red robin meaning?
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red robin meaning?

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Can anyone help please, everyday this week a little red robin has been coming into the garden, it first got my attention as it was just sitting on the fence hopping around, something made me look up and I smiled and said hello little robin, since then it keeps returning to the same spot, everytime it gets my attention, most of the time it seems to be looking straight at me. A couple of days ago it was really hopping around and chirping feel silly saying it but like it was trying to tell me something?
It comes each time to the same place, stays a while and then goes.
I have been going through a rough time at the moment and have been asking my guides and angels for a sign that everything is going to be ok so wondering if this robin is just that or maybe nothing?

Does anyone know the meaning of robins please?


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Got this on line if its any help

The Robin Redbreast
The robin redbreast is a bird of Spring, a time of new growth and new beginnings. It flies into our lives on the winds of change asking us to weed our personal gardens and plant new seeds for our future. Rebirth and renewal require changes in all areas of life that have become stagnant and outdated. The robin redbreast teaches us to how to make these changes with joy in our hearts. Its song is a happy one reminding us to let go of our personal drama and learn to laugh with life. If this medicine is underdeveloped those with this totem are continually challenged by the prospects of change. Difficulties arise and emotional discord can surface. Learning how to release our attachments to the old is one of the life lessons the redbreast helps us master.
This bird packs a powerful punch. It holds strong significance in ancient myth and lore. One legend had its origins in European mythology, in which the bird of Spring was associated with the New Year and represented divine sacrifice and the rebirth of the spirit.
In Medieval Europe the robin redbreast was often depicted attending the Christ child, an emblem of the Passion to come. It was told how, at that fateful hour, it was the tiny robin who flew to Jesus' Crown of Thorns, striving valiantly to pluck the spines away with his beak. Unfortunately the bird succeeded only in tearing his own breast on the thorns. Ever since then it was thought that all robins wore red feathers on their bosoms as a badge of honor. The robin redbreast is a bird of divine service. Those with this totem often have past life ties to the Christ energy. They make excellent priests and missionaries.
The red coloring of the robins chest is linked to the kundalini in man. This life force lives coiled up within the base of the spine. When sufficient spiritual growth has been attained it uncoils, rising up the spine to create heightened awareness. This process enhances psychic vision which leads us into enlightenment. Those with this medicine are dedicated spiritual seekers. Growth can be slow and arduous. With patience, compassion and proper focus spiritual ideals are achieved.
Robins lay powder blue eggs. This is the color associated with the throat chakra in man. It is also linked to heavenly inspiration. Because the throat chakra's main function is to express the will of God and the egg is symbolic of new life, this helpful little totem teaches us how to assert the creative will of God in all we do. It leads us into new beginnings without fear by restoring faith within our hearts.

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there was a previous post a few weeks ago here

as I said in my post there no6 they perch on top of things.......therefore can help you stay on top of this can help in your life at the moment i don't know..but its a starting point isn't it?

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Thank you, the bit about new beginnings and new growth I can relate too, will take all of this in a positive way.

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Robin Redbreast remindes us that;......Even in our darkest hour, we do have a friend. We just have to look within.....:)

Reiki Pixie
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Hi ya Oakapple

It's funny you say that. I was walking in the countryside on Saturday and was feeling a bit down. I sat down from a while and a Robin hovered near by flapping it's flying in a interesting fashion very near me. Since then I have feeling fine and do have a sense of many good and caring friends, and been thinking very deeply about stuff.

Thanks for a reminder of that connection.



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I wonder if the robin is still visitng cherry?


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I don't know a generic meaning of robins, but it has a special one to us.

On the day that my beloved and I really found each other, a robin came and settled right by us in a nature-oriented garden, and wasn't afraid. It just stayed there, and seemed like a symbol of blessing. It allowed me to get within inches of stroking it. Then, a day after, one came and settled very near to us at Glastonbury. So to us, it's a symbol of our onenness, and a blessing upon us.


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Urban robins can become quite tame. I have robins in my garden every year and they come really close sometimes. They are very interested if the surface of the soil is being disturbed in any way, or watered, because then they can find small insects. The're also quite fierce and territorial with each other.
I know someone who feeds pizza by hand to a garden robin.(not a very good diet for it!)

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Robins have a lot of courage - they do get very close to you and show fearlessness. They ask us to be brave. They have a wonderful song. I'll never forget hearing robins singing in the Park at 1 am - I'd just had darshan with Amma - the air seemed to be filled with magic and such sweet bird song.


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I was out walking in some particularly beautiful countryside a little while ago, and as I walked I was eating an apple. Suddenly a robin flew down onto the apple in my hand and started eating it. I held the apple still and just watched. It was lovely.

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Barafundle, what a lovely experience to have the robin eating your apple.

