Shamanic Training
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Shamanic Training

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Hi All, I am trying to find shamanic traing as close to London as possible. I have checked out Alberto Villoldo at Four Winds and it seems a little on the pricey side for me and was wondering if I could get some recommenddations for other places? Many thanks, TAndi

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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi tandi, well leo rutherford i beleieve is london based...and hes not too bad i think...

if you are looking for on-line support go to my site, then links page ,and you can find your way to grandfather peter redwolfs forum.....hes a great bloke and has a passion for teaching...


blessings, wise owl

p.s. alberto pricey ??...your not kidding !!.....which is a big shame as his latest book was very good...
and then theirs the issue of him recently copyrighting the term 'soul retrieval'...
oh dear oh dear !!!..... the worlds gone mad !!

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RE: Shamanic Training

Thanks wiseowl, i have checked out their website and it does seem really good. The link to your site isn't working though? Should I just put the wise and the owl together? I CANNOT BELIEVE that Alberto Villoldo copyrighted soul retrieval - I am very glad that you told me about that - it totally changes how I see him - outrageous!!

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RE: Shamanic Training

yes it did the same for me tandi re, the copyrighting.....what an ego trip i thought.....and technically anyone using that term is now infringing his copyright ,and liable.......which is bang out of order in my book.

link should work now.....wise owl

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RE: Shamanic Training

Thanks wiseowl I will check out your site.

And totally agree with you. How can one possibly copyright a term that is in common usage? I doubt whether he is in the true shaman mould. It seems very very anti the whole spirit of healing and the community healer. And gives me the idea that he wants the whole thing to himself possibly for financial gain. Urgh. Won't be going there again.

Anyway, thanks.

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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi Tandi,

I highly recommend the course that I am doing at the moment in 'Shamanic Homeopathy' inc: Spiritual (and western) Anatomy and Physiology, spiritualism, herbal medicine, flower and crystal essences, spiritual and shamanic healing, animal medicine, astrology and cosmology, mineral and nutritional science and much, much more..

It's truly mind-expanding and fascinating. (and many students come just for the content, with no desire to become homeopaths) No website i'm afraid. Its based in Wembley, London (Alperton tube) and is 10 weekends a year, and I believe that you could try it out without commitment (its a very reasonably price - £75 a weekend)

Details from: Dr Yubraj Sharma, School of Shamanic Homeopathy: 0208 795 2695

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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi Tandiwe
Did you try the Tua Thre centre which is in north London. It only does very small groups so as to give personal help and it does private, individual tuition as well. Its mainly Celtic and native European tuition but has stuff that no one else seems to have. The main teacher there is Katherine Gray. She started with her grandmother 50 years ago but has also done Native American and North African stuff as well as a lot of esoteric/magical things and healing work. There is a web site but its not finished and going to be re-vamped. Its at
The e-mail is but there's also a London phone number 020 8349 4280
Hope this helps


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RE: Shamanic Training

Please corect me if i am wrong but is not the case a true Shaman takes no real ownership of his thoughts and gifts, thus when they share it more to promote wellbeing and harmony and for gain, thus as someone who has followd a karmic road, shareing and learing in tern, i oly charge for aspects of my ablity i have had to pay for, all other aspects that i was born with i give freely and willingly, thus to me any soul calling themselves a Shaman and makeing gain from others are not followers of the true path.

How can a soul copyright terms used by others that have been past from mouth and hand since Mother Earth took the first steps of birthing all we call liveing kind.

Yours a Humble Soul.

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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi Alpha Wolf,
I guess it is ego and ego is like an egg shell. You can bang an egg in a certain way and the shell will not break. The other part of the egg shell is very weak and cracks very easily and the ego becomes fragile like the egg and eventually will break.


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RE: Shamanic Training

As a new member to this forum, seeking to openly and freely share my thoughts when someone asks where they can get training near London and I mention something I’ve been to and found interesting, I find myself very shocked and disappointed to get a reply from “Bryan, the dyslexic time traveller and self-styled humble soul (with shades of Uriah Heep)” apparently in a judgemental frame of mind who then proceeds to enter self-promotion mode.
I can also speak from extensive personal experience of travelling around the world and being lucky enough to meet people called shamans, medicine men/women, witchdoctors (and a lot of other names according to the language) in their ethnic environment that all these people charge for their services. The recipient of help may not give money but is expected to give food, blankets, utensils or work etc Alternatively, in a few places these people are supported by the whole tribe so they don’t starve or freeze to death. Neither is training given free. The apprentice who is lucky enough to be chosen has to work like a slave for many years taking care of his/her master/mistress. Everyone has a right to own their own personal experience and choose to share it, or not, on their own terms. The natives and aborigines I’ve met certainly do this.
I also notice that Paul Big Bear makes sure that everyone knows he is a shamanic practitioner/spiritual healer/tutor and we all have his e-mail. And why not ? We live in large cities not small villages in rainforests and desert plateaus with less than 30 people. How else can people find each other and then make their own decision of what is right for them
There is NO TRUE PATH only a very personal and individual one and the one thing I liked about the Tua Thre Centre that I recommended was that the emphasis was all placed on the individual finding his/her own way, rather than trying to tread some other imaginary “true path” decided by another.
It’s a sad thing that people who are claiming to tread spiritual paths still stick at the level of who, or who does not have the “true path”. I had hoped for a much better standard of forum.

