For those who may not be aware, "Mita'kuye oya'sin" is from the Lakota language. Literally it means "My relations all," or to put it another way, "All my relations". This is a formal ending to all traditional Lakota prayers. It is also a prayer in itself.
The idea is, in the traditional Lakota way of thinking, that each one of us is related to every living thing. So that not only are all humans considered as family members, but also all of creation, birds, animals, trees, etc. are also considered as relatives.
Therefore, traditional Lakota belief is that we should strive to have a loving, respectful and compassionate relationship with all our human and non-human relations, just as we would for our immediate family. This is why it is considered a prayer in itself.
When traditional Lakota prayers end by stating "my relations all", it is a way of focusing on the humility and the sacredness of being related to everything that is.
Is there a tradition you follow with this or a similar philosophy of life?
I took this from the writing about the card Mitakoye Oyasin from my card park, perhaps you recognise it Historian. I rather like it.
Mitakuye Oyasin
All my Relations
Bring to your mind and actions that which is known in your heart.
Bring to yur lips that which sings within.
Bring to your hands that which touches within.
Bring to your feet that which moves within.
Bring to your eyes the vision from within.
Allow the inner world life in the manifest.
This is my message to you
Meditation...I seek and find my ties of kinship with all life. I honour my relatives by living lightly on the earth.
Well said Fleur. 😎
Mitakuye Oyasin
To me, Historian, the saying "Mitakuye Oyasin - my relations all" means a lot.
By respecting every Being: animals, human, plants, everything that is I feel in harmony with myself and my surroundings.
Let's say, it is like a "mission statement" that I call upon which helps me to go through every days life (not sure if I explain myself properly).
I think it is such a simple saying with a very deep meaning and a profound effect to my heart.
P.S.: I hope my post makes sense please bear with me as English is not my first language 😮
...P.S.: I hope my post makes sense please bear with me as English is not my first language 😮
You expressed yourself very well. I'm curious though. If you don't mind my asking, what is your first language?
Is there a tradition you follow with this type of message, or a similar philosophy of life?
Is there a tradition you follow with this type of message, or a similar philosophy of life?
I don't think you'll get an answer to a 6 year old thread. Why restart them? Why not post something new?
Good idea.