It has been a long time since being on HP & am seeking a
gentlemen who offered to train me in an ancient earth healing?
Please advise me of your details as I have lost touch.
Hi Survivor (:hug:)
I'm trying to think of the user on HP that you could be referring to... it's just not ringing a bell. :o/
Can you give us any more clues? Did he hang about here in the shamanism forum? Did he make a lot of posts? Any ideas what the username may have been?
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Hi Giles
He was a USA registered user can't remember his username?
Nice to see you online!
Love & Light
Hmmm, unfortunately that's not much to go on. HP has over 20,000 registered users (obviously they're not all active 🙂 ) and we can't easily tell peoples locations.
All I can suggest is you look back at some threads from around the time you were in contact with him and see if you recognise who it was. If he's not appearing to be active any more we can always try and contact him on your behalf.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
I too remember a native american on HP, I think he replyed to one on my thread will see if I can find him for you.
Wendy xx
Historian only joined this August, so I'd already striked him from my list of possibilities. 😉