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Hello Everyone! Advice Urgently Needed

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Greetings to you all!

It's great that there is a thriving community of Shamans and neophytes to get together and exchange experiences, inights, and ideas. I'm really looking forward to spending lots of time to catch up on all the topics and posts of the last few weeks on this forum and get a feel for things.

I'm posting beforehand due to a lucid nightmare that has me unnerved. As a brief pre-amble, I experienced a dream on January 20 this year, and it triggered an explosion of dreams almost nightly thereafter. Prior to that, my dream life was very very dull and unremarkable.

Last night's nighmare has me asking for help for the first time, so I'm reall looking forward to any insights that can be offered.

Here goes:

Lucid nightmare:

In the nightmare, I wake up, in my bed, in my home. I feel that old, familiar, horrible agony, in my spine, up near the base of my skull. This time, I decide I'm going to do something about it. I reach back, put my hand inside my body, where the pain is, and I pull out a long, thin, black snake. No sooner do I pull that one out, than I feel another stirring there. "Ah ha! There's another one!" I say to myself. I reach in to do the same thing, but this time, there's a fight. Such an agony ensues that I'm reduced to whimpering and calling outloud over and over again, "No! No! No.." I'm paralyzed, but I can at least keep vocalizing as I try to bring myself out, but I can't. Luckily, my cat does. The snake I pulled out was dead.

Well, that's it! Thanks for reading!

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If you want shamanic advice I would re-post this on the shamanism forum

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I've now moved this thread over to the Shamanism forum. 😉

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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But why do you want shamanic advice about this dream?

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EnergyZ, would it be possible for you to post the link where I can find it? There are a lot of forums and it doesn't jump out at me right away.

Also, I apologize if I come in asking for something. I actually feel bad about posting now. As for the question as to why I want shamanic advice with regards to this dream, that seems like a strange question, since this is a forum about shaminism and the dreamworld is a big part of it.

In any case, it may be difficult to provide advice without a lot more context, and I doubt anyone would want to wade through the thousands and thousands of words worth of context that preceedes this dream experience.

I'm digesting what happened, and I have reason to believe that this particular dream/nightmare excursion may actually be my very first forray into the shamanic underworld on someone else's behalf, and not just my own, although my own as well.

When I posted this I was pretty shaken up. I still am, but I'm going to process this experience over the next several days and follow up with my own healing initiatives.

I have a lot to offer as well, and I look forward to seeing where and how I can contribute within this forum.

Thanks for reading.

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Hi EnergyZ

I found it, nevermind. 🙂

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As for the question as to why I want shamanic advice with regards to this dream, that seems like a strange question, since this is a forum about shaminism and the dreamworld is a big part of it.

First of all, midnightsun, my apologies for the rather blunt question . I simply meant that, since dreaming and shamanism – although I can see a connection – are not the same thing, why did you specifically want shamanic advice as opposed to (for example) dreaming advice.

I'm digesting what happened, and I have reason to believe that this particular dream/nightmare excursion may actually be my very first forray into the shamanic underworld on someone else's behalf, and not just my own, although my own as well.

From this, I assume that you journey to your spirit helpers already. What have they said about this dream?

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Hi Cowan,

Thanks for clarifying! 🙂

I have not met my spirit guides. I never intended to practice Shaminism, I was just a tourist up until I had a dream, on January 20, that really shook things up. After that the dreams have been flooding in ever since. Lucid dreams. All the time.

To summarize the first dream briefly, I was talking to a Shaman on the phone. He reached through the phone and touched my cheek. I felt that touch physically. It wasn't just my cheek that was touched, it was my soul. I never believed in chakras, but after that dream my chakras were "spinning" out of control, for weeks. It took weeks to settle all that down. That's the summary.

So with no intentions of practicing shamanism, I'm still dealing with the effects of what has happened, which has occurred under the auspices of Shamanism.

That last dream about the snake was so upsetting, the only protection that seems to work for me is saying the Lord's prayer. I'm not cut out for this Shaman stuff, but I think a Shaman has forced all this to the surface, so I either have to deal with it, or go completely insane, and likely die.

Today I get the feeling that all this is going to recede gently away, like a mist.

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Hi Cowan,

Thanks for clarifying! 🙂

I have not met my spirit guides. I never intended to practice Shaminism, I was just a tourist up until I had a dream, on January 20, that really shook things up. After that the dreams have been flooding in ever since. Lucid dreams. All the time.

To summarize the first dream briefly, I was talking to a Shaman on the phone. He reached through the phone and touched my cheek. I felt that touch physically. It wasn't just my cheek that was touched, it was my soul. I never believed in chakras, but after that dream my chakras were "spinning" out of control, for weeks. It took weeks to settle all that down. That's the summary.

So with no intentions of practicing shamanism, I'm still dealing with the effects of what has happened, which has occurred under the auspices of Shamanism.

