Hi guys - just wondering whether anyone has any views on this:
This morning my partner and I were awoken by a swift arriving in our bedroom, through an open window. It fluttered against the curtains a few times and then sat quietly and allowed my partner to catch and release it.
Once outside again it flew several times round the garden, teamed up with its mate and actually came back right up to the window several times.
I know that in one world-view you could say it was just looking for a nest site and as our window opens right under the eaves it was just exploring possibilities.
I would like to look from another perspective though, but am not quite certain of my understanding. I know that there is the term 'swift' meaning at great speed, but there is also the fact that the bird itself spends most of its life on the wing as they are unable (unlike swallows) to land on the ground due to their tiny legs.
If you have read my recent post 'Any Ideas?' you will be aware that we have just found our dream home, but this is complicated as my partner's house is on the market and unfortunately things are pretty dormant there at the moment, my home is a rented property.
So I could either interpret that things will now move swiftly for us in achieving our dreams, or that we will need to continue renting - life on the wing - for much much longer. My choice of interpretation will obviously be affected by my desires, so I would appreciate any input from other members!! 🙂
I look forward to reading any replies
Blessings ~ Wispy x
Swift: Speed and agility in the great quest; responding to opportunity is what Ted Andrews seems to think.
As your partner caught it and released it, perhaps he has some progress coming with the release of his house, lets hope and keep fingers, toes and other bits crossed 😉
Hiya Fleur - thanks for your reply - def keeping fingers and everything else crossed!!
Not long after I posted I had a thought pop in my head - the swift was looking at our house as a potential home but was unsuccessful and will need to keep looking but will eventually find exactly the right spot - maybe this will be the same for us.
We then actually had an official viewing of the property we have been contemplating and yes we still have a lovely feel about it but the agent explained that they have already rejected 2 offers higher than the asking price due to there being so much interest in it so we have realised that even if my partner's house sold we would be clutching at straws in financing this move <>
However, as things turn out we were driving down the road to the house - a lovely isolated country track really and there was a little sign in the gateway to a field '10 acres and fishing lake for sale' ...... so after the viewing we went back and had a look - wow - what a lovely feeling there was there also!! I'm now researching like crazy our local planning dept's view on rural housing!
Best bit was the dragonflies which are one of my lower world guides - so maybe serendipity at work?
Blessings ~ Wispy xx