My name is zenith i am new to the forum and apologies for my first thread to be of such a negative nature.
I watched in despair today how a iceburg 100sq miles in size had broken away from a glacier in greenland.
Ihope you will join me in a prayer for our beutiful Mother Earth. She shows us such compassion while we continue to take for material gain.
Deforrestation and continuing to burn fossel fuels are just two of the components contributing to our globel warming now and in the future.
We are the lucky ones. Our brothers and sisters the animals are suffering now through loss of habitat and eventually the extinction of there species.
Walk in peace.
If we as humans continue to take advantage of her good nature and be destructive as we have been then there will be a severe price to pay which she retaliates..
Hi Zenith and welcome to Hp!
Sorry to have to disagree with you but the earth is in constant flux. If the glaciers hadn't of melted a 1000 years ago, the Vikings and the Celtic tribes would never got to North America. Then a few hundred years later there was a cold period, and now we are in a warm period again.
I was brought up as ecologically minded and yes we do need to live harmonously with the earth (the great mother whose nipple we suck off), but this man made global warming stuff is just a way of controlling the masses and it has had an effect of making people forget other social, ecological and environmental issues which I feel is far more important.
It's very easy to worry about such stuff, but life has it's cycles and it's more important to face the challenges of living and dying. If humans were totally balanced and harmonous, we still will have periods of construction and destruction on the planet, and we still have to deal with it.
Best Wishes
Reiki Pixie
Spot on!
Hello and welcome Zenith. Hope this disagreement does not put you off. Enjoy!
Hi Zenith and welcome!
Here are my thoughts.....
Mother earth is indeed going through changes. Every day, we hear of things like the ice melting you have described, floods, earthquakes and other scary stuff and at the same time it seems we continue to consume her and take what we want without respect....how long will she continue to sustain us if we cannot live harmoniously off her. Before long, we may have to take stock and drastically reduce some of our actions which may be having a detrimental effect on her. Our arrogance has lead us to believe that we can continue to adapt and change the environment for our purposes without consideration, but this could prove to be short sighted.(I believe some are beginning to wake up to this)
However, it may be that same arrogance which also leads us to believe that we are solely responsible all the changes taking place on mother earth. Perhaps, some of the changes are part of her natural cycles and while we have probably contributed, these things would still have happened. So maybe we should just stop thinking we are the centre of the universe and thinking everything is either our fault or ours for the taking, and recognize that we are merely part of the universe.
I guess that means trying to live as much in balance with the earth as we can, for if we find the right balance, when she changes, we will change with her and continue our journey together. If we can't, she will still be.....but will we?
Pray for balance instead.....I kind of get the feeling earth doesn't need praying for, she knows exactly what she's doing!:)
Crystal elf
We need to find balance.
To believe that we have no impact on what is occuring to Mother Earth is naive beyond belief.
Sure the earth has natural cycles, but every action has a reaction, and everything we do to Mother Earth has an effect.
To believe that we are not having any impact on our environment is clearly not true.
Many of us working with the Earth who commune with her are totally aware that what we are doing as a race is harming her.
We need to take responsibility for our actions instead of believing we aren't doing any harm. It is all about energy, energy is in constant motion and flow, and energy in motion has to have an affect.
Thankyou for your reply
walk in peace
thankyou crystal elf for your reply. I agree with you that mother earth has her own natural cycles we are basically speading these up.
walk in peace
lets walk in Beauty and ask Earth how we may be an energetic contribution to her each day
We need to find balance.
To believe that we have no impact on what is occuring to Mother Earth is naive beyond belief.
Sure the earth has natural cycles, but every action has a reaction, and everything we do to Mother Earth has an effect.
To believe that we are not having any impact on our environment is clearly not true.
Many of us working with the Earth who commune with her are totally aware that what we are doing as a race is harming her.
We need to take responsibility for our actions instead of believing we aren't doing any harm. It is all about energy, energy is in constant motion and flow, and energy in motion has to have an affect.
inspired and i could'nt agree with you more :hug:
My name is zenith i am new to the forum and apologies for my first thread to be of such a negative nature.
I watched in despair today how a iceburg 100sq miles in size had broken away from a glacier in greenland.
Ihope you will join me in a prayer for our beutiful Mother Earth. She shows us such compassion while we continue to take for material gain.
Deforrestation and continuing to burn fossel fuels are just two of the components contributing to our globel warming now and in the future.
We are the lucky ones. Our brothers and sisters the animals are suffering now through loss of habitat and eventually the extinction of there species.Walk in peace.
i would'nt be so quick to jump on the official global warming theory bandwagon if i were you....sure what we are doing as humans is having a detrimental effect on us, our planet and all our relations but i also believe what is happening is happenning with divine intent and that our planet is going through is a natural evolution and entering another 'hot' phase which will ultimatly lead to the melting of the ice caps which has happenned in earths history many times before.....quite where it leaves the polar bears i dont know:confused:,
i also believe the powers that be are crapping themselves as un-deniable evidence is lying hidden under the antartic ice revieling the true history and destiny of mankind which all links back to the time of the last great earth shift [atlantis etc.] and one of the very reasons for them to be desperate to stop it from happenning....be aware that these 'people' want absolutly NOTHING to change regarding the present status quo of humanity...and i'am sorry to say thats largely ignorant, brainwashed, fearfull and powerless,
please do not buy into the media scare storys because thats what they are....designed to instill fear and people living in fear are very easy to control and manipulate,
the more one becomes aligned with the earth changes that WILL and ARE happenning the less traumatic it will be for us as humans...after all noah built an ark and he did'nt obstinately sit in front of the rising flood like king canute did;)...or that old guy who lived on mount st. helens who refused to move and now lies buried under 200ft of rock and ash,
when the earth decides to move best we move out of the way and let her and then give thanks to those that listened and gave warning.
in light and truth, Paul.