is this home ??
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is this home ??

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Hello e1 ,
I am looking for a home for my beliefs, I say my beliefs, it is not like I have chosen them or even developed them, they are just thereinside, like facts from a previous life. I only heard of shamanism yesterday so please excuse my ignorance. Azalia verykindly pointed me to this forum, suggesting that Imay find some answers on here and with shamanism. I am looking for possible expainations to what happens to me. I have never attempted to explore this subject and have neverpurposely nutured these feelings.It is clear to me that there is another "world" or past life to me. Something that has nothing to do with modern living or traditional ideas of religion. It is my inner feeling that, what is importantin lifeis a harmony with the animal world, well not only the animal world but with plants andthe elements with spirits &ancestors.

I don't know whether you will have seen my post "Anyone understand me ...please" it is in General Discussions on HP, if you would like a nosey, please do. In hindsight I should have posted the thread in this forum , but as I say I had no idea what samanism was (well still don't really) Anyway if you would like to read about my experiencesplease do , i would be very happy to hear from thoseobviously so much wiser than me.

wishing you peace and happiness

water dragon

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RE: is this home ??

Hello Waterdragon,
Id rather not comment on shamanism, not that I don't believe in it, quite the opposite in fact but thereis afargreater knowledge inpeople here on HP to guide you on this subject. The reason I'm replying is; I experience the same feelings as you, in that, since an early age I have had these feelings of, what I can only express as the 'knowing',with a sense of being boundto a place that this time has forgot.I also have a sensitivity toward nature, combined witha deep sense ofLove that knows no bounderiesandan inner knowledge that just does not reflect my parentage or my up bringing.I come from anormal loving background,yet Icannot dismiss these deep feeelings of needing something else. From the age of 7, I started searching for God, and Answers. Sifting through books on religion, the supernatural and the occult. These booksfilled me with the knowledge I yearned, making me feel less alone and less different. Over theyears Ihave joined many differentchurches, from C of E to Jesus People,hoping it would makeme feel more complete, sadly not.:( So instead, like many,I gather evidence. I have been studying/searching through data on reincarnation for a very long time, in order to gain answers. I havebeen shownall the proof I need, to know that itIS real, (upstairs have been very giving, in showing/guiding me to those in experience of complete far memory) so I know i'm not crazy, which would have been easier as there is plenty of scientific/psychological data to explain anddiagnose. One day, soon I hope, the world of science may acknowledge that which cannot be seen both supernatural and paranormal and open a proper channel for this field of study.Idon't seem to be ableunlock my memory (although I have certain fleeting glances through dream ) and like you,are drawn to certainareas that ring home/true like herefor you, Shamanism. Just remember, life is a gift and so is what you carry in your heart, Share it and Rejoice it. Love yourself, those around you and most of all Love Life. Good luckon your quest, it does sound, from what you have said that shamanism could be the root you are seeking.
Love and Light

P.S as I wasfinishing this, my phone just rang. Afriend who is one of my case studdiesinto far memory wanted me to know that shehas almostcompleted her book which is about her memories as Cristopher Marlowe (the playwrite). Itcovers the factsand contreversy surroundinghis death and more importantly gives more evidence of reincarnation.The book is entitled 'The supposed death of Cristopher Marlowe' by Brenda Claire Harwood due date 2nd may, sounds like a plug I know, but to me itssynchronicity.

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RE: is this home ??

Thanks for a fantastic reply Phayth. I share your views on so many things, it was very calming to read your post, yes -THANK YOU !-I am not completely barking (or well if i am at least I'm not alone)

I have had pm's and postsfrom some wonderful people since joining HP and the whole experience has helped me to relax into my situation, and now I feel I can continue this journey with a calmer and clearer mind. I feel that I don't need to ask so many questions as, in fact, I know a lot of the answers already. Ok, so I don'tknow how or why i have the gift, but there are facts about this world that i jus know andother answers are in me.

I am going to take time to write down my feelings , no - from now on I will not say that they are feelings,it is an inner knowlege, Imay evenpost whatI find on here, thenpeople can comment on them, rip them to pieces orthere maybe somonewho isable to helpme tocatorgorise themas 1 "ism" or another, it might suggest their origin.The fact is,I have never studied or read up on any set of beliefs. So, what I find will be unbiased andwithout influence- these willjust be what Iknow from within.

Our experiences seem similar, I am from what you would call a "normal" up bringing, the difference is that you embraced the situation from an early age and searched for answers, where as I hid from my feelings and experiences, believing that normality was the life that is thrust upon us in the modern western society.

any way i don't wish to drone on !
well thank you again - Phayth
peace always
water dragon
