Hi everyone,
Am fairly new to this forum, and my first experience of Shamanism was on a course with Jane Shutt at the North Yorkshire Shamanic Centre, in November last year - which was an incredible experience.
Wondered if people on here. had read a book and "done it" or had been on courses etc?
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Apache, Why dont you share some of your experiences with us, i love hearing people spiritual jorneys.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
I had read about shamanism and thought it sounded really intersting, I contacted Jane Shutt who said she had one place left on her Nov workshop so that was that.
When I got there I found that I had already been journeying just under a different name. I am trying to develope as an animal communicator, and there was a meditation that I used to do prior to a communication to meet my animal guide. I used to go to a beautiful moon light beach, and meet my guide.
Before we did our first journey, we where rattled in turn, and as soon as this started I was on my beach with my guide (who of course was my power animal aswell).
The first journey was a lower world journey, which was lovely, then in the afternoon we did an upper world journey to meet our teacher. Which again was a wonderful experience.
The second part of the course covered middle world journeys, in which I talked to the spirit of a fern. Then we did a healing ceremony.
I also journeyed later to meet my house spirit.
I was recently on a crystals course, and we where meant to be meditating with a crystal - I was off there though at my beach with my power animal!
How did I get into this in the first place? Well I was a perfectly normal person 🙂 until the arrival of a horse called Apache! In my quest to help him I discovered Reiki and all sorts of things.
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Apache
I was a "read the book and done it" person ha ha ha!!! I had always had strange dreams and often had dreams of being animals, especially wolves and unicorns. This was ever since I was really young, I was also trying to find where I fitted in, until I brought a picture of a shaman indian and then the journey began. I brought "The way of the Shaman" book and that was it I finally found where I fitted in! I have done most of my journeying and such from there.
I have met a lot of guides through journeying, but I am now adept at knowing when I need to journey and go straight down my hole and through to the other side. I often get pulled into journeys as well from my wolf guide, very strange to feel your soul being pulled out of you! 😀
I have been to a shaman open day and was taken to meet the trees, I still go and to the wishing pool. That was also the time that I actually become a wolf, could feel the claws and the teeth and everything - my hands litrally turned into claws amazing!!
I have a long way to go still as there is soo much to learn but I have found a distance course so will enrol in that very soon.
I could talk for hours on this as I really feel very connected to shamanism. It is like a friendly warm blanket that when you put it on fills you with happy memories and thoughts! Through doing reiki my shamanism meditations have become part and parcel of it, fantastic.
With love
P.s My business is named after 2 of my animal guides MaginSpirit - they wanted me to use them and it is such a pretty name don't you think?
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Apache, my sister love horses and i love your experience, you know my sister has sent for apache made saddle. When she was young she went everywhere with her bear feet and she also rides bear back, a medium told my mum years ago when we was out her house that my sister had a wild Apache indain guide with her and today at nearly 50 my sister is as wlid as ever when rideing her horses he he:D and her house is for her animal she just lives there. I think one of the lovelest meditations is on the beach.
I meet my guide and animals at a waterfull surrounded by a forest.
Maria, how did you find the CD have you found running bear yet. I hope you both keep telling your experiences of your journey.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Maria,
Thats lovely, I've got the Way of the Shaman aswell - excellent book!
I probably don't journey as often as I could, I know once I hadn't done one for a few weeks, and my power animal was rather annoyed with me as I hadn't been to talk to him!
You sound very intune with shamanism, and the time you became a wolf must have been amazing!
I too have weird dreams...
These things are always like opening a can of worms, the more you know the more you realise you don't know! I know I've got a very long way to go in this aswell..
MaginSpirit is lovely - such a nice name
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Lightwinds
Our posts crossed!
I too like to my horse's ride bareback (well ride one of them bareback 0 the other is a bit too wild!).
That is wonderful about her having an Apache guide 🙂 And it is great that she is still as wild at 50 - I hope I am too! She does sound a bit like me - her house isn't really untidy aswell is it?LOL
The meeting place at a waterfall sounds beautiful, very peaceful.
The CD sounds intersting - can I ask what it is?
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Apache, yes her house is untidy, the Cd is about Native American pictures, About over a 1,000 i think any way names of a lot of tribes chiefs and the way they lived differant tribes and men on their horses the year is around middle 1800s will send you one free just PM me.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
Ps I work with a Medicine Man(guide).
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Lightwinds / Apache
Yes I have found him wendy - right there like he told me he would, I had him confirm it 3 times as in the photo he appears a bit older than in Spirit but saying that the last 2 times he has appeared it has been like in the photo, and with the headdress on. He is Cheif Garfield. [sm=smlove2.gif] and he is lovely - I knew it was him as the love I feel for him is really heartfelt.
I was amazed with the CD. it was like walking on a familiar journey and sometimes meeting old friends! I love it soo much, thanks for copying for me - apache you must get this.
I had a guy e-mail me saying that he had a guide called running bear and he sent me this really crappy picture that he had found, bear wouldn't let me send the picture from the cd so sent one of the ones I found on the net - but the guy hasn't e-mailed me since so not sure what has happened - maybe I will mail him.
