Hiya, is there anyone that can tell me what the significance of these two birds are?.......I'm not having the best of days today, banging my head against a brick wall trying to get my daughter a place in the local primary school & just hope that seeing these two birds this morning may be a positive symbol. On my way taking my daughter into pre school this morning I saw a Heron in flight & then when I went to collect her, in about the same place I saw a Skylark flying from a branch, I have seen herons once or twice where I live but never a skylark:)..beautiful..on both occasions I was not with my daughter, when I saw the Heron I'd just dropped her off & when I saw the skylark I was on my way to collect her...any insight would be greatly appricated
RE: Heron & Skylark
Hi amy,
It is thought to be extremely unlucky, for a Heron to fly over your house, and it has been known for fishermen to pack away their tackle if a heron lands nearby....it is said.
When the lake dries, the Heron dies.
The skylark, in Chinese folklore is thought to be a spirit of a dead relative...thought to come as a protective spirit.......the Skylark, sometimes feigns injuries to lure predators away from it's nest, and it;s chicks....it is also renound for it's perpetual singing.
You delight in laying down laws.
Yet, you delight more in breaking them,
They see only their shadows, and their
Shadows are the laws.
People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum,
And you can loosen the strings of the lyre,
But who can command the Skylark not to sing.
Khalil Gibran
I think the message these spirits are trying to convey is one of defiance and strength....don't give up, and keep your spirits up......like the Skylark....keep singing and protect your own. IMO.
Oakapple xx
RE: Heron & Skylark
Thanks Oakapple[sm=1kis.gif]
I had no idea the heron was 'unlucky'
RE: Heron & Skylark
Herons are normally secretive birds, hunting by stealth, and don't usually allow anybody/thing near them.
They live in heronries (groups) and leave the nesting area in the day to hunt, returning at night.
Skylark are a ground nesting bird, that nest on moor and heath and open grassland.
The fact that you saw a skylark on a branch is a bit unusual because they fly high in the open sky
to a) show off to intended mates;
b) show off to e.g. buzzards that they are so fit they aren't worth chasing to catch and eat because they
can easily evade a predator.
So, you have seen two birds in the from the same place,
and could be interpreted as being in unusual places for them.
Perhaps your daughter would be in a non-suitable place at that school,
or that you would have to take her there for the day, and fetch her every night.
I hope you get something you want, but .....
Perhaps the message could be find somewhere else for your daughter,
she won't fit in there/your lifestyle would be adversely affected taking herthere etc.
It may be just a reward that you saw something unusual and pleasant.
We have to interpret our own signs/dreams/journeys
because one +ve sign for me might be a -ve sign for you.
My 2€ - for what thats worth, sorry I can't help more.
RE: Heron & Skylark
We have to interpret our own signs/dreams/journeys
because one +ve sign for me might be a -ve sign for you.
Hi stickwhistler..yes you're quite right..thanks for the reminder:)