I have been invited to a silver wedding anniversary in July and would like to give (the people who have everything) a tree that provides something edible but also emanates silver either from its bark or leaves turning silver.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, it could be a tree from abroad and I would be happy to ship one in if I can find the right one.
Many thanks
Divine Love
RE: Silver Tree help please
Hi Divine love
BTW welcome back to blighty!!
Re. your query, you might like to consider Silver Buffaloberry? A small tree and you can make jams/jellies from the fruit.
[link= http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Elaeagnaceae/Shepherdia_argentea.html ]http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Elaeagnaceae/Shepherdia_argentea.html[/link]
Hope this helps.
Best wishes
RE: Silver Tree help please
Hola, it's not edible to humans but smells lovely - Eucalyptus, ethereal silvery bark & silvery green leaves.
RE: Silver Tree help please
a tree that provides something edible but also emanates silver either from its bark or leaves turning silver.
How about the native Silver Birch (Betulus pendula)?
It is obviously silver - more so as it gets older,
the bark self-peels as it ages giving silver 'stuff' to
make use of, and ....
It is one of the earliest trees to 'wake' after the winter
dormant period, and can be tapped to give quite a lot
of sweet sap just after the buds burst, and therefore
counts as edilble - or at least drinkable.
As the tree is native it should grow easily and withstand
the winter weather too.
Also the tree lends itself to coppicing and so would
provide wood for (insert imaginative projects here)
in later years. IIRC they live for about 80 - 100 years
and so would be a lifetime present :).
Makes nice bonsai too. Just constrict the roots and
trim roots every couple of years then repot.
RE: Silver Tree help please
I would have to agree with Siver Birch..........a beautiful tree.
RE: Silver Tree help please
We were given three silver birch for our silver wedding anniversary - 3 slightly different varieties - each with different and stunning bark. They came about 12 foot high - that was nearly 5 years ago, and they are about 14/15 feet tall now and look beautiful - not tried to tap their sap yet, but they may yield something for our Golden anniversary!
RE: Silver Tree help please
Thank you everyone I can feel a trip to the local garden centre coming up......
Divine Love