I would love a horse, but unfortuneatley can't afford one at the moment! I went horse riding in mexico when I went over, both times on the same horse! he was lovely and called Mike Tyson, we went on a 3 hr ride then an all day one where we went into the valley and then up through the foothills of the sierra madras mountains - really fantastic. Mike was actually one of the cheif guides horses but he let me ride him! 🙂
The two guides said that I was a natural and I now cannot ride in the Uk as it is too rigid - I love riding on the wetern saddles.
Apache - don't worry about not journeying enough - I tend to have journeys were I just go and run or play with my guides, I have a horse guide who I ride a lot in journeys and it is a great feeling as I am riding over plains and all the guiides are there as well. It is a great feeling. Have you journeyed to get wisdom from your tree yet. Let me know if you want to and I will explain how ok!
Shamanism is soo deep and I have so many books on it - different people have different views but the more I read the more I learn and put into practice - I am reading one at the moment about interpreting shamanism into modern day life, I have to finish it but I have been side tracked as I have to finish the book on "The keys of Avalon" it is about the true origins or king Arthur and dispelling the glastonbury and england myths that have been written about him as was primarily a king in north wales - bloody good book.
Anyway better go as I will be writing my own novel soon.
With love
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
So glad you found him and it is like going on a journey when looking at the photos and it hit you in the old tum and im shore the cd was meant to go to you maria as you know we are all shareing a journey together and im shore the past life remembering come from within our hearts with love. If the man need your help he will be intouch if not then not to worry move forward to the next calling.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hiya Maria & Lightwinds
Thanks both of you for sharing your expereinces - very fascinating, have pm#d you Lightwinds with my details many thanks 🙂
Horse riding - either on journeys or in real life is amazing - real feeling of freedom and oneness.
I haven't journeyed yet to get wisdom from my tree - that sounds very interested!
Do you mind me asking if you still use a drumming tape to journey or have you dispensed with it?
I've read Jane Shutt's book - which is the one you are reading at the moment? (the King Arthur one sounds excellent I am very interested in his legends, keep promising myself that I won't buy any more books until I have read all my book mountian but keep failing abysmally!)
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Apache
I never used the drumming - I got one and it really interferred lol so I don't use it! I get feelings that I need to journey and just go off! the tapes are really weird anyway as they get distorted. I am soo used to meditating with out music it feels weird to journey with music too.
Just ask your gides to bring you to a tree, then slowly merge with it and ask for its wisdom, it is a really weird feeling as you begin to stretch and mingle with the ground and branches amazing!! It is something that has to be experianced to be believed, the feelings and the protection you feel is really strong. Also falling off a waterfall and merging with the water WOW!!!
I know what you mean about the book mountain!!! I have a huge one! The arthur one is fantastic and really is amazing, I didn't really go big time on him but this book is just proving everything about him wrong!
Horsering is great! I even recognised a horse from the CD!!! strange! ha ha ha!
With love
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Thanks Maria,
After the drumming on the course the CD felt wrong somehow - intrusive but after reading that people journey to drumming I felt I must!
Just had a lovely journey without any sound, and it was great!
My power animal said this wasn't the right time for me to merge with a tree, but a time will come for me to feel the elements.
Thanks again
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
I have read all your posts with great interest, you definately struck a chord with me, I would love to go through this, as it seems to me like a magical and wonderful experience. I have copied all name of books, but do not have the authors names, please could you pass this on to me, and would you know of anyone who would do this in Scotland.
I have to add I was recommended a book called soul retrieval by Sandra Ingreman, from Scared Star, this book explains about case studies, and her own experience, this is a book worth recommending.
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Spiritual Happiness
I will get the names of books and authors for you and post them tomorrow. If you go onto amazon.co.uk and search under shamanism there are a lot of good books, also I think lightwinds posted a link to a good shaman book site so have a look through. Found this link
I would suggest just looking through the title and seeing which one speaks to you as being one you would like to read. Way of the Shaman is by M. Harner and is a good book to begin with!
Hope this helps and I will drop down some book titles and authors tomorrow.
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Spiritual Happiness,
You could maybe subscibe to Sacred Hoop - that has a list of advertisers in the back, or maybe go to some Mind Body & Spirit fairs, there are often shaman's there. (Although I know it is better to go off personal recommendation - if you see someone at a MBS you could have a chat with them and see if you think they are the right person for you to work with?)
I msut admit I had read about shamanism, and most of the courses where "down south" (to live in the South West - there seems to be so many courses on down there!) then someone recommended Jane Shutt, from North Yorkshire, and that was it for me!
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Thank you all for your help, it looks like I will have to travel, we don't get the mbs sexhibition in Scotland, not that I know of anyway. If anyone knows differently please pm, with the details, greatly appreciated.
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
I have looked into the Amazon site, for books on shaminism, but very unsure which was is the best to read, on the subject.
Please could anyone pm, me on the details that I need.
Many thanks,
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi spiritualhappyness, if you look on the post i put Nice Site a couple of post before this one you will see a site i put and on there they do a correspondence coures on shamanism.