That last dream about the snake was so upsetting, the only protection that seems to work for me is saying the Lord's prayer. I'm not cut out for this Shaman stuff, but I think a Shaman has forced all this to the surface, so I either have to deal with it, or go completely insane, and likely die.

Today I get the feeling that all this is going to recede gently away, like a mist.

You might want to google 'Kundalini', just a thought.....

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Hi Cowan,

So with no intentions of practicing shamanism, I'm still dealing with the effects of what has happened, which has occurred under the auspices of Shamanism.

There can be a lot of things that happen in dreams that are nothing to do with shamanism. I also don;t think it is possible to accidentally take a shamanic journey - but no doubt the lovely Crowan will correct me if I am wrong 🙂

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There can be a lot of things that happen in dreams that are nothing to do with shamanism. I also don;t think it is possible to accidentally take a shamanic journey - but no doubt the lovely Crowan will correct me if I am wrong 🙂

Not particularly lovely
I agree. Part of the definition of a shamanic journey is that it is done with intention.

To summarize the first dream briefly, I was talking to a Shaman on the phone. He reached through the phone and touched my cheek. I felt that touch physically. It wasn't just my cheek that was touched, it was my soul. I never believed in chakras, but after that dream my chakras were "spinning" out of control, for weeks. It took weeks to settle all that down. That's the summary.
So with no intentions of practicing shamanism, I'm still dealing with the effects of what has happened, which has occurred under the auspices of Shamanism.

See a shamanic practitioner /shaman. (If you are within travelling distance of Scarborough, I’d be happy to see you. Where do you live? Maybe I would know of someone.)S/he could probably sort it out and, in any case, put your experience and your dream into some context.

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Thank you Cowan.

If you can provide context for me in London, can you provide it for me here? Or are there fees involved? (L0L!)

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With Shamanism, you're delving into the realm of the "impossible." The astral realm is a dimension of mind, and anyone can go there and anything can happen there. You can definitely end up somewhere you don't "intend" to end up and from what I've experienced, it's definitely someplace you don't want to end up for long.

Also, there are no authorities on Shamanism. I hold to the traditional view that Shamans are recognized as healers by their community. Basically, you're not a Shaman unless a community says so. Shamanic practitioner, perhaps. Shamanic practitioners hardly have the last word on a artform that's up to 20,000 years old.

On the other hand, I never claimed that this was an accidental shamanic journey, but even still when you really think about it, "shaman" or "shamanic" is a word we assign to such experiences. Who makes up the rules about it?

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If you can provide context for me in London, can you provide it for me here? Or are there fees involved? (L0L!)

If you are asking me for help, then I will ask my spirit helpers what best advice I can give to you. I’ll try to do this within the next couple of days. I prefer to work in person and I do not do distance healing, but I will do what I can.

With Shamanism, you're delving into the realm of the "impossible." The astral realm is a dimension of mind, and anyone can go there and anything can happen there. You can definitely end up somewhere you don't "intend" to end up and from what I've experienced, it's definitely someplace you don't want to end up for long.

I’ve never ‘astral travelled’, and I’m not really sure what people mean by ‘astral’. According to Wikipedia: It is the world of the [url]planetary spheres[/url], crossed by the soul in its [url]astral body[/url] on the way to being born and [url]after death[/url], and generally said to be populated by [url]angels[/url], spirits or other immaterial beings I’ve been to and from the Land of the Dead frequently and have not found the astral on the way.

Also, there are no authorities on Shamanism.

Actually, there are many. Native shamans are authorities on their own cultural ways of shamanism.

I hold to the traditional view that Shamans are recognized as healers by their community.

Most native shamans do little healing. We tend to think in terms of healing because our culture needs so much of it, but native shamans who keep their communities in balance with the spirits need to do much less healing than we do. The shaman keeps that balance and negotiates between spirits and the community. Much of my work is negotiating with nature spirits.

Basically, you're not a Shaman unless a community says so.

Yes, this is one main reason that reputable ‘practitioners’ here do not call themselves ‘shaman’. However:
· some of us do the same work as a shaman
· I have friends here who do the same type of work as I do who are regarded as shamans by various native societies that they visit (one Tuvan, the other Mongolian);
· the spirits may well consider a practitioner here to be a ‘shaman’ (I’m particularly meaning spirit teachers here – most nature/land spirits will call any ‘spirit-talker’ a “shaman”. After all, as far as they are concerned, only shamans come to talk to them.)
Having said that. I still refer to myself as a shamanic practitioner.

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Cowan, you said I needed perspective, but now you say I need healing. I appreciate your offer to send long distance healing, and I, with great respect and appreciation, decline that offer.

Wikipedia gets its information from people like you and I. With all due respect, you are no more of an authority on whether or not I have astral travelled, than I am.

Because the nature of these dreams have been very odd and different to say the least, the astral realm seem like a compelling and viable explanation for what I have been experiencing.

Anyone publishing a book on the subject is an authority in so far as their research and experiences take them. Some may have more experience and more insight, but even among the "authorities" opinions with respect to the "last word" on the topic can vastly differ.