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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi jltdee

I totally agree with you and having been studying shamanism for quite a few years have always been lead to beleive that nothing is ever given for free. In years gone by a shaman or medicine man would be paid for their service and time either by recieiving food, cows, chickens or general help this is the way they survived, nothing was ever given for free.

And as for training of new medicine men/women, as you say it takes years of slave labour, the trainee would have to do everything, the washing, cooking, all the preperation for ceramonies and healing etc etc.

It is up to the individula when training if they want payment and I must say that almost all DO, it is the environment we live in that people want to pay for services as it is the norm.

I really hope the opinions of one person has not put you off contributing to these forums as you have a wealth of experiance to share. We are a really friendly bunch and I really would hate it , as would everybody else, if you decide to leave because of this.

Welcome to HP

With love


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RE: Shamanic Training

Hello jltdee

A very warm welcome ~ I also hope that you spend many happy hours here on HP ...

AlphaShamanicWolf (Bryan) also is a new member...obviously with some very strong beliefs and of course - which he is entitled too, but hopefully not to the extent of offending other HP members...
...the written word often comes across much more aggressive than the spoken one...hopefully we shall have much calmer water now

stormdeva x

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RE: Shamanic Training

I have just come in from a stroll round the park. I had been a little concerned about conflict in this usually harmonious forum, so had that in mind during my stroll.

As I entered the park I noticed two crows in conversation and it reminded me of how creative converations can be here. Then I noticed a group of crows on the grass. There was something about their energy which seemed different from usual..then I realised they were pigeons....for 3 seconds or so I had seen what I expected to see, rather then what was actually there..quite a lesson, and one I thought I would post here, given that the forum was the main thing on my mind.....People do not mean to ruffle our feathers, so please, when replying, I invite you first to go to the West of the Medicine Wheel , the 'looks-within-place (it might be a different direction on the wheel you use of course) and ask if you are coming from ruffled feathers or impeccability.That way we can keep a vision here of sharing our vast knowledge, wisdom and understanding about our experiences and deas about the roots, history and contemporary application of shamanic principles.Every one of you are deeply appreciated

Walk In Beauty


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RE: Shamanic Training


what a lovely post, I mustadmit that the animal world can teach so much!

with love [sm=hug.gif] ( goes for you too jay).

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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi Jltdee,

How can people find there true path if they haven't got a clue where to look. All we are, are road signs of different experiences which add some focus to others until they understand within themselves which road they wish to take. We do not have all the answers, but if we can help each other along the way, no matter how big or small the input then let us do it with a good heart.

Welcome to the forum, I look forward to your input.


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RE: Shamanic Training

Did anyone think that AlphaShamanicWolf might have been writing about Alberto Villoldo who copyrighted soul retrieval rather than commenting strangely on jltdee's e-mail. Being dyslexic and new to the forum he could simply have posted his note in an inappropriate place.
In passing, I'm always curious why people want to be the Alpha male rather than the Omega male who is the Sacred Clown of the pack and keeps it balanced and in harmony. In the end, this 'last wolf' is the most beloved, cherished and protected member of the pack even though it may not always look like it.
To all things their own season: to all people their own Sacred Path

Tua thre Centre for Celtic and Native European Shamanism

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RE: Shamanic Training

Must admit I thought the reference was to alberto Villoldo...

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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi Katherine
I haven't heard of Omega Wolf before, nor this wolf as the Sacred Clown, what an intriguing concept.
Would you link it with coyote/trickster?

walk in Beauty


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RE: Shamanic Training

Hi Tigress
Each wolf pack has an Alpha Male and an Alpha Female who are the only ones allowed to breed. Below them the other wolves sort themselves into a hierarchy and at the end comes the Omega Wolf who is the lowest ranking member of the pack. Omega acts as the balancer because he or she is usually the last to get food and at the end of any bad temper. It seems like a bad position but, in actuality, Omega is never really hurt and always cared for. Omega is the safety valve of the group. In human societies we have the Trickster. He (they almost always seem to be male in human society) bears the brunt of the King's anger and often changes it and deflects it so it does no harm. The Trickster, Sacred Clown or Fool can say things that other can't. In Hopi society the Sacred Clowns play out the petty jealousies and idiocies of the tribe at festivals each year. In Switzerland there are Clown-musicians who write rude, out of tune songs about things harming the community for use at carnival time. This all acts as a safety valve.
Sacred Clowns, Tricksters and Omegas are the ones that diffuse potential problems and put things into perspective by making us laugh at ourselves and deflating our egos. Very useful. Something we could all definately need more of.
Laughter really is the best medicine.

Tua Thre Centre for Celtic and Native European Shamanism
