hi tried to meditate the other day to find my animal guide could not really relax first I saw the eye of a doe[deer] but then it changed to the eye of an alligator i was was waiting for more but was too stressed to carry on they are a lot different can anyone explain what happened and why they changed lot of stress at the moment trying to relax head wants to but heart is not in it
RE: animal guides
When your heart not in it it's best to leave meditating untill you feel carm within yourself, deer is gentleness and alligater can snap for no given reason.
love and blessings
Wendy x
RE: animal guides
I have always wanted to know if I have an animal guide?
I have been drawn to dolphines and big cats (tiger and panther) during my life, I wonder if that is because one of the above is my animal guide?
RE: animal guides
The short answer is - yes. Animals we have been drawn to for years are generally our guides and may also be our power animals.
Dolphin teaches breath and the art of moving between differing realms. Big cats each have their unique teachings but generally illustrate contained power, strength and the rewards of patience.
RE: animal guides
hi folks been offline for a month great to be back had a great experience a few weeks ago met one of my animal guides it was the most enlightening experience ive ever hadwow
RE: animal guides
Kaotik-stop trying so hard, do some simple breathing exercises and bring pink/gold in. You need to release that tension you have within you. Then things will flow much smoother.
I have put a section in on the spiritual board on connecting to guides that covers animal guides. We have more than one. We have 4 to reprsent each corner
And these directions mean somthing spiritual, Probably lightwinds will know more on this than me.
You then have your main power animal guides., Mine is a Dragon
Then you have animals coming in to teach you various things
Love and Blessings
RE: animal guides
Hello koatik, I hear my name being called :D"Ithar"[sm=hug.gif].
My maintotem I work with is Crow. Wolf and Butterfly also.
Glad to see you back, and sound's as thou you had a great experience with your animal guide. If you like any imformation, just ask and I do my best to answer.
love and blessings
Wendy x
RE: animal guides
Ithar, Wow!
I have not run in to anyone who has dragon as their main animal guide. Mine is dragon also. My dream name (Maga) was given to me by a dragon. I'm wondering if you would share a bit more on this.
RE: animal guides
ive been drawn to wolves/horses/rabbits/and dogs/ and when i was little i wished i was a dog, i still do. what does that mean?
RE: animal guides
I was just thinking that if we have 4 of them, then wolf is another one for me.
I will have to try and meditate and make contact, would be nice to meet them in some level or form.
It is difficult to try and find the quiet time, but I will just have to keep trying [&:]
RE: animal guides
Forgot Eagle., I willwrite up a few meaning later on your totem.
love and blessing
Wendy x
RE: animal guides
I've been drawn to cats and dogs and wolves all my life but so far only wolf has materialised as a guide from this lot. I also have eagle as a regular guide plus plenty of other animal guides visiting including dragon, snake, deer, unicorn to name but a few:D.
Just relax and let them come to you in their own time.
Holistic Earth
RE: animal guides
Dragon-Protectors loyal and fierce, Knowing wise and indeed sacred they come in all shapes sizes and colours
Wolf-Pack animal as well as cunning able to be crafty and wok alone or indeed as a group caring, maternal and able to get out of tricky situations
Raven-shifter from one dimension to the other from this universe and many others. Is said to be the messenger of spirit and of death. Black in its self is mystry and Arcane Black is the presence of all colours as is white.
Eagel-messenger to God and from God also from the divine A Bird of wisdom power and grace. An eagel carys prayers to the Heavens, Zeaus also had an eagel. Eagels are well known in myth and legend If you look in churches on the pulpit you may see the bible may be upon the back of an eagel. Know that God and the divine are close when you see one of these
Stag/dear-Linked in with Archangel Gabriel as is the Unicorn hey drive his chariot, for the charioteers out there:D
Black leopard
3 dolphins
These are the regular animals that come to me or I see around me in visions meditations etc The dolphins come in with Kormanu which is a healing energy from Atlantis energy from the dolphins of Sirus etc.
I have been blessed with many animal messengers and helpers, some come in for a period of time and then go, or some simply come for the day or even hour and then go.
You can bring animal energy in when you are channeling healing too.
Recanlty I have had a visitation by an owl,and a swn, but I feel they made them self known to me when a beautiful member told me that I had an energy link with an owl.
Dragons are inense wise and knowing creatures who are prorectful and are good to call in when you feel you need protection or strength.
A dragon wil make its self known to u or even be introduced to you by a guide, with me it was with Archangel Michael and Merlin, though before this happened I always had an infinity with dragons. If you go to the shaman post (Pendragon) I am linked in with the Pendragon Leniage which at the time was a red dragon,
Alfie(dragon guide) was at the time red when he came to me and then he canged colour from red to Green , from green to gold and then gold to silver. Yet he still has little bits of gold him him:)
See Dragons will change colour when you increase in your vibration and wisdom. White Dragons ae the oldest and wisest of all Dragons.
