Hello everybody, this is my first time on this site. I was just interested to ask anybody what a red robin in the garden meant? Over the past week a little robin has been coming back into my garden and sitting on a fence, however one came today whilst I was out there, he flew so low, I thought I was going to touch him, I whistled to him and his head titled. He went away but about two hours later whilst sitting indoors I had three robins in the garden, just wondered what this meant, I have been told these could be a reincarnation of a past life as I have three people who past away in the month of April and two of them were totally unexpected and under the age of 40? Also read could be the sign of some good luck coming my way am very interested, hope to hear back, Thanks:nature-smiley-008:
Hi lyn and welcome to Healthypages
I have moved your post over to the shamanisn forum where you also might like to have a look at this recent thread on the same subject:
I hope you enjoy the forums.
Best wishes