I am entering into a Pluto Sq Pluto soon...this worries me....also My year of birth adds up to a 5...the year 2005 is a 5 year also for me....the number on my door is 5....wednesday is ruled by Mercury and Mercury's number is a five...the first wednesday in the new year is the 5th January ...'
Obviously I need someone with Numerology or astrological insights....I just don't feel good about 2005...or am I worrying over nothing?
The Starz
RE: Numerology Worries / pluto sq pluto...
Hi there,
Cant answer for the numerology aspect, but as someone who is also going through pluto square pluto (as well as to my sun, jupiter and uranus all gathered together in Virgo) I can say a little about the astrology. Pluto square pluto points to a phase in life when outmoded, unhelpful parts of your life get steadily eroded to allow new growth in.
The following link might be useful,where a very gifted astrologer called Eric Francis answers someones question about their own Pluto square. When you open the page choose "Eric Francis Q & A" from left hand column and then scroll down until you get to the question titled "Cycles of Seven"
[DLMURL] http://www.bubble.com/webstars/ [/DLMURL]
best wishes
Pete xx
RE: Numerology Worries / pluto sq pluto...
On the numerology side, here are two links to earlier threads:
Numbers - their meanings