I have just discovered that Shamanism is my calling. My path. Only I have no one to turn to regarding it. No guidance. Just my intuition and gut. I would love to find some good, solid information about it so I can move forward on the journey. Thanks.
Hello and welcome to HP, the book which is regarded as the most informative for beginners in The Way Of The Shamen by Micheal Harner and Soul Retrival by Sandra Ingerman.
It might also be usueful for you to have a look on the Sacred Trust website.
Personally, I never found anything of use in Michael Harner's book... never could read it, lol. Sandra Ingerman on the other hand does seem more accessible, but again, I've never been able to read much on shamanic practice beyond my intial foray into Kenneth Meadows' books.
Amonamen... you mention you have no guidance... just instinct and your gut... these are your greatest guides. There is no better teacher than your Self. Go into the wilds, sit silently and ask Mother Earth to teach you. She will show you the way.
I have been a shamnic practitioner for over 17 yrs now. There are lots of good folk & also others - just like life. My particular spirtuality is based in the traditions of this country (UK) so I follow a 'celtic' path. I have trained with John & Caitlin Matthews () also John's book The Celtic Shaman is a good primer.
I wish you well on your journey.
You could also check out a site for all who have found their way to a shamanic way of life
No disrespect to Butterflywings for posting but I have just had a look at this Indie whatnot and it sounds more than a bit dodgy to learn Shamanism 'on line' it's like just about everything these days 'do this, that and the other as quickly as possible' for money, although I can see it's only £20 a year as opposed to £1,500 a year x 3 at the Sacred Trust it still bugs me.
Rebecca x
I've just joined Indie Shaman. I would like to say a big thank you to butterflywings for posting the link...:1kis:. I'd been searching for something like this now for the past few days.
beckyboop, I wouldnt say its dodgy learning some shamanism on-line, the course exercises are great as a stepping stone to get you started on your path. They monitor your progress, and they appear to be very helpful too.
I give them the thumbs up!!:045:
I am also a member of Indie Shaman and I have always found them to be supportive in helping me with my studies.
As jdholistic said they do monitor your progress and they are always on hand if you have any problems or questions.
I do agree that there is only so much you can learn on line, however its a great place to get started and offers great support as you begin to explore this area.
I'll shut up then! LOL. Good luck with it.
Walk in Beauty
Rebecca x