Good morning
I wondered if those who do readings and record them could tell me what equipment they are using. I havent recorded mine before but was given a new tape player and have used it this week but the electric noise is so loud you cant hear me!!
Does anyone record onto CD? I wondered if its cots a fortune to set up. My clients make notes but then they want to talk to me about it after and I dont remember mine!
Any suggestions??? 😮
Thanks Sam x
RE: recording equipment
Hi Sam
I use a normal hand held dictaphone c90 tapes with a computer mic attached to my lapel when taping readings in rooms, if the noise is high in the background, say at fairs with artists singing etc then I use a face mic with ear phones. the clients seem to say this is ok and do come back afterwards for further sessions so it seems to work. Most clients now a days seem to expect some kind of tape as most of us readers use them now. Dont know what prices are for cds but tapes cost about 27p in bulk for c90s.
RE: recording equipment
Hello, thanks for the info. I have started to use my laptop now as my other half got given some software so I can record straight onto CD.
Spirit move in mysterious ways eh!
Best wishes Sam x