Well, we (that is, the Shamanism pages) are out of "Therapies" - which I think is good. There's so much more to shamanism than a therapy.
I'm not sure about being in "Mystical". What's wrong with "Religion and Spirituality" since that's what it is? "Mystical" makes it sound as if Healthy Pages doesn't know much about shamanism.
Oh well, we take what we can. For anyone who is remotely interested, shamanism is my religion. 🙂
I wonder whether shamanism can be a religion? Many religions have a shaman in their make-up. Many go to a shaman to contact spirits, but what do you see as the religion of shamanism or do you use that word -religion- because you have turned the shaman's belief and work into something that anyone, even non-shamans, can use?
Surely a shaman is a shaman but they could have a different religion? In fact it is a bit strange to see shamanism as a separate section.
I wonder whether shamanism can be a religion? Many religions have a shaman in their make-up. Many go to a shaman to contact spirits, but what do you see as the religion of shamanism or do you use that word -religion- because you have turned the shaman's belief and work into something that anyone, even non-shamans, can use?
Surely a shaman is a shaman but they could have a different religion? In fact it is a bit strange to see shamanism as a separate section.
It’s often put into lists of world religions. I guess, in the end, this boils down to the niche that shamanism fills in each individual’s life – and I don’t think that is the same for everyone.
But it can be classed as a belief system, surely? I didn’t like it being only in ‘therapies’, partly because it is more than that and partly because if it were a therapy, then HP should have a description of it in their ‘Therapy Guide’.
I don’t think I’ve ‘turned the shaman’s belief’ into anything. Of course ‘even non-shamans’ can be shamanists – there are several hundred thousand such people around the world. To say otherwise is a bit like saying non-priests can’t be Christian. The shaman serves the community.
Certainly there is shamanism that has been heavily influenced by Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc. Does that make the practisers of that shamanism Christian, Muslim, Buddhist? After all, Judaism and Hinduism remain Judaism and Hinduism despite Christian influences and Chinese Religion changed Buddhism to fit its ideas, not the other way around. I think that this is somewhere where there is no easy answer.
You say, ‘Many religions have a shaman in their make-up.’ I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. If you mean that many religions have been influenced by shamanism (often while killing shamans), then yes, I would agree. If not, could you explain further, please?