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Change in / additional power animal?

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For a long number of years (after my only guided shamanic journey) I've considered my power animal to be an elephant - although I don't really work with it - it just sometimes comes to mind during meditation.
However - I've always loved to see herons & consider them to be auspicious. There is a local nature reserve near me & I recently saw -for the 2nd time - a heron there. When I mentioned in passing to my Reiki Master that I had seen 'my' heron she asked if the heron is my power animal. Can I have 2 power animals or can they come & go? If the heron is my power animal - what does that mean? :confused:


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Can I have 2 power animals or can they come & go?

Hi Yvonne ..

You can have as many as need be . Similar to spirit guides . They can come and go depending on where you are at within yourself and within your development/journey .

x dazzle x

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If one of my students had asked this (as they often do) I would have suggested that they don’t worry about the question for a few years, after which they’d have no problem knowing what their primary power animal was.
However, they would be working shamanically, doing shamanic journeys (which are not guided) to talk to their spirit friends frequently, and developing the relationships with them.
We have one power animal and, if we work shamanically, many spirit helpers of various sorts. If we ‘lose’ our power animal (more correctly, lose our awareness of our connection) we become ill.
It would not surprise me if neither the elephant nor the heron were your power animal. For a start, you say you don’t work with the elephant. If you are not working with it, what is the point? How was it explained to you during the “guided journey”? Have you talked with it?
As far as the heron is concerned – yes, they are beautiful creatures. I get a thrill whenever I see one. This doesn’t mean it is a power animal. (And most nature reserves have herons. When you’ve seen one you’ll frequently see it again – they stick to their territories.)

If you did a proper shamanic journey and met your power animal, it might be either of the above but this is no more likely than that it is any other animal. And, if you do decide to journey, it would be as well to do it with someone who can put the experience into a shamanic context.

As for what it means … it is a power animal. It doesn’t have to mean anything. It is your connection with the spiritual.

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I am not a trained shaman, but from my amateur point of view I can't see a problem with having more than one power animal. As there are many dimensions to our lives, and with things changing over time, it make sense for different animals to show themselves at different points in our lives. I consider sea lion to be my main power animal, but wolves are also very important to me and I had polar bears and other creatures appear from time to time.

I would just suggest to enjoy your special connection with any animal that appears to you 🙂


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I would just suggest to enjoy your special connection with any animal that appears to you

Being Me made it fairly clear that s/he did not have a connection with the animals. I would not argue that a connection can be made, and indeed enjoyed, with any animal, but Being Me was asking specifically about power animals and had posted in the shamanism forum. I was, therefore, replying from a shamanic point of view.

I am not a trained shaman, but from my amateur point of view I can't see a problem with having more than one power animal. As there are many dimensions to our lives, and with things changing over time, it make sense for different animals to show themselves at different points in our lives. I consider sea lion to be my main power animal, but wolves are also very important to me and I had polar bears and other creatures appear from time to time.

You are assuming here that a power animal is to do with (to quote an earlier post):

where you are at within yourself and within your development/journey.

This is not so – although other spirit helpers may be there for that, if your intention when journeying to meet them is for a spirit to help with your spiritual growth. If that is so, it is more likely that you will meet a spirit teacher than a power animal. Just because an animal “appears” it doesn’t mean that it is a power animal.

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I'm not a shaman but I had 2 fantastic friends who were - one here and one in Scandinavia. From what I gathered from them you can have many power animals - some that you are born with (and don't change) and you don't pick the animals, they pick you. Other power animals can come in and out of your life as and when. If you need to work with a power animal (for whatever reason) you can ask for their help so to speak.

Quite often you can work out what power animlas you are born with as you will have characteristics pertaining to that animal so to speak. I have copied the below for you just in case it helps:

Each and every person has nine power or totem animals that represent the medicine they carry in their Earth Walk. These animal or creature beings emulate each person's abilities, talents, and challenges.

For instance, if a person is connected to Wolf as a power animal, that person is a born teacher, pathfinder, innovator, and self-starter. This does not necessarily mean that the person has acknowledged those gifts and is using them to the fullest. It can mean that Wolf is there to bring that person to an understanding of the talents that need developing. If the person is ignoring those talents, you might say that Wolf would be appearing in the contrary.

