Bear-Just as Bear sleeps in her den during the winter, so dose she teach us to go within when we face an emotional winter, to seek knowledge through meditation and to search for wisdom in our dreams and in our stillness. Bear is also revered by many tribal peoples for the medicine gifts of healing, renewal, psychic powers, and the ability to grant shamanic powers to humans who honor her.
Blackbird- In spring Blackbird can be heard whistling from dawn till dusk. Blackbird builds a nest carefully, with great attention to detail, and raises up to four groups of nestlings each season. Blackbird medicine inspires us to lay a sturdy foundation for our own dreams and creative visions so they can be properly nurtured, safely hatched and eventually flyon their own strong wings.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: Bear, Blackbird,
Bear...Time to bring out your inner strength explore potentials
Blackbird...Find a new perspective of the power of nature
luv & peace