I would like to know what shamanism is, i really dont have a clue, other than i think animals are involved, am i wrong?
Please dont think im being dumb! Also can you tell me what a squirrel represents, if indeed it does represent anything. I have come across 2 running across the road, on different days, just wondered if it symbolises anything.
Therapeutic Angel x
RE: Shamanism is...
There are loads of good websites that explain shamanism, it is very long thing to explain and covers a wide range of subjects etc, the best thing to do is just to read, read and read (looking back through past posts here will reveal alot) or go on a retreat. I am still getting to know the ins and outs of shamanism after nearly 20 years of doing it and it still amazes me with the things that is shows and the meditations I do and dreams I recoeve.
There are some links in the post pinned to the top of this forum that talk about what aminals mean and the squirrel have been discussed lately, if you look back or do a search we have discussed them a number fo times.
Good luck on your journey
With love