Some of my thoughts of the medicine that crow can teach us.
Sometimes when life becomes a bit of a disaster zone, when the tower crumbles and debris all around... call upon crow medicine. The Carrion crow can clean up messes, like the vulture who are often seen as nuisance ugly birds. But their intelligence to solve problems is a useful energy to call upon when quick wit, intelligence and wily ways are required. They clean up like no other bird.
here are a few crow stories
they are also he keeper of law and order, if crow present itself you may heed a reminder of whats right and wrong, walk your talk, its loud Caw cannot be missed and alerts to whats going on around you.
another interesting site
I have reade several times recently about 'crow' being associated with Saturn and karma
I have reade several times recently about 'crow' being associated with Saturn and karma
Karma associations make sense Tigress, as Crow is about law and order..........scales of is Karma :), and Saturn the great taskmaster teaching us about discipline and self mastery...and is there a little bit of reap what you sow with him?
I've always found Crows and members of the Crow family (e.g. Magpies) to be extremely powerful birds. They are often around when I get the chance to meditate outdoors.
I think of the Crow as being very sharp, clever, patient, cunning... they sit and sharpen their beaks on trees.
Lisa x
:hippy:The crow is a messenger of spirit ,they are very wise birds who see the wisdow in the world
take care
:hippy:The crow is a messenger of spirit ,they are very wise birds who see the wisdow in the world
take care
Yes indeed they are Blackcrow! Crows are my most favourite of all, I feel very drawn to crows and have done for many years now. The wisdom and magic they bring is truly special. I can see the beauty in crows, where many see the dark black feathers, I see many colours.
Crow is very much linked to magic. They bring the magic of the night into the daylight and have much to teach us. They are great imitators and very adaptable. I have many crows of different types in my garden.If you can watch crows rhen this si a good way of learning their significance for you.
I also think that if it is a bird that does not show itself much in your life...then when it does it is even more potent.
As a beautiful black feathered bird, she can alert you to the subconscious shadows, the darkness and that which needs to surface.
Face those fears, and you just may find they were not as bad as you imagined!
That old saying as the Crow flies......she can take you from A to B, by the most direct route, even if you do have to go through a thunderstorm.......but you will become more energised and cleansed for the experience. Crow can be very truthful....she doesnt mince her words.. Caw caw 🙂
I just had to speak about this on this thread as its relevant. The creatures that teach us, can turn up wherever they can to get our attention to their medicine.
I am not one for reading novels.....its a very rare occurance for me to pick one up. At lunchtime, I have a few minutes spare, and the company have opened a new lounge, a reading place with a table top full of donated books. So i picked one up...brought it home to read..its called Cold Mountain.
and guess what the 1st chapter is called.........I found out tonight............drumroll here......
the shadow of a crow........:cool: cool or what???
My eyes almost popped out:eek:
my last post was talking about subconscious shadows
don't ya just love it when that happens?
Fleur I love those 'coincidence' moments!!!
Me personally I havent had much experience with power animals. I know I have rabbit and wolf. But back to crow, I have read that crow is linked to Hecate and the celtic goddess Macha.
And a question about Magpies, Does that one for sorrow etc poem mean anything coz when I see a Magpie things usually go wrong, or is it just my sub-concious doing this ie Ive seen a magpie and then expecting and thus creating the negative, or is a case of Magpie representing a kinda watch your thoughts or be aware type message?