Hi everyone
I need some advice, I'm not sure about animal totems etc but I keep getting messages about snakes and sometimes the snake is with a mouse.
These aren't related to my usual dreams where someone is bite by a snake as a death usually follows those 6 weeks later, theres a difference.
This started by me 'seeing' a snake and mouse in my bed (which there wasn't), a few days later I dreamt of a snake, this snake was just beside me. I turn over the Tv and theres snakes, I picked up my druid cards at the adder and my animal messages at the cobra and the mouse fell out too.
Can anyone help me with the meanings of these, I know that snakes shred the old and start afresh and mice can over come obstacles but I feel theres another message which i don't understand and I feel urged to find the answers.
Any ideas?
RE: Snakes & Mice
Hi Whiteroom,
Your card The Nathair, (Adder) symbolises a change or changes (shedding of the skin). If you take this along with your other experiences, I feel that there is no danger in the change (the mouse and snake in your bed indicating no threat) but you need to go with your own instincts and intuition to initiate this change.
Material level: It is time to go with your ambitions and dreams
Mental level: Use your power of intellect and intuition to change
I also feel that this change is more spiritual in nature than an actual physical life change and the mouse depicts the smaller changes...when you have these 'dreams' look at the detail in them. The Cobra indicates that you should be swift and decisive on your actions in the near future and these will lead you to wisdom you need.
This is my own interpretation so please use your own intuition as well as these are just thoughts.
RE: Snakes & Mice
snake and mouse are related in a way as mice are a common prey for snakes.....if your seeing the two together it would suggest to me the need for balance, great fun when they appear in your bed aint it:D.....happens to me with birds....the feathered kind:D...un-fortunatly..lol
RE: Snakes & Mice
Thank you for your replies;-
Material level: It is time to go with your ambitions and dreams :-[color="#0000cc"]I can understand and relate to this, my dream is to have a shop where I can do my tarot readings and combine my love for making jewellery using healing gemstones. I can't do the shop yet so I've start with Tarot & Jewellery parties and its just getting going now.
Mental level: Use your power of intellect and intuition to change[color="#0000cc"]:-[color="#0000cc"]I can understand and relate to this, as my dream is to use all of my gift as at the moment I'm only scratching the surface.
snake and mouse are related in a way as mice are a common prey for snakes.....if your seeing the two together it would suggest to me the need for balance, great fun when they appear in your bed aint it.....happens to me with birds....the feathered kind...un-fortunatly..lol :- [color="#0000cc"]Yep a balance is something I need to find, I'm pulled in all directions I need to focus on one thing at a time. Theres no outside pressures, Its all me! I want to tarot read, do a healing course, make jewellery, maintain my websites, do my paperwork and still work full time.! I do need to organise myself or grow at least another set of hands!
So from this I've had confirmed what I thought deep down, to follow my dreams I need to follow and listen to my intuition and find a balance inorder to succeed.
Thank you very much and yes wolfen great fun when they appear in your bed I just wished it was a fuffy rabbit, a puppy or even brad pit but snakes yuk!
RE: Snakes & Mice
Hi Whiteroom,
It could also mean that you will have somebody, the snake,who will try to do harm to you and the mouse temps the snake to go after it instead of you. The shedding of the skin, means that you will make the right choice.
Good Luck
RE: Snakes & Mice
On some Medicine Wheel's both snake and mouse relate to the South-a place to do with emotions and water,also of childhood. The symbolism of mouse is not to miss the small things in life which in effect make up the big things-snake is to do with change-shedding skin of childhood and discovering the adult you ie maturing. Dreaming of both together possibly means you have unresolved issues from your childhood still to deal with.