Sooooo much on Dragons, they will come when they want to be seen, and are aligned with you before birth, So when the time is rite you will be introduced
I also agree with Holistic Earth on this, just relax and let them take you on a journey.:)
Hope this has answerd somw of your questuions
RE: animal guides
Hey this sounds really good. But how do the animal guides help you? Is it a subconcious thing where they guide you?
And when you say you've met them during meditation, exactly what do you mean? Do you see them in your head? Do they communicate telepathically?
I have been meditating for about 10 years but never have I come across anything extraordinary - just deep, peaceful bliss.
Clarification would be appreciated, as I would love to meet my spirit guides.
RE: animal guides
Here are some kinks that should help
Protecting and Grounding
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=240575 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=240575[/link]
Chakra healing and Balancing
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=240661 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=240661[/link]
Spirit guides and Angels
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=258103 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=258103[/link]
There is a lot throughout the boards on how to connect to Spirit guides, Perhaps it is about broadening your conciousness and looking within
RE: animal guides
Hi Caveman,
I think part of coming to know animal or spirit guides, is to pay close attention to what's going on around you. For myself, these energies will pop up in my daily life when I'm changing. It takes a bit of faith to 'see' them at work.
Also, they frequent my dreams over and over. You might try asking for the animal/spirit guide to show it's self-and then watch what happens.
Ithar, thank you! I would really like to learn more about my dragon. It took me a long time to just accept this magical animal in my life. ..years actually. It's nice to hear from someone who is also akin to dragon.
RE: animal guides
. We have more than one. We have 4 to reprsent each corner
And these directions mean somthing spiritual,
OK now I'm confused! This is a Shamanism board? To me that means Native American. I know there are other Shamans but to me NA is the base. Well at least my base lol <gg>
So there are nine totems all told and Directions always start with the East to honour The Great Spirit, the direction of birth.
East, South ,West and North, Above, Below, and Within, andof course the last two, our two main power guides that walk everydayto our Left andour Right.... The remaining seven, change as we need them and as they share their lessons with us and we learn and grow.
There were no dragons in NA history. To many they are deemed fictional. The dragon is a Celtic totem, and they have the belief of four main dragons, sometimes turning into six.
So once you know where you are coming from you can begin to unwind the circle of truth and find Your Path. Just make sure that you tread the path you want and not someone elses by simple misinformation. Search for your truth, and it will find you.
RE: animal guides
hi there
many cultures have a shamanic tradition
here in the UK the Druids would have had a shamanic aspect
Scandinvia also has a strong tradition going back many centuries, and then there is the huna tradition too
RE: animal guides
I was told that i have 3 animal guides, but to be honest i wasn't sure what to make of it at the time.
Apparently they are a male Bengal tiger, a black panther and a horse.
Does anyone know what these animals represent? Also why would the gender of the tiger be of any importance?
RE: animal guides
Ithar, that is really interesting. My dragon is has always been a golden green, no colour change as yet 🙂
Also, the connection between the deer, unicorn and archangel Gabriel - I didn't know that, yet I do have Gabriel as my guide.
I still don't quite understand how these different guides come from such different traditions, despite my asking them:D, but maybe one day all shall be revealed;).
Holistic Earth
RE: animal guides
Hi thought I add this for anyone that might be interested in seeking your animal guides.
- This guided imagery is about meeting your power animal. Like the ancient ones, the power animals come from deep within Her consciousness and are who she is. We believe that power animals are our deepest memories. We all share DNA with all the animals alive on earth. A lion has the same DNA in we do for many systems. We can in our memories see out of the lion's eyes. We are them. They call to us deeply, loudly.
Power animals are easier to contact than ancient ones. Their voices are louder. They are easier to see. They will come and speak to you when you need them.. The animals are helpers. Like ancient ones they are guides. They tell you what you need to know. They give you their immense energy. No shaman would ever go into sacred space without their animal helper
Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths, let your abdomen rise and fall. Get into your imagery space as you have many times before. Now put yourself on a path. Feel your feet touch the earth, smell the fresh air, feel the warm breeze on your face. Walk down the path. It goes downhill slightly. The ground is hard and has small stones in the soil. It is solid and secure. Feel the ground and the grass that is on each side of the path. Walk down the path. It crosses a wooden bridge across a rushing stream. The bridge has stout railings. You can hear your feet echo on the bridge like a drumbeat as you walk across. If you need to drop something in the water that you want to get rid of you can do that now.