As you come into this Earth Walk, there are seven directions surrounding your physical body. These directions are East, South, West, North, Above, Below, and Within. The direction called Within exists within you, but also surrounds you, since the entire universe is inside of your consciousness.

You have a totem animal in each of the seven directions to teach you the lessons of these directions

Significance of the Nine Totem Animals
East: The animal in the East guides you to your greatest spiritual challenges and guards your path to illumination.
South: The animal in the South protects the child within and reminds you when to be humble and when to trust, so that innocence will be balanced in your personality.
West: The animal in the West leads you to your personal truth and inner answers. It also shows you the path to your goals.
North: The North animal gives wise counsel and reminds you when to speak and when to listen. It also reminds you to be grateful for every blessing every day.
Above: The Above animal reminds you that you came from the stars and to the stars you will return. This animal is also the guardian of the Dreamtime — for your personal access to the other dimensions.
Below: The Below animal teaches you about the inner Earth, and how to stay grounded and on the path.
Within: The Within animal teaches you how to find your heart's joy and how to be faithful to your personal truths. It is also the protector of your sacred space, the place that is yours alone and is never shared except by invitation.
Right Side: This animal protects your male side and teaches you that, no matter where you turn, it will be your Father-protector within. This animal also carries your courage and warrior spirit.
Left Side: This animal is the protector of your female side and teaches you that you must learn to receive abundance as well as to nurture yourself and others. The left-side animal is also your teacher about relationships and mothering.

The Right Side animal and the Left Side animal are always with you. All of us carry male and female essences within us, and the two related animal spirits are with you at all times.

Also understand that sometimes animals that are not among those of your special totems, most certainly will bring messages to you from time to time. When any animal presents itself to you in some way that stands out in your mind, whether in a dream or while you are awake, study it. It has a message for you.

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Hi, Happygirl,

This is an interesting and detailed piece which brought back some memories for me, as I remember that this was the way that Kenneth Meadows used to teach.

However, it is not shamanism, but one of the many ways of doing Medicine Wheel. I can understand the confusion – just as Kenneth did, there are many teachers who teach them as if they were the same thing – but the two are separate. The Medicine Wheel is found mostly among the non-shamanic peoples of the Great Plains and is similar to Kabbalah in that a psycho-spiritual journey (in the common sense of the word ‘journey’, not the shamanic sense) is taken around it, concentrating on certain aspects at certain times of your life and for certain needs. It also has similarities to astrology, in that animals have ‘qualities’ and are totems or symbolic.

When you say:

From what I gathered from them you can have many power animals - some that you are born with (and don't change) and you don't pick the animals, they pick you. Other power animals can come in and out of your life as and when. If you need to work with a power animal (for whatever reason) you can ask for their help so to speak.

you are using ‘power animal’ in this sense – a perfectly valid way (although the whole question of whether taking from other cultures is acceptable could be a whole other discussion), but not shamanic.

‘Power animals’ used in a shamanic sense are not classified by characteristics. They may have them - an eagle can fly, a bear has sharp claws etc – but these are secondary to the deep personal friendship that can build up. Each is an individual – one person’s wolf might be very different from another person’s wolf. Each person has one power animal, regardless of whether or not they know it. I have come across occasional people who have two or more, but they are always animals that go together – two ravens for example (ravens often appear in twos), a family of deer (stag, hind and calf) or a swarm of bees.
People who practice shamanism will also meet other spirits, many in animal form. Some will be helpers, others just friends. Some will come for a specific purpose and go when their tasks are fulfilled. All these are ‘real’ spirits with individual personalities. They are not symbols or totems.

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This is not so – although other spirit helpers may be there for that, if your intention when journeying to meet them is for a spirit to help with your spiritual growth. If that is so, it is more likely that you will meet a spirit teacher than a power animal. Just because an animal “appears” it doesn’t mean that it is a power animal.

