I have many people that come to me seeking to learn about their ancestors, their ways and traditions. I try to answer all questions truthfully and the best that I can. I want to say though, no person is ever so wise that they know all there is to know or can't learn more themselves.
Only the Creator is all knowing. I hear many say how ashamed they are because they have White blood. They are ashamed of what their ancestors did to our people. In many respects they should be. I was raised Aniyuhnwiya, my father was full blood, but my mother was Scotch-Irish so I have White ancestors too.
But it should not be dwelled upon other than that you should not make the same mistakes of White ancestors. You can not change the past.....but you can change the future. Learn about our past, but use that knowledge wisely, to try to correct the wrongs both done and being done. If you truly care then that is the true path you should take.
That, at first thought, might seem impossible. I say to you it's not. It's as simple as teaching your children what you learn. That applies even more to our own People. We should quit bickering among ourselves and return to the traditions that taught that the good of all came before any self ambitions.
We should concentrate more on our children and return to them the pride in who they are and where they came from, for then the future can not help but be better. Is not they who really determine if our ways live or die? It matters not how much you know if that knowledge is not passed along. Yes there are many longing to learn, and I say to each of you that you are not alone on your journey.
There are those willing to walk by your side. Just choose your teachers wisely. Anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, who claims they know it all, who is more interested in you giving them praise than in what they are teaching and especially who throws around the phrase "It is the Indian Way" you should have strong doubts about. I say to you seek out our Elders and do not be afraid to ask questions.
I have not met an Elder yet, who if aproached with respect and sincerety, would not pass on their knowledge. I pray my words are of help to you on your journey. It is a journey I walk as well..... Lee (Spirithawk)
blessings wendy x
Thanks Wendy.......very wise words indeed.....lets hope the knowledge re-emerging from our ancestors past, will be past on. I belong to a spiritual bushcraft group who try to pass on the old ways.
Oakapple xx