HI this is taken from Shamanism Dolfyn book.
When you begin to study about, meditate upon, invokeand honor animals you may fine that a particular animal keeps showing up in your lifein one way or another.For instance, you might find that wherever you move, Crow is always around.Or you might find Crow feathers on the ground quite often.Or you might find that Bear comes to you often in your dreams
When this begins to happen, it is not a coincidence. All humans belong to an animal clan. However, our culture dose not realize this, and so we go about our lives unaware of our animal totem. Begin to pay attention, because your animal clan has been calling to you and inviting you to join them all your life.
When you do think, by knowledge of the heart, that you have discovered your clan, you can try on their name.If it feels right, then that will be your sacred name. For example, all my life I have dreamed often of dolphins, been very attracted to them, read and learned all I could about them.Then one day in Florida I found myself swimming with two wild dolphins. By this time Ihad studied the medicine teachings of tribal peoples and knew that this was an important event. I opened my heart to get a message from the dolphins, who told me I was of their clan.That is why my sacred name is Dolfyn.
Do not choose your animal clan, they choose you.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: Finding your Sacred clan name
Oh! Dear !!
What does it mean if your totem animal is a snake - and you hate the blooming things ?
Don't like the thought of anything slithery around me !!!!!! Urrrrgh !!!
I am drawn towards eagles, and I think horses are magnificent animals - but snakes are a no go area for me.
I don't like insects and creepy crawlies either - flies are an abomination because of the disease they spread..... and I am terrified of wasps and bees.
RE: Finding your Sacred clan name
Hi mariaob1,The uniform well i just got a glimpes of a army uniform when i was wrighting
at the time.In some of my meditation i fly on Eagle back, I wish you all the susses in your reiki. hope to talk again[sm=hug.gif]
Hello Freda, oh poor snake, my mum dose not like them because she got bit by a adder
when little ouch
Snake Medicine is wisdom and wholeness, snake also grants the medicine power of Sensuality, Sexuality and knowledge of life after death.
Eagles medicine is the power of the great spirit the connection to the divine.
It is the ability to live in realm of spirit and yet remain connected and balanced within realm of earth.
Horse medicine, true power is wisdom found in remembering your total journey.
Wisdom comes from remembering pathways you have walked in another persons moccasins.Compassion, caring, teaching loving, and sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities are gateways to power.[sm=hug.gif]
marijke will be back
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: Finding your Sacred clan name
Well marijke, heres what I feel the bird is trying to say,
I feel that the bird is asking you to look to your heart and feel were you love is needed at the moment. Also use your gifts and insight in looking at Ancient knowledge there is somthing for you to discover, share any imfomation you find, a person is waiting to help.
You will be able to move forward soon on a new project. The Great Tit is a spiritual messager.If its right the next bird you see near you should be Magpie.
We will have to wait and see.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: Finding your Sacred clan name
Lightwinds, thank you so much for the explanation. I'll wait and see.
When I told some norwegian friends i met today about my experience with the birds they meant that it was a message from someone who passed away (the little bird), the magpie was a bad omen. The usual superstition Cliche remarks........ which i do not believe in.
As i drove to work a black cat crossed the road in front of my car. ......
RE: Finding your Sacred clan name
Marijke, Maybe the little bird is a messager from someone passed away, maybe someone you loved very muc, and are trying to help you in a project.
As for magpie I have two living right by me, and today when I was coming back in from shopping, they were on my house by my front door greeting me.
Crows or magpie always geet me the day I have my circle night.
As you said, are only bad luck if you believe it to be.
As for black cat he was the lucky one not to be run over by you :Dhe he
love and blessing
lightwinds xxx
RE: Finding your Sacred clan name
ill take a quote from Gir to explain mine =D
"Aww, my bees..."
RE: Finding your Sacred clan name
Well i have seen many times Bear wolf and Eagle but i suppose trying to count up i should say Eagle the most,