there.
Athena, the Greek Goddess of wisdom,had a companion owl on her shoulder which revealed unseen truths to her. Owl had the ability to light up Athena's blind side,enabling her to speak the whole truth,as opposed to only half truth.
If Owl is your personal medicine, no one can deceive you about what they are doing,no matter how they try to disguise or hide it from you.
Do you have a knack of "seeing" through people Mica?
If you are unaware of your medicine power, you may take your keen insights and abilities for granted. Others never do. You may frighten them and reflect their blindness, for you cannot be fooled.
The message is to befriend the darkness inside yourself. Look deeply,and soon the bright light will illuminate you. Then ask yourself what you are in the dark about.
It's more indepth in the book, these are just bits, but on the whole I think Owl is YOUR messenger, and "heads up" ! Look and you shall see.
RE: totem animal
Actually yes. I prefer not to "prejudice" or "predict" but I am very sensitive to my surroundings and almost always can rely on my gut feeling.
I have aquarius moon and scorpio ascendent hence surrounding vibrations really work for me.
Thank you for the follow up - it sounds rather positive
Mica x
RE: totem animal
Just out of interested 🙂
In one of the past threads I came accross interview by Angel Light with Brooke Medicine Eagle and she did describe owl similar way
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=281387 ] http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=281387 [/link]
Power Animals and the Way of the Heart
with Brooke Medicine Eagle
by Aluna Raphael (Angel Light)
In the old days of the Primary Peoples, everything was viewed as a gift from Creator: Nothing was thought of as bad or evil. If a rattlesnake bit you, it wasn't because you were bad or the rattlesnake was evil. It was simply the animal protecting itself and its space. If you were awake and alert and in good relationship, you'd have no problem at all.
The owl, as a creature of the night, has the ability to fly through darkness into the Light with assurance and ease. Thus it is a guide for us in our dark times. This ability of the owl can also be seen as a metaphor for death. Death was not considered evil by primary people: It is one natural cycle ending so that a new one may begin.
Over time, because they were associated with darkness and sometimes were adopted as guides by dark shamans, owls came to be viewed as evil. The owls, of course, are not dark forces in themselves. To illustrate: If you had a few thousand dollars you could buy some cocaine and sell it to children, or you could use the money to start a children's program to help treat them.
Money is neither good nor evil but is dependent upon your use of it. The owl is neither good nor evil. It is one of Earth's blessed creatures. It has been used in different ways, but there is no need to fear the owl itself. When using owl feathers or any other of your spiritual tools, or when working with Owl as an ally, just be sure to dedicate your work to the enlightenment and upliftment of All Your Relations. That dedication is very important.
As I mentioned earlierI have never really came across shamanism and I am finding all this really fascinating. I've been lately really missing countryside and was generally interested in ecology soI guess it's sign for me to get more involved.
Live never stops to surprise us eh? 😀
Love Mica x
RE: totem animal
Well I can't think of a nicer place to be drawn, than being drawn to the countryside.
The book and cards I have are; Medicine Cards, Jamie Sams and David Carson, illustrations by Angela Werneke
lyn x
RE: totem animal
You can also just type in Power animal owl into any seach engine and you will be amazed at how much info comes up! Most important is to see what interuptation feels right for you