The path now goes upwards slightly and comes over a rise. Below you is a large meadow. In the center of the meadow is a grassy circle. Sit in the circle and wait. Now ask for your power animal to come to you. They are like spirit animals coming out of forest. Let the animal appear and come up to you. It can come from a distance or appear from nowhere. The animal that appears to you is your power animal helper. It is your shaman's animal. Let the animal come towards you. Let them begin to speak and move.
You can stay in the meadow as long as you like to and feel connected to the earth. Your power animal is part of the earth. It has tendrils that reach deep into the earth, the sky, and you, and connect it all together. If you feel comfortable, you can invite your animal to come to you, touch you, even come into your body. You can merge with them and see out of their eyes. You do.
Now stand up and leave the meadow. The path goes out of the far side and you can walk down the path further. It leads to the edge of an ancient forest of old growth trees. Stand at the edge of the forest by a great ancient tree. Find a tree that speaks to you and tells you to come to it. Now put your hand on the tree touch its rough back. Feel its warmth, it life. Now imagine that when you put your hand on the tree, you spiral deep into the spiral of your own being. You spiral deep inside yourself, into your heart. And inside your body, your heart opens with wings. A spirit eye opens within you and sees this experience. It witnesses you as becoming the shaman .
Walk back to the meadow, then to the bridge, then to where you are now. Bring your spirit animal. Bring the connectedness with you. Now move your feet. Look around you. You are now on The Path of the Feather. You can see and hear power animals and ancient ones. You can make hear her voice telling you how to heal the earth.
by arta.
love and blessings
Wendy xxx Ama Deus.
RE: animal guides
Hi all,
I sometimes see a kestral and was told that it was a spiritual messenger can anyone elaborate on that?
RE: animal guides
the kestral is your spirit guide
RE: animal guides
Can anyone tell me about foxes?
My two childhood familyhomes were on the same street, the street had Fox in the name. Occasionally when I'm feeling low,I see a fox. It just happens. I see this as my guide animal but can anyone tell me if perhapsit's just coincidental - that I have been conditioned by the word FOX instead? Would there bea way to test whether this is conditioning or not?
Alx x
RE: animal guides
hi alx, you know your heart might tell you the truth if you listen to it my friend.
Ask your fox to confirm himself/herself to you, by postitve signs.
love and blessings
Wendy x
RE: animal guides
Thank you Wendy - the idea of asking my Fox to confirm to me is not something I had thought about - I will try this on the wintery walk home along the river tonight... it' so peaceful and blessed.
A x
RE: animal guides
i dont know too much about animal guides,but when i was in the meditation group a while ago, we had to pick one animal card to meditate on.well i got the spider.
again we did it the week after, and i got the spider.
can anyone tell me about this?
RE: animal guides
So I tried to find my animal totem the other night, and I wasn't nearly as prepared as I should have been, I think, but nevertheless, I did learn. I actually recieved two. One was a wolf, and the other a spider, who was hanging inside the wolf's ear from what I presume was a strand of webbing. Afterwards, I was told by a friend with much more experiencethat I had probably recieved a double totem after I'd explained that I felt a much stronger connection with the wolf than with the spider. Is there a difference between a double totem and having two totems?
Also.. is there a difference between spirit guide/animal guide/animal totem? I assume they're interchangable, but I don't actually know.
RE: animal guides
I am a new member and really interested to read the posts on this forum. I am a Shamanic Healer and run workshops in Kent and Dorset on Shamanism and Shamanic Healing. In Dorset I work with Eliana Harvey (she co-wrote The White Eagle Medicine Cards)-at the Shamanka School. As a practitioner I take people on journeys to discover their Power Animals, so here are a few useful tips. People generally have one main Power Animal that has been with them since birth. However you can have as many other animal guides as you need. My main animal doesn't like the confines of the Healing Space so I journeyed to find one to help me in healing sessions. My friend has a raccon to help him study as his Wolf doesn't like books! When journeying to discover your animal it is preferable to do it with someone who has done it before or find a Shaman/Shamanka to go with you. Always journey in a protected and sacred space-NEVER accept an animal that bares it's teeth, acts aggressively or feels wrong. Turn your back and tell it politely to go away.For people new on the Path insects and reptiles are genrally too difficult to handle and best avoided-including spiders-until you are more knowledgeable.Everyone needs to realise the otherworlds are not all Angels and Faeries and inappropriate energies look for unprotected and naieve souls. A lot of the work I do is removing such inapproriate energies.
As far as the Medicine Wheel and animals go there are so many alternatives to be found in Native Cultures form Siberia to South America that it's a matter of discovering for yourself what feels right. Again there are plenty of really good courses out there. Every tribe will have it's own variation. I work with the Plain's American Indian Traditon and also the Inca and Mayan Wheels. There are Celtic Wheels and Norse traditions-there is a I beleive a Wicca wheel. so plenty to chose from. Walk in Beauty