I'm having a massive clear-out and found I have waaayyy more feathers than I actually need! They are a mix of swans quills/ breast feathers, hawk wing-feathers and pigeon, with crow and sundry others in there.
All have been picked off the ground, none taken without permission.
So - first person to pipe up gets some feathers! 😀
Oh, and if anyone wants the makings for dreamcatchers (thin metal rings, maybe some leather pieces, feathers...) please speak up. Doesn't have to be the same person who gets both.
All the best,
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi Moonfeather,
If this is meant to be you will still have hawk feathers, I would love one (don't want to be greedy...lol). I will pm you my address if you do 🙂 or if you rather I can send you a self addressed envelope
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi folks, I have been a bit of a hermit of late and in no
state of mind to search out anything, much less feathers....
I'm not sure if there are any left but I'll let you know asasp.