I'm having a massive clear-out and found I have waaayyy more feathers than I actually need! They are a mix of swans quills/ breast feathers, hawk wing-feathers and pigeon, with crow and sundry others in there.
All have been picked off the ground, none taken without permission.
So - first person to pipe up gets some feathers! 😀
Oh, and if anyone wants the makings for dreamcatchers (thin metal rings, maybe some leather pieces, feathers...) please speak up. Doesn't have to be the same person who gets both.
All the best,
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi hun, i would love a Hawk feather please, if that is ok, one of my totem animals is a hawk, i seem to see them everywhere 😀 thankyou so much that is very sweet of you [sm=1kis.gif][sm=hug.gif]
RE: Feathers give-away!
I would love anything you wish to pass on.... 🙂
Thank you!!!
RE: Feathers give-away!
Of course you can have a hawk feather Angel Light - you can have a handful of them! 😀 I kid you not - I picked up loads from a shoreline where a hawk routinely hunts.
Just pm me your address so I know where to send them, okay?
RE: Feathers give-away!
Okay Angel Eyes (all the angels tonight...lol) - feathers, dreamcatcher stuff okay? Pm me with your address if you please. I'll have to pack these guys up, so bear with me - it'll be next week.
RE: Feathers give-away!
hi moonfeather any bits you have spare would be really appreciated thanx gary
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi Gary, what are you after? Dreamcatcher bits or just feathers? I have enough to share 'em out...
RE: Feathers give-away!
hi lorraine some of both would be great i would love to make my own dreamcatcher thanx gary
RE: Feathers give-away!
if there is a hawk one left I would love too, but realise you may have distributed them all,
what a lovely offer though, thanks for sharing...
RE: Feathers give-away!
Okay Gary, just pm me your address so I can post them on.
RE: Feathers give-away!
Tigerbee, there are plenty of hawk feathers, honest! I've got enough to re-feather two birds, I think... Pm your address and I'll get posting next week. You want some swan feathers too? 🙂
RE: Feathers give-away!
I will pm address however I will also send you the postage as it is not fair that you pay for postage and packing as by the time you finish it will be a few £'s....and it all adds up.
RE: Feathers give-away!
Well, I don't think feathers will cost that much...;) but thank you very much for the offer. [sm=1kis.gif]
RE: Feathers give-away!
Thankyou Moonfeather, that is really sweet of you, i will send you a sae, many hugs and blessings , pming you my address now 😉
RE: Feathers give-away!
Um Angel Light... not to be pedantic, but if you're sending me an SAE, shouldn't I give you my address? 🙂
EDIT - forget it - just got your pm. I am such a numpty sometimes...
RE: Feathers give-away!
Dear Moon feather if by any chance could I please have a Hawk feather and swan feather from you, this will be good for my cleansing, healing work,
I will of cource send you vibrant pink energy your way, and perhaps a soul growth readin in return?
Would be soo appreciated
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi Moonfeather, did you get my pm, 🙂 Thankyou for your Love and generosity, [sm=hug.gif]
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi Ithar, just pm me with your address and I'll send off the feathers. I have loads - just discovered more last night!!
Yes please to a soul growth reading - haven't had one of those before.
RE: Feathers give-away!
Dearest MoonFeather
I have pm`d you my details and I will post you your soul growth reading somtime this week, I am looking forward to recieving the feathers!
Love and thanks
RE: Feathers give-away!
I would love it if you could send me anything that i can make a dream catcher from, id love to have a go at making one. dont worry if you have given them all out, il need to be quicker next time,lol, if you let me know if you have anything left il pm you with my address
love and best wishes
sharon x
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi Sharon, I have oodles left! I found more feathers last night! I have different size metal rings for the dreamcatcher and will throw in a few feathers etc. Just pm me, okay? May be next week before I get it sent off.
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi ya just a quick question for you please, I make dream catchers but finding it hard to source out a place I can buy different sized metal rings from, any ideas would be appreciated thanks jax x
RE: Feathers give-away!
Hi, I was given the rings by a friend, but I can ask her if you like. They are all different sizes.
I used to make dreamcatchers using bent willow branches - pick 'em in the spring when they're pliable and strap the ends together, then you can wind leather or cloth round them as usual.
If I find out where my friend got the rings, I'll let you know. Hmm... unless you would like mine? Pm me - I'd need to count them and see about weight etc for postage. I don't want to throw these things out but need the room!
RE: Feathers give-away!
Moonfeather, did you get my address ok?
RE: Feathers give-away!
Yes I did, Angeleyes. I'm in the process of sorting them all out today. I wanted to be clear-minded enough to give the right ones to the right people. Expect a little something extra in the package....probably next week at this rate!
Busy busy busy....
RE: Feathers give-away!
Wow Lorraine! Feathers all over!!! If you have a spare swan or two could you save it and I will collect on our meet?
Thanks my dear.
Sharon xx
RE: Feathers give-away!
Ooohh I'm so excited... and it's my birthday on Friday so it will be a nice little pressie for me!!!! 😀
RE: Feathers give-away!
Recieved the feathers today in the post and I was amazed by them.Specially the long white feather and then the hawk feather. The swan is an emblem of magic and of grace, I think and feel that they are amazing birds and how they glide through the water.
Thank you sooooo much, I have put them on my cleansing symbol, and am looking forward to using them very shortly!
Funny that you mentioned in the note, that the reading would happen when it was most needed. I had a strong compelling to connect to you today, and when I was guess what happened the post man came!:D
Funny that you mentioned the owl too, I have always loved owls, specially the europen eagel owl and barn owl. Every time the people come to Durham and show them I need to have a hold of their big beuty:)
Much prefer to see them out in the wild though
I am going to try and bind the feathers to make a shaman wand, I a also being told to use a quarts crystal too.
I will let you know how that goes
The white feather is the swan aint it[&:]
Thanks so much
RE: Feathers give-away!
Just been told of a friend that to be careful with Swan feathers as it is illegal to have them Seeign the birds are protected by law due to the fact they are a royal bird.
By the way I had a meditation earlier and all the birds made themselves present as guideds and helpers for the work I am blessd in being able to do
RE: Feathers give-away!
Starrie, send me your address please - I might not make it to the meet...:(