Tigress Please move if not relevant - thanks!
would like a bit of help, I was meditating last night and received a pockjet watch from a new guide (he is very much in the background at the moment) but who I know is called Sebastian. He is a Native American pioneer but in city clothes (mid 18th c - I think he was one of the first to work and live in the city but not sure) and he gave me his pcoket watch last night. Not sure what it means. I know I have been interested in meeting him and he was brought forward by bear so know it was meant to happen.
Any help would be good.
With love
RE: Pocket Watch
Woah M...
as soon as I saw this I could just see him...
in my mind I have this black & white picture of an Indian who is around 30ish but is 'well weathered' he's stands very proud and has very gentle eyes...
He wears a pocket watch of which he is very proud ...he says that he traded it for bearskin with white man, it was then handed down on his death to his son...who took the watch to his grave...
You have been given this watch as a gentle guide to remind you that it is now your time to move forward~do not hold back, time will not stand still not even for you....
stormdeva x
RE: Pocket Watch
THanks J ;), know what they mean I have been stalling somewhat but now will have to move!
RE: Pocket Watch
Glad it made some sence to you M....I have no idea where that came from:)
RE: Pocket Watch
Hi maria, well dont know but have you heard of Quanah Parker 1854-1911 a Comanche chief and mother was a white lady, he had pictures of him and his pocket watch. and in a suite also his native clothes......i have some picture of him.
love and blessings
lightwinds x
RE: Pocket Watch
HI Wendy
Thanks for the info will look him up! I cannot directly link him to the name sebastian, but the Comanche chief bit rings a bell!
If you have any more info that would be great!
With love