And a good book i like is The Wind Is My Mother............ THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF A NATIVE AMERICAN SHAMAN....Bear Heart
with Molly Larkin.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi spiritsualhappiness
Sorry I haven'r replied earlier, I would really recommend "The Way of the Shaman" by Michael Herner, it is a great introduction. I will PM you with the titles of some books that will help also.
With love
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Apache,
I have been a spiritual healer for many years, and always looking for something that would benefit my clients I became interested in Native American Spirituality which lead me to learn about shamanism. The Native American Teachings and the Shamanic teachings sang to my soul, it was like receiving information that I already knew. As I was offered books to read I was saying to myself I am already doing this or I already know this. I did a two year correspodence course with Ravenlodge back in the mid 90's . Wishing to expand my knowledge, one Thursday night I prayed, I wanted to do my shamanic work properly, so I prayed "Please send me a teacher"
On Friday morning I switched on my computer and the first unsolicted message read
"Native American wishing to teach in the U.K" I decided to reply, as I was typing the reply a great spiritual feeling coursed through my body and I knew my decision was right.
Tony Dreamwalker came accross and taught me what he knew, I went accross to the USA and attended a POW - WOW . I was honoured by being made a Sacred Pipe Carrier, and the Chief blessed the pipe.
Shamanism is not a religion, it is a way of life it opens up your heart, your mind and your spirit. You feel the connection with all about you and the understanding of why are we here
begins to make sense.
I still have much to learn and the journey is more like an adventure with it's up's and down's
and moments of pure joy.
Shamanism has taught me much, how did I get into shamanism more like how did shamanism get into me <smile>
I hope your journey continues to astound you,
Many Bright Blessings,
Paul Big Bear
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Thankyou all for sharing your stories, about how you all got into Shamanism, they are fascinating 😀 I still don't know yet if Shamanism is for me i need to read a few books about it but i have allways felt a great spiritual connection to nature around me especially birds i have to say, I love wildlife and just recently my spiritual path began in mid february i felt like my life was going nowhere and so wanted to find "something" a reason for me being here i suppose, i am a very quiet solitary person and a month ago somehow through meditation and openeing myself up to wanting to know more of everything i discovered a whole new world within myself, sometimes at night things happen which i cannot explain at first i was really scared because i didnt know what was happening to me, i saw many unexplained things , and am at the very start of my new spiritual journey, i now know how to protect myself and ground myself thanks to great friends on here 😉 ~ I have also discovered Reiki which i love and am now past the 21 days since my first attunement, so i am healing myself and family at the moment, I wish to know more about Shamanism but i also need to stay connected to god the holy Mary and The Angels, i didnt used to be very religious at all but seeing and sensing things have opened my eyes to this wonderfull world/universe of ours.:) Blessings to you all.
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Dear Hawkwind,
I to had a conflict at first but have come to learn that we do not have to lose contatc with God or Holy Mary. Creator (God), created EVERYTHING so everything is made with his/her spirit, and it is this spirit which binds us all.
You cannot fall out of God for there is no place to fall.
A book you may like to read is Mother Earth Spirituality by Ed Mc Gaa, Eagle Man.
Harper Collins ISBN 0-06-250596-3
Many Bright Blessings,
Paul Big Bear
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Thankyou Paul , it does indeed look like a great book. 🙂
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi all, kind of a natural progression for me......as i realised that shamanism is the nearest thing that combines and blends all the healing /teachings etc. i was learning......in a way i've always been it but never knew..
plus mediums and psychics were all telling me this is what i am...
blessings, paul medicine owl
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Wise Owl
Good to see you in the forum again...hope all is well, don't be a stranger...
Take care
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Well Paul Big Bear, The book that you recommended is an absolute delight, thankyou so much for telling me about it, and Maria i have the way of the Shaman to read next hun, thankyou;) it is wonderfull to read about the way you all travel into Shamanism. [sm=grouphug.gif]
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
My own path is at the beginning but still convoluted.
I have been interested in Shamanism for quite a while off and on. I have read quite a few books but never really did anything about it.
More recently it has come around again and this time smacked me right in the face!! My first successful journey (with drumming CD from the Celtic Totems book) introduced me to my first totem animal, my bear. Since then there have been too many coincidences and messages, that this time interest is rapidly becoming obession :D:D:D
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Hawkwind,
I am glad that you enjoyed your book. There are so many informative books to choose from.
Look forward to hearing from you and how you are progressing.
Many Bright Blessings,
Paul Big Bear [sm=FIFangel.gif] "spread your wings and fly"
RE: How did you get into shamanism?
Hi Every one,
I am a half breed
Cherokee Americain Indian, I have not been taught the "old ways" I went back to Cherokee Indian Resavation in N.C. USA not to far from where I live trying to find a Shaman to help me I know I'm on the right path just came against a block.
I need to know about Healing practices and the way of the Shaman, the "Old ones" are a dieing breed and keep too themselves on this level of teaching. I was told by one elder that he was to old to teach me but keep searching.
I've got it in my blood..I have just relized it in my middle age that I need this teaching. So if you guys can help me or point me in the right direction I will be truly greatful,
God Bless,