This seems to be a phenomenon the world hasn't picked up on until now, though it seems authorities have, and have kept it quiet. But this is entirely new to us all: Many hundreds of people, and thousands apparently, are disappearing from parkland such as state parks in the USA. In Oregon alone it's an average of 16 people per year, or 240 over the last 15 years. Astonishingly, park or national authorities pretend that they don't keep records of these disappearances - which happen in clusters. People disappear just yards from others; and in there may be a particular concentration upon infants and the disabled. In the case of infants, too young to talk or explain, they are often found again, but in places impossible for them to have got to. Adults are never seen again.
This is really interesting as while we might put the happenings down to normal events such as getting lost, accidents, etc, the numbers, the details recorded, and strange factors involved frankly seem to point to an otherworldly cause. But it's interesting since one suspects this research only began in North America, yet seems to be global.
And this is not just an intellectual exercise or a question of "Do we believe or not?" as with ghosts, UFOs, etc - these are thousands of living, real adults and children who go permanently missing, hence must be considered dead or abducted. That alone is serious; but the implications are that authorities have known about this all along and have never made their knowledge public. Given the numbers, one has to consider some cover-up, but most importantly are the lost lives, which should be treated as something tantamount to murder of hundreds, or thousands, of people.
I expect this phenomenon to become much more well-known, and a future talking-point.
See the YouTube: it explains all I myself know so far:
[DLMURL=""]People Vanishing In Clusters, Unexplained - What's Happening? (Video) | Strange[/DLMURL]
I would want to see comparisons with dissappearances from other areas to see if they were statistically higher before I would see anything odd in this. And these 16 per annum is probably only a tiny percentage of all dissappearances.
It is baffling and seems to be a fairly new situation whereby data is now collected on this phenomenon occurring in national parks in the US.
[url]Missing 411[/url]
More curious, to me, is why we haven't heard it on the news at all....cover up? Does the government know something we don't?
Another report ..
[url]Do World Governments Allow Aliens to Abduct People? | The Menawa Report[/url]
x daz x
We are just seeing the effect of our own mind projections.
Wherever the consciousness goes...reality follows. Wherever mind wanders to that direction bursts open, wherever mind goes reality follows and begins to manifest
Science fiction becomes reality eventually
Conspiracies are validated....over time
Collective consciousness has been highjacked by creative minds in Hollywood, setting afloat the idea of aliens E Ts, destruction, violence and artificial intelligence, robots fantasy lands, alien attacks, alien experiments etc etc....the likes of Men In Black amongst a long line of cinematic expressions. Cinema is extremely potent medium to plant a seed of thought in collective consciousness. Visual, emotional, tangible action and effect and there is the seed of a belief of something new being sown. In time it flourishes, becomes a huge tree has its own seeds. Self perpetuating....
Think.....think, ponder, believe long enough....mysteriously it realises as a solid tangible undeniable reality.
Entire game of reality is created thus.
Modern mind likes to believe it knows something mysterious, something deeper, hidden. It invalidates facts floats conspiracies about most things, leaves questions hanging in the air....we have heard it all....moon landing to Chinese moon
A new wave of will run its one knows the statistics for sure....yet someone somewhere will ride this wave and a few thousand will join...the. Another wave of some other phenomenon ....the show goes on
Science fiction becomes reality eventually .
Perhaps reality becomes likened to science fiction ..
What came first .. the chicken or the Alien egg ... 😀
x daz x
Thousand of people missing - thousands?
This seems to be a phenomenon the world hasn't picked up on until now, though it seems authorities have, and have kept it quiet. But this is entirely new to us all: Many hundreds of people, and thousands apparently, are disappearing from parkland such as state parks in the USA. In Oregon alone it's an average of 16 people per year, or 240 over the last 15 years. Astonishingly, park or national authorities pretend that they don't keep records of these disappearances - which happen in clusters. People disappear just yards from others; and in there may be a particular concentration upon infants and the disabled. In the case of infants, too young to talk or explain, they are often found again, but in places impossible for them to have got to. Adults are never seen again.
This is really interesting as while we might put the happenings down to normal events such as getting lost, accidents, etc, the numbers, the details recorded, and strange factors involved frankly seem to point to an otherworldly cause. But it's interesting since one suspects this research only began in North America, yet seems to be global.
And this is not just an intellectual exercise or a question of "Do we believe or not?" as with ghosts, UFOs, etc - these are thousands of living, real adults and children who go permanently missing, hence must be considered dead or abducted. That alone is serious; but the implications are that authorities have known about this all along and have never made their knowledge public. Given the numbers, one has to consider some cover-up, but most importantly are the lost lives, which should be treated as something tantamount to murder of hundreds, or thousands, of people.
I expect this phenomenon to become much more well-known, and a future talking-point.
See the YouTube: it explains all I myself know so far:
[url]People Vanishing In Clusters, Unexplained - What's Happening? (Video) | Strange[/url]
That sure a spooky one. Thanks for sharing this 🙂
I'd still like to learn exactly how many thousands are actually missing and where these figures originated. It's easy to produce exaggerated figures without ever substantiating the claims made.
I'd still like to learn exactly how many thousands are actually missing and where these figures originated. It's easy to produce exaggerated figures without ever substantiating the claims made.
Absolutely. I agree. I came across this in January and posted on it. My interest was piqued since I do suspect there are paranormal categories which have simply not been put into the spotlight. If this subject was spotlighted, it might prove to be very real and important. (Not that anything practical might ever be done about it.) But sure, it would all need fact-checking etc of course.
.... but let's consider that it may be a real phenomenon. OK, so that would raise several important issues which the mainstream are hardly going to dare to address. For one, it may not be totally safe to enter park areas in North America and elsewhere, as you are not just dealing with bears. For two, is there a cover-up, even if just at local levels or park institutional levels?
I'm just wondering if this is a major aspect of Fortean phenomena which is possibly valid yet unrecognised up until now. As such it's interesting for sure. After all, the mainstream media will never touch this - no more than they ever touch regular UFO sightings and many other phenomena. (When was the last time you saw magnificent crop circles dealt with seriously on TV news?) So my interest is that it may be a valid phenomenon so far unrecognised even by Fortean (paranormal) researchers.
I'm open to the persuasion of facts and evidence, not headline-grabbing claims.
I'm amazed by the beauty of crop circles but haven't read a single scientific explanation that persuaded me. They remain valid and striking phenomena that are yet to be explained to my satisfaction and because there are so many photographed and recorded they are no longer news and hence don't often appear in the press or on TV.
As for cover-ups well they're easy to claim and, by definition, impossible to pursue! I doubt it's totally safe to enter National Parks but that could be said of other places - where in this world is ever totally safe anyway? People don't return from all kinds of places but they probably don't actually disappear! Getting lost in wilderness areas is surely understandable. I got lost in Muir Woods, San Francisco! Had I continued in the direction I was going I might have lost my way completely, fallen and been injured and not been found. The NPs of the USA are often vast, heavily wooded and (for me!) easy to get lost in. Perhaps those who haven't