Not sure if I posted this into the right board, so please feel free to move it somewhere else...
I am on a journey to recover my memories from childhood and work through them, but this seems to be impossible... I have no memories before the age of 11 or 12 and even after that age most memories are gone. No memories of school home mother father sisters etc...
I left 'home' when I was 17 met my hubby and since then married and had a child, both events I cannot remember. Most of my life I cannot remember. I get a sense, or like my therapist calls it, a Shadow of a memory, or how I call it, a Knowledge, but no connection between 'me' and the events... not sure how to explain it. Anyway, I am trying everything I can to become more connected with myself. I have often thought about soul retrieval and have now found an essence which supports soul retrieval. It says...
Soul Retrieval
When we go through difficult times in life and especially when there is shock or trauma involved, it is very easy to become ungrounded. In this state of not wanting to be here, the personality will often reject or deny some of the issues involved, not wanting to acknowledge them or to feel the related emotional pain. During this process of rejection, parts of the personality can splinter off the whole to leave the individual somehow incomplete. With this comes a feeling of not being totally "together". The painful memories are usually buried deeply and make their way into the subconscious, where they will sit waiting for the time when they can rise into the mind for transformation into light. The process of drawing back the missing parts into the fractured personality is called Soul Retrieval. This means to retrieve the sparks of consciousness which have been lost, so as to make the personality whole again. Soul Retrieval essence helps return that which is lost and to help complete the inner child.
I am planning on buying this essence to support my journey in therapy, and wondered whether anyone esle has tried the Inner Child essences and how it worked for them... maybe someone knows of 'better' essences to take? All advice very welcome.
hello Mea
I have not used this essence, but do soul retrieval and have a background in working with flower essences of all kinds.
My intuitive sense is that it would be good for you to begin using this essence as part of your journey of calling parts of yourself back.
By the vary nature of the energetic components of the essence, it will be a support.
Looking at it from the angle of a medicine wheel, in the medicine wheel I work with, the plant kingdom is in the south, as is the emotional body and the 'wounded' another indication to follow your inner guidance and begin the new decade with opening to all parts of you that want to return as much as you want them too.
walk in Beauty
Thank you tigress for your reply and advice. Do you know where I could buy this essence online? Based in the UK? I have been googeling it but havent found anywhere... also I know you have a lot of knowledge in this area and maybe you can recommend someone who is 'genuine'
I do not know of any UK distributors.
When you ask about someone genuine, what are you referring to?
well my hubby said that like in any profession that there can be scharlatans out there... who dont know much about essences and just sell them to make money... but are not really concerenced about helping others
OK, well, where did you come across the soul retrieval essence you mentioned in your original post here?
My intuitive sense is that one would be helpful for you. I feels soft, gentle energetically
Hi Mea, I would say that this essence will help you in your inner child issues, however, in my experience no one essence alone can offer complete healing but rather a dedicated taking of essences to heal core issues is more advisable. This essence may certainly begin the process of helping you to connect with your whole self.