Following up the link Holistic gave on
where a shamanic magazine called 'Sacred Hoop' was mentioned prompted me to ask whether it was any good. I did check out the website which said they would send you a free edition if you sent 4 stamps, but wondered if anyone on HP recieves it and what they think?
The link to the Sacred Hoop website is:
RE: shamanic magazine
I've been getting Sacred Hoop for some years and have never been disappointed. They used to be very Native-American-centred but have widened their remit somewhat and cover a lot of nature-based issues. I'd say it is the best - well, only!- UK shamanic magazine. Nice people, too.
RE: shamanic magazine
Thanks Moonfeather- sounds like it might be worth sending away for a copy then.
RE: shamanic magazine
Hi Azalia,
Your link wasn't working (you have to hit Enter to activate it), try this:
I haven't read Sacred Hoop in recent years, but in view of Moonfeather's post about them widening their scope of topics, I might just shell out for 4 stamps and get a copy myself!
RE: shamanic magazine
'Sacred Drum' is very academic, IMO. I pick up a copy every now and then from Borders. Stuffed full of interesting things but a tad dry for moi... I suppose it depends what your main interests are. I stopped 'Kindred Spirit' last year because they went too main-stream for my liking... I mean, do I want to read about Jane Seymour? Nope!! [:'(]
RE: shamanic magazine
I also think we could do without the celebs in KS. Personally I'd find it much more interesting to read an interview with someone who wasn't under the media spotlight. Or not at all- interviews have limited appeal for me anyway:D read em once, read em all!
RE: shamanic magazine
Never heard of Sacred Drum ... sure you're not confusing it with Shamans Drum?
Pines & peace,
Ps: btw, hi everyone - I'm new here 🙂
RE: shamanic magazine
Duh - you're right Thomas - 'Shaman's Drum', of course! I only come across a copy about once a
Welcome to HP!