I just wanted to share this and also to see if any one can give me some more of a feeling of what foxes are all about...
My last flat I was told the garden was a fox run...then moved house and there are lots of foxes living here too...I was with someone I am seeing, it was night time and there is a bit of the garden which is higher than the windows of the conservatory...we saw the outline of a big fox go by right next to the house and then he just went and sat so proudly at the side bit of the front garden it was amazing...so close to the house!! Then yesterday I was just thinking about this man as it is a slightly confusing situation and I looked out I saw a female fox..thought it was a cat at first...it was still light about 4 o'clock!! she was walking thru the garden-I was standing at the kitchen window and she looked right at me and then calmly carried on walking on her way...It was an amazing experience to have!!!
What I know of foxes...they are resilient, they are scavengers, they are very protective of family, also read somewhere they are like a gentler energy of a wolf...so Im thinking intutive??
I would be very interested to hear of anyones knowledge of foxes...trying to relate it to this situation as i wondered if it was a sign.
a fox will usually go for the easiest prey (a chicken in a coop is easier than a rabbit), they are a camouflage animal , can stay hidden out of view watching through the branches and very quick witted....although yours have been very obvious havn't they, not hidden away at all.....and the males can give off a very musky odour . ....., and they are a source of division for the pro / and anti, activist regarding hunting. now unfortunatley unable to decipher any of this what it means for you but something for you to ponder.
They say as cunning as a fox - so is there a situation where you might have to use your guile. Maybe there is something happening you are not sure about yet - "feeling foxed", in which case blend in with your environment and find out more whilst being discreet.
Foxes usually only come out when they feel it is safe to do so, usually dusk, at night, or early morning your female fox blessed you yesterday.
White*willow, it is funny that you say it was an amazing experience. I was out running through a wooded area one afternoon last summer and a giant fox just wandered out across in front of me. I froze as soon as I saw it, and it stopped and stared at me for what felt like eternity before casually walking into the undergrowth. It actually felt incredible, but when I told people about it, it didn't seem to be anything special to them.
I think it was the whole scenario for me, the sun, the stillness, the heat, and the largest fox I've ever seen in my life. It was just awesome, and I won't forget it.
It doesn't help add meaning to it, but I guess you should just be really pleased to have wildlife living so close to you that feel that comfortable in their, and your surroundings 🙂
I live in south London and there are foxes everywhere - I suppose all the rubbish bags left out all over the place make for rich pickings. Driving home at night you always see foxes sauntering across the road in front of you. I have had foxes living in my compost heap for years. I used to think they were nocturnal, but they often come out in the day to sun themselves in the back garden. I'm afraid to say I am not that fond of them, they leave their droppings everywhere like dogs, and they make a terrible noise at night - the vixens can make a spine-chilling noise like a woman screaming. I am forever finding chewed up shoes in my front garden - people leave their shoes out in their porches and, if the door is not secure, foxes snatch the shoes (presumably because they smell meaty) and run off with them, then realise they are not edible and drop them.
The most amazing thing I saw in my back garden was two magpies chasing off a fox. He was sitting on the lawn in the sun with a magpie on either side. One magpie would peck at the fox from one side and, when he turned to snap at it, the second magpie would move in and peck from the other side. This went on until the fox got up and slunk away.
There is a book called Animal-speak by Tim Andrews - that tells you about animals and their meanings -
The Fox is know by the indigenous tribes as being very persistent and has a very deep knowledge of anything hidden from the human eye....secrets !
Has someone confided in you lately ?..
You mentioned the Wolf.....wolf is a animal symbol of war, where-as the Fox is an animal symbol of a policman.....he keeps the peace within the family unit.
He helps to decypher dreams and by listening to your dreams.....can point you in the right direction.
The Fox will aid the healer.....just share in the powers of his swift and gentle energies.
Fleur...thanks your info on foxes got me thinking...the man Im seeing has a musky smell too 😀 hee hee! The fact about foxes causing divided opinions that relates as when I posted I was feeling divided opinions about the situation.
Binah thank you...I did feel very blessed on seeing the fox...and can see a simular theme...the situation did get me foxed..feel clearer about things now.
Savid- thanks for sharing...sounds like a beautiful experience to me...very lovely and meant for you..hope you will enjoy sharing your experiences on here its a good place to do so 😉
Elensdottir - heehee shoe eating foxes!! The thing with the magpies sounds funny...I read magpies are about secret knowledge too..and they are cheeky like foxes arent they but preferring shiney things to shoes...wonder what it means to see that..
Bluefloppy65- thanks I will look out for that book on the net 😉
Oakapple- thanks for the info about foxes..interestingly i was thinking yesterday in the day about how people often confide in me about their secrets...also i feel like i can sometimes see others 'secrets' but i have to be careful its not my imagination...thank you for the tips on how i can ask fox to help...i have seen a fox around me just before going to sleep...
Thanks all for replying :grouphug:
oh WOW!!! I have just seen the female fox playing, jumping around in the garden just a few feet from the kitchen window...:nature-smiley-008::nature-smiley-008::nature-smiley-008:
oh WOW!!! I have just seen the female fox playing, jumping around in the garden just a few feet from the kitchen window...:nature-smiley-008::nature-smiley-008::nature-smiley-008:
I love foxes, and have kept about six over the past 10 years, i get them as cubs from game keepers that just wanted them as a bit of practice for their dogs, (sickening, i know) all of the foxes that i've had, all except one have eventually escaped, but as i live in the Highlands, and am surrounded by woods and farmland, i'm quite happy to throw food out for them every night, untill after many months, i dont tend to see them again, hopefully by this time, they can look after themselves. I know the good and bad with them, and like any wild animal, they do whatever they can to survive, (wouldn't anybody) and i know for a fact, that most foxes are killed because the people killing them, or participating, enjoy it, their excuses are pathetic. I had my first cub when i was renevating my house, and she was with me constantly, i even took her in the car when i went to the shops, she would sit when told when i gave her some food, just like a dog, and would even take it from my lips as gently as possible. The first night she escaped, there was no sign of her, but the second night, (winter time) i saw a flash of white in the darkness dart across the lawn, i went inside the house, and came out with a big chunk of beef, (don't tell the wife!!!!) and waved it about as i called her, within minutes, she came up to me, and as she had it in her mouth, i just lifted her up, she put her front paws tightly around my neck as if to say ' i'm glad to be back home'. Yes foxes are great, and believe me, they don't get the reputation for being highly intelligent for nothing, i hope you get many more sightings of your fox, they are absolutely gorgeous. Dave.