I don't really see much of a difference between a totem animal spirit helping an individual to that of a power animal helping an individual . What seems apparent is that what influence is needed at any one time will reflect in a particular energy being present . I have been aware of multitudes of spirit animals that vary from a wolf a bear a salmon a deer, owls, anteaters, dolphins etc .. and I wouldn't put one in a 'power' bracket and the others in another bracket .. but I am sure many do .

x daz x

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I don't really see much of a difference between a totem animal spirit helping an individual to that of a power animal helping an individual . What seems apparent is that what influence is needed at any one time will reflect in a particular energy being present . I have been aware of multitudes of spirit animals that vary from a wolf a bear a salmon a deer, owls, anteaters, dolphins etc .. and I wouldn't put one in a 'power' bracket and the others in another bracket .. but I am sure many do .

Are you practising shamanism as a serious, 'this is my path' way of helping yourself and others? Because, if not, I can't see how you would tell. When you say,

What seems apparent is that what influence is needed at any one time will reflect in a particular energy being present .

it is pretty clear that you have not grasped the reality of knowing your power animal the way you know the person you love best in all this world. This is not ‘energy’, this is a spirit that loves and cares for you above all others. As I said, your view point is valid but it isn’t shamanism. Shamanism is experiential, and the experience builds up over the years. It is very hard to explain to people without those years of experience.

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Are you practising shamanism as a serious, 'this is my path' way of helping yourself and others? Because, if not, I can't see how you would tell. When you say,
it is pretty clear that you have not grasped the reality of knowing your power animal the way you know the person you love best in all this world. This is not ‘energy’, this is a spirit that loves and cares for you above all others. As I said, your view point is valid but it isn’t shamanism. Shamanism is experiential, and the experience builds up over the years. It is very hard to explain to people without those years of experience.

I don't tend to label / hold myself to be this or that to be honest but if push comes to shove, I do have shamanic tendencies / traits .. With this in mind I can relate to the thread in so much as I have experienced / become aware of totem animals that have influenced my life and my energies for over a decade now .

I have my own type of rituals for use of a better word and have integrated the animals and the elements in how I have worked on my own development and also in regards to my healing work on others .

I am aware of certain spiritual influences of certain spirit medicine men that vary in cultured backgrounds from native american indian, zulu to the aboriginie and have this influence infused with magicians and alchemists all that have been part of my past life way of living / working .

x daz x

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I don't tend to label / hold myself to be this or that to be honest but if push comes to shove, I do have shamanic tendencies / traits .. With this in mind I can relate to the thread in so much as I have experienced / become aware of totem animals that have influenced my life and my energies for over a decade now .

I have my own type of rituals for use of a better word and have integrated the animals and the elements in how I have worked on my own development and also in regards to my healing work on others .
I am aware of certain spiritual influences of certain spirit medicine men that vary in cultured backgrounds from native american indian, zulu to the aboriginie and have this influence infused with magicians and alchemists all that have been part of my past life way of living / working .
x daz x

Please understand, I am not in any way saying that what you do is less good than shamanism. Nor do I wish you to put labels on yourself if you don’t want to. But I’m afraid the phrase, “shamanic tendencies/traits” means nothing to me. Shamanism is not tendencies or traits, it is a job. Maybe you could explain the phrase to me?
Do you do shamanic trance journeys to the Upper, Middle or Lower Worlds? Or do you have other ways of experiencing these totem animals? Do you chat to them or is it a more formal relationship?
(I do not think there are right or wrong answers. Everyone works in their own ways. But not all ways are shamanism and I don’t really understand why so many people want what they do to be shamanism.)

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Please understand, I am not in any way saying that what you do is less good than shamanism. Nor do I wish you to put labels on yourself if you don’t want to. But I’m afraid the phrase, “shamanic tendencies/traits” means nothing to me. Shamanism is not tendencies or traits, it is a job. Maybe you could explain the phrase to me?
Do you do shamanic trance journeys to the Upper, Middle or Lower Worlds? Or do you have other ways of experiencing these totem animals? Do you chat to them or is it a more formal relationship?
(I do not think there are right or wrong answers. Everyone works in their own ways. But not all ways are shamanism and I don’t really understand why so many people want what they do to be shamanism.)