Instead of getting possible insights into my origina concern, I find myself instead, defending my experience with people who want to be seen as authorities.

I come here for the give and take as equals. You may offer your opinion. I may agree. I may differ. If I decide to differ than I can provide as many referenceable counter points as you can provide points, but that's not really what I came here for.

My experience is credible and valid, whether it was a dream or a shamanic journey. But if anyone says categorically that what I experienced is not a shamanic journey, then it becomes a power play.

Not one of my favorite games.

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Cowan, you said I needed perspective, but now you say I need healing. I appreciate your offer to send long distance healing, and I, with great respect and appreciation, decline that offer.

Please read what I wrote. I said that I do not do distance healing but that I was prepared to ask my spirit helpers what advice I could give.

Wikipedia gets its information from people like you and I. With all due respect, you are no more of an authority on whether or not I have astral travelled, than I am.

I said nothing about whether or not you had astral travelled. I said I hadn’t and knew nothing about it.
I do not pretend to be an authority. I speak from my own experience and from the experiences of my friends and/or students.
Did I say that your experience was or was not a journey?

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Forgive me. I did misread that.

As for astral travel, what it actually is, is anyone's guess. For me, it's a dream that seems more real than real life, and it's effects can last anywhere from days to months. That's what I use as my discerning tool.

If the effects evaporate within a day, I dismiss it as an ordinary dream.

Secondly, another poster here dismissed my experience as non-shamanic, and turned to you for comfirmation, which you implicitly provided in your answer. But now you're acting a bit dodgey. Shamanic practitioners should always be clear on their intent. Was it your intent to confirm, or deny that I experienced a shamanic journey to the underworld?

If you can't be clear about what your intent is, when you're communiating with me, the OP, then I don't see how you can be clear about your intent when asking your spirit guides for advice. So, may as well save your energy - but I DO appreciate the offer, truly.

Personally I find that insights into other's situations come to me unbidden, and when they do, I just go ahead and communicate that. If they don't, well, I consider the spirits have found someone else to prod with whatever dilemma is floating around.

Also, your willingness to communicate about the problem rergardless, has a great deal of merit. I truly admire and respect you for that.

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With Shamanism, you're delving into the realm of the "impossible." The astral realm is a dimension of mind, and anyone can go there and anything can happen there. You can definitely end up somewhere you don't "intend" to end up and from what I've experienced, it's definitely someplace you don't want to end up for long.

Also, there are no authorities on Shamanism. I hold to the traditional view that Shamans are recognized as healers by their community. Basically, you're not a Shaman unless a community says so. Shamanic practitioner, perhaps. Shamanic practitioners hardly have the last word on a artform that's up to 20,000 years old.

On the other hand, I never claimed that this was an accidental shamanic journey, but even still when you really think about it, "shaman" or "shamanic" is a word we assign to such experiences. Who makes up the rules about it?

I do not practice shamanism but have read about it on here (Crowan is a mine of information) and read a book she recommended. I am still struggling with the difference between a meditation and a shamanic journey tbh since they share many characteristics.

I believe there ARE authorities on shamanism and that like any spiritual path it needs some sort of framework to support the growth that I believe is part of all spiritual paths of any type.. The approach you advocate seems to be to be rather unstructured . But as I know very little I will now bow out of this debate

PS I don't really believe in astral travel so...............

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Neither of you have offered any insights, or help into my situation. Both of you are more interested in establishing yourselves as authorities.

What's the point? I didn't come here laying bare my worst nightmares only to end up trying to defend my experience.

Honestly who cares if this experience is shamaic, astral, telepathic, or otherwise? If you can help, then help. If you can't help, then why bother? You're only trying to make youselves look good at my expense.

And no, I don't see Crown as possessing any more information than I do on the topic. I didn't come here to debate it, but, maybe, if I ever have the extra energy, time, inclination, I'll start a legit debate about the topic and use logic to challange the so called authority on such a nebulous topic. But I doubt I will ever have the energy for that, because I just don't care.

Coming here to try to sort this was obviously a mistake.

In another thread I gave some damn good feedback on another situation, and you posted there as well as to who had the "legit" advice.

Do you actually give any helpful feedback arorund here, or do you just team up with other authorities in an attempt to put people "in their place"?

What a drag.

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Also, a lot of people are "professionals" in this or that field. They are motivated by the opportunity of extra business. I have not hung out a shingle. I'm here to offer the very best of my life experience, if it applies to another situation, and in the hopes of gaining help and insights into my own situations as well.

Intent. What is the intent of professional posters? Seems to be authority and profit - helping themselves, really. In a rather self serving, one sided way.

If I could, I would delete all my posts. But I can't. However, I shan't be back.

I'd stay just to offer support, but I don't really need you trailing me around questioning everything I say. That's not helpful to anyone either.

To me true authority comes from true results. Where are your results?

No need to answer, I won't be back to continue the conversation.