This morning I was outside and there was a robin on the wall singing his little heart out. I said hello to him and then in a flash he flew at ground level to very near me and started singing again. It was a lovely start to the day.

Love Rachel

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Reading through these posts reminds me how we all love the Robin don't we?

They always get our attention. So perhaps another message could be their little red chest, and usually on their own, a reminder to love ourselves?

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mr robin

hi ya.
north american medicine says that robin coming into your life can be a omen to expect new beginnings in a variety of areas in your life.the robin can raise more than one brood of babies a year.this can signify a reactivation of your creative side.lastly you are indeed lucky to have a magical encounter with them

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hi ya.
north american medicine says that robin coming into your life can be a omen to expect new beginnings in a variety of areas in your life.the robin can raise more than one brood of babies a year.this can signify a reactivation of your creative side.lastly you are indeed lucky to have a magical encounter with them

That is just a perfect explanation to our meeting of the little robin. Mind you, the bit about 'brood of babies' made me do this :eek::eek::eek: till I read on, LOL.

Thanks for your post, jaybird, this is a lovely little thread and well worth a nudge to the top every now and then.


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Wow i was just listening to dennis linn talking about finding the meaning of your name under shamanism. I am an Indian so i have to be honest i dint know much. I started searching and came to this page. Tears came into my eyes as my spirit has been saying recently sing and all of you have been saying how you heard Robin sing. And im not surprised, i also relate to other qualities of healing as i am a healer and bringing joy to people's lives through that. Thank you all for your comments on this Robin.x

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I found these pages after looking about the meaning of the red robin

My boyfriend was in hospital, and while he was there a red robin, came and sat on the end of his bed, he replyed to the nurse who was just taking his bloodpressure (he has a heart condition) either i am hallucinating or there is a red robin on the end of my bed, the bird flew away because the nurse gave a little scream, but straight away i had the feeling, this has a meaning, its good to know it can mean a new beginning, lets hope so!


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how lovely for him to have such a visitor


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I would like to know what if anything does it mean if a bird flies into the glass of a window?

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What a lovely post!:)

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I would like to know what if anything does it mean if a bird flies into the glass of a window?

It needs to watch where it's going!

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I would like to know what if anything does it mean if a bird flies into the glass of a window?

It should have gone to Specsavers!:cool:


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It should have gone to Specsavers!:cool:



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I hope the bird was ok after that misadventure

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Red Robin

I would like to share my story of this amazing bird.. This morning my friend woke up and saw a robin setting inside the my window, which i only left slightly open the night before. I also live in a communal block of flats and i live on the top floor. My friend said not to come into the room, because he was trying to encourage the robin back to the window, instead it started to fly around in my living room,then stop, giving me a gaze each time it stopped flying. It was truely amazing experience.

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I was talking to a friend in my kitchen. We were talking about the wildlife that comes into the garden, mostly squirrels. I said, matter-of-factly, that we never see any Robins, and right at that moment a Robin flew down and sat on the fence outside the kitchen window!!!!


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I wonder if the robin is still visitng cherry?


Some time since i first posted this relating to the little red robin which seemed to be watching over me, it has disappeared!, I look for it where it used to be sat watching me all the time but its not there, it used to be that whenever I looked into the garden it was there looking at me, all I had to do if not was ask if it was near and the next thing would be it would pop up from over the fence, this is what got me to notice it in the first place.
Things in my life have picked up, my relationship which was going through a very rocky patch has improved, slowly but better, personal issues are still troubling me over what direction I am going in, for my own spiritual path etc, but I do feel my little friend was there for a reason and was just that, a little friend just letting me know it was around and watching over me.

I kept asking the angels and universe to let me know things would be ok and I feel like my little robin was just that.

Thanks for all the replies, I have found them all really interesting
love and light

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A Robin flew into our kitchen OH managed to catch it, and stroke it's head before it flew off out of the window...

was too quick for me though...I didn't manage to get a photo :rolleyes:

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i heard a talk on English Shamanism by Professor Brian Bates and he mentioned robins, and how names like 'Robin Goodfellow' and 'Robin Hood' were common in medieval times. The Robin was associated with bringing good things to people who needed it (like robbing the rich to give to the poor, as Robin Hood did in legend), and the posts on this beautiful thread seem to bear that out. The Robin brings us goodness when we need it. (some stuff on English shamanism, if you are interested, at )

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dead red robin

The morning after our mother died, my sister was sitting in her room watching over her body. There was no-one else in the house. She went to answer the door to let in a friend and together they came back to the room. Lying at mother's feet was a dead robin. How it got there a total mystery. We believe that this is an amazing physical confirmation from Mom that our belief in death being merely a passing to another plane is true. Facing death Mom was afraid that we were wrong and has sent this sign to assure us so that we need never doubt it when our time comes as she did. Wondering if anyone has some other interpretation of this event.:FIFangel:

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