Armadillo Medicine......Setting Boundaries.
When we are on a conscious spiritual path of service, healing, caring, and intuitive sometimes, it can be so very easy to get tangled in the energies of our fellow travellers, to the point where we don’t know the dividing line between ours and theirs. Sensitivity is a gift we cultivate or not, as the case may be, and people sometimes need guidance of how to put up the boundaries....when to say yes and no. It is a common problem that sensitive’s and carers absorb the emotions and vibrations of others, which in turn impacts on their own self and health.
How many times have we lent an ear to a client, or friend, or stranger only to find the whispers of their angst echo in your psyche at the most inappropriate times, or you feel their dramas vibrate with the core of your own being? The impact in the emotional waters ripple a really long way.
Spiritual and healing groups will always recommend grounding, centring and protection but do we really know what that means, do we truly encompass the wisdom of that....???
For me....
Being grounded means standing firm in the reality of everyday living, bringing spirituality through to the physical form living a daily existence in the now, and any excess energies discharged to the nurturing Mother Earth.
Being Centred is being aligned with all of the Self and subtle and gross bodies in a harmonious way.
Being Protected means that only influences which we give permission for stay, within our awareness.
What can we do to ensure we stay first and foremost true to ourselves and still satisfy our spiritual contract of service, healing and personal growth.
that we still be empathetic , objective, and caring,
without being sympathetic, subjective, and participating
and lose all sense of Self and connection to inner wisdom and guidance?
In waddles the Armadillo who can show us how to defend and mark our territory for ourselves and teach us how to say “no thank-you” or “yes” by invitation only.
Armadillo wears its medicine on its back, the armour plating enables it to defend itself and when it’s sensitive core is under threat it can curl up into a tight ball until any harm has passed it by.
Its long nose can sniff deep underground and discriminate between bullsh*t or can grub out nourishment teaching us discrimination between what is toxic, or what is pure. When armadillo waddles into your awareness it’s time to set the boundaries, define your space, and decide who or what you want in it. He will stand on sentry duty for sure, like a sacred guardian...but you need to let him know your criteria, and work together to accomplish your desires. Otherwise it will keep everything out, and that leads to stagnation, isolation and lack of growth, and can breed fear and self doubt.
We need to balance the shield of assertion and protection knowing when to defend ourselves from that which will harm, discourage, worry us and when to allow our guard down and inner light to shine out. Armadillo is a good swimmer, and loves to float, or swim underwater, useful when spiritual cleansing is required, or for emotional release The female always has four young at a time, a reminder again to keep our four shields of mind, body, spirit and emotions in balance.
On a piece of paper a practical exercise could be to draw a circle leaving space for a door or where Armadilllo pops his head out.
This is your shield....and write in it that which you will allow into your space.
At the “door” mark that which is by invitation only, and on the outer write that which you definately will not accept.....
Armadillo is a great protector, gate keeper, guardian and ally,
© Tina
Thanks for posting this Fleur. It so resonates with me. I like the idea of the protective shell as it suits my cancerian traits.:hug:
I once had an armadillo wooden toy in my car who moved his head up and down. One day I trod on it and it broke into lots of pieces.
Symbolically my shell of protection was being broken. It was time to address some issue!
I once had an armadillo wooden toy in my car who moved his head up and down. One day I trod on it and it broke into lots of pieces.
Symbolically my shell of protection was being broken. It was time to address some issue!
apparently in America lots of them get killed when they curl up in a ball in the middle of the road......message.....if we are gonna retreat for a while, make sure it's not in the path of a heavyweight crusher..:D
Intersting post Fleur, thank you 🙂
Barbara x