If we take a general meaning for Shamanism (pron.: /ˈʃɑːmən/ shah-mən or /ˈʃeɪmən/ shay-mən) is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world.[2] A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.

With this general definition in mind and with your questions put to me I can say that I tick all the boxes but like I said I don't label myself to be a shaman . In regards to your questions of journeying . Yes I do journey / astral travel but I don't call them the lower, middle or upper realms . As I practice trance healing / mediumship and physical mediumship I am used to altered states of consciousness .

In regards to the animal spirit it varies from them entering my dreams or seeing them clairvoyantly . At times I am aware of the animals natural habitat and at times there are present within my environment .

All that I can say is that these shamanic traits are a part of my life but I don't fit them into my life in such a way where I will identify myself to be this or that regarding them . My experiences thus far involves and integrates angels, animals, elements, E.T.s humans, Gods/Goddesses etc .. and I am happy the mix all the energies into one pot so to speak .

x daz x

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If we take a general meaning for Shamanism (pron.: /ˈʃɑːmən/ shah-mən or /ˈʃeɪmən/ shay-mən) is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world.[2] A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.

The problem with a dictionary definition is that it can only reflect the understanding of the editors. After all, some of witchcraft are:
The practice of magic, esp. black magic; the use of spells and the invocation of spirits.
a: the use of sorcery or magic
b: communication with the devil or with a familiar
I imagine that if we put these onto the Wicca forum we would get some disagreement.
Anthropological definitions of shamanism – (see Harner or Eliade) – almost always mention two important points. One is the ‘soul flight’ to the different worlds - Upper, Middle and Lower - (which is not astral travel, or mediumship) and the other is that shamanism is performed within particular cultural boundaries, namely that the shaman acts on behalf of, and is accepted as a shaman by, his or her community.

You have said that you do not call yourself ‘shaman’ because you do not wish to label yourself. I would not call myself ‘shaman’ because I cannot do the work that, by definition, is done within a community. 21st Century U.K. is not a shamanic culture. I have two friends who (separately) are considered shamans by their friends (also shamans) in other parts of the world – one in Mongolia and one in Tuva. When visiting those places, they both do the work of shamans and are considered shamans. Here, they work as shamanic practitioners and would not call themselves ‘shaman’.
We end up with the strange situation where those who live their lives by shamanism, having studied for decades and who teach shamanism and use it for healing, will say they are ‘shamanic practitioners’ while those who have dipped their toe into the water will often describe themselves as ‘shaman’.

My experiences thus far involves and integrates angels, animals, elements, E.T.s humans, Gods/Goddesses etc .. and I am happy the mix all the energies into one pot so to speak .

These ‘energies’ (or, as I would say, spirits) are neither shamanic nor non-shamanic. Many shamanic practitioners will meet (and possibly work with) any or all of these. So I’m not sure what you are saying here.

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The problem with a dictionary definition is that it can only reflect the understanding of the editors.

I agree and it applies to everything . So if someone asks me if I am a shaman or not then one needs firstly to have an understanding / common ground as to what a 'shaman' is . Perhaps each individual will have a slightly different take on what that is and involves, either through individual experience or through direct / indirect teachings from others who identify what being a shaman entails .. (for them)

These ‘energies’ (or, as I would say, spirits) are neither shamanic nor non-shamanic. Many shamanic practitioners will meet (and possibly work with) any or all of these. So I’m not sure what you are saying here.

So if I work with similar energies to that of a 'shaman' and I don't relate myself to being a shaman then what is it that is in the self labelling process of .. 'I am a shaman' .

What's the difference other than what one labels one's self to be ?

x daz x

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You quote me:

These ‘energies’ (or, as I would say, spirits) are neither shamanic nor non-shamanic. Many shamanic practitioners will meet (and possibly work with) any or all of these. So I’m not sure what you are saying here.


So if I work with similar energies to that of a 'shaman' and I don't relate myself to being a shaman then what is it that is in the self labelling process of .. 'I am a shaman' .

a reply to my question? Because, if so, I don’t think we are understanding each other at all in our use of the words ‘energies’ and ‘spirits’.

As for

what is it that is in the self labelling process of .. 'I am a shaman' .

one of the points I was making is that the “self-labelling process” is not the way that shamans are recognised. In any shamanic culture the labelling comes from other members of the community – it is a job description.

(I guess this is going rather off the topic of power animals.)

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You quote me: Is a reply to my question? Because, if so, I don’t think we are understanding each other at all in our use of the words ‘energies’ and ‘spirits’.

As for one of the points I was making is that the “self-labelling process” is not the way that shamans are recognised. In any shamanic culture the labelling comes from other members of the community – it is a job description.

(I guess this is going rather off the topic of power animals.)

I am kinda getting a little lost in this Crowan 😮 .. I mentioned the diverse range of energies that I work with to emphasise that I don't hold myself to be this or that and that I work with what fits the bill in the moment . Some may relate that way of working to a shaman or to a magician or a sorcerer or alchemist etc .. but I don't tend to have a word for what I do ..

When I first spoke about the animal spirits

Originally Posted by NICE_1
where you are at within yourself and within your development/journey.

You replied 'This is not so' and said 'Are you practising shamanism as a serious, 'this is my path' way of helping yourself and others? Because, if not, I can't see how you would tell.'

I beg to differ when you say that it is not so ..

I gave my thoughts because of my experiences had that involved animal spirits ... the experiences happen regardless to whom or what I relate the self to be that experiences them .

x daz x

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I am kinda getting a little lost in this Crowan .. I mentioned the diverse range of energies that I work with to emphasise that I don't hold myself to be this or that and that I work with what fits the bill in the moment . Some may relate that way of working to a shaman or to a magician or a sorcerer or alchemist etc .. but I don't tend to have a word for what I do ..

I had the impression that you listed these ‘types of energy’ as an illustration that you were not restricted in the type of spirit that you contacted, which – in turn – gave the impression that you thought shamanic workers were restricted in some way. Since this isn’t the case, I said so. If that wasn’t the impression that you were intending to give then I have misunderstood you. I’m sorry. What did you mean?

When I first spoke about the animal spirits

Originally Posted by NICE_1
where you are at within yourself and within your development/journey.
You replied 'This is not so' and said 'Are you practising shamanism as a serious, 'this is my path' way of helping yourself and others? Because, if not, I can't see how you would tell.'
I beg to differ when you say that it is not so ..
I gave my thoughts because of my experiences had that involved animal spirits ... the experiences happen regardless to whom or what I relate the self to be that experiences them .

The original post was specifically about power animals in a shamanic context, and this is what I continued to talk about. ‘Animal spirits’ need be neither shamanic nor power animals.

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double post .

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I had the impression that you listed these ‘types of energy’ as an illustration that you were not restricted in the type of spirit that you contacted, which – in turn – gave the impression that you thought shamanic workers were restricted in some way. Since this isn’t the case, I said so. If that wasn’t the impression that you were intending to give then I have misunderstood you. I’m sorry. What did you mean?

Basically Crowan I have many fingers in many pies that allows me to converse on an array of subjects . As you know I have emphasised that I don't label myself to be this or that, but in doing so it shouldn't really distant my thoughts/replies from any subject be it healing, magick, totem animals, channeling and such likes .. In this respect it doesn't really matter what is in a label for it is in the knowings and in the experience that counts ..

I gave my thoughts regarding the spirit totems form a perspective of being aware of the totem animals and what that entails ..

Awareness is awareness, totem animals are totems animals .. Being a shaman or not does not take away one's awareness or wisdom that one attains through the experience of them ..

If someone has sound advice .. It is sound .. I don't tend to look for qualifications .. or letters after their name .. lol .

The original post was specifically about power animals in a shamanic context, and this is what I continued to talk about. ‘Animal spirits’ need be neither shamanic nor power animals.

I agree .. but totem spirit animal experience isn't restricted to the shaman . I was just giving my thoughts from experience had . Take away the shaman label and there is no difference . The differences lie in what is of the experience not whom is experiencing .

x daz x

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I think we've got to the stage where neither of us is making sense to the other.

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I think we've got to the stage where neither of us is making sense to the other.

That makes sense .. 😀

x daz x
