[sm=nature-smiley-008.gif] i have found i have alot of spiritual gifts but have only just come across shamanism and have since had dreams of native indians and large brown owls and also wolves i love all animals and have energy takeing dreams i wake up sometimes and my legs hurt like ive been walking or running i dont know which path to choose but i would prefer to become a shaman can anyone help me with some advice.
RE: a question for a shaman
Best advice I can give you is to go on workshops and also to read as many books as possible on the subject, you will then know if Shamanism is right for you, also remember that there are lots of disapilnes in Shamanism like druidry, witchcraft etc so in reading you may be drawn down one of those routes.
Wish you well on your journey and may your guides protect and naurish you on your path.
With love
RE: a question for a shaman
greetings Earth Angel!
It is a rare priviledge to witness an Earth Angel discover they have wings! and chooses a good destination.
Think about which field of healing uses your psychic talent in a way you can relate, understand, feel comfortable and most importantly enjoy! and practice it.
best wishes on your travel to the truth.
RE: a question for a shaman
Check Out Love and light Ajnamoon
RE: a question for a shaman
I know you're interesed in shamanism- do you know of any good workshops/talks or groups in our area?
Sorry for hijacking your thread earthangel [sm=hug.gif]