Not everyone who comes to this forum has studied/read about shamanism so i thought this might be a helpful intro esp as you will be doing some of this stuff already
Let Nature Teach You"
By "nature" I mean the trees and other vegetation, our four-footed friends, the ocean and its inhabitants, the wind and those who fly , and anything else you connectto the natural environment.
Nature is all around.We are part of nature, also, but I expect that you arealert towhat you learn from other peopleso I want to focus on the non-people part of nature.
Communication is an important part of any relationship :non-language communication can be more powerful than language communication.
Trees and animals and rocks do not think in human language, but they do think andthey transmit their thoughts through images, feelings, movement and sound.
As with all communication, two-way is the best. A good starting place for letting nature teach you is to specifically ask nature teach you. Your request may be for nature to teach you something specific or your request may be general. After asking, it is important to step back enough to hear the answer.
Of course the best way to practice is to be present in nature. This may be on a walk or ride in the woods, on the beach, in a park, or your own garden. When it is difficult to be outside, you can bring nature inside with plants, photographs, or by look out a window. You can also close your eyes and visualize a scene in nature or imagine that you are in your favorite place in nature.
Here are two formulas that work well to practice "Let Nature Teach You":
- Ask, Listen, Ask, Listen, Ask, Listen, Ask, Listen, etc.
Ask, Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen, Ask, Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen, etc.
Onekey to identifying appropriate phrases is to first decide if you are speaking to or about nature.
When you speak to nature, you might say,
"Hello tree, how are you today?" Or, "Hello birds, what a beautiful song you are singing ." Or, "Flowers, I feel souplifted in your presence."
When you speak about nature, you might say,
"Oh, what a magnificent flower." Or, "On my walk earlier today, I felt so rejuvenated." Or, "I think I'll go and work in the garden."
And specifically about learning/teaching, you might say,
"Rocks, teach me to be solid and strong." Or, "I sink my feet into the sand and listen to the words of Mother Ocean." Or, "Speak to me and I will listen
let us know how you get on
RE: Nature as Teacher
So agree with you tigress.
love and blessings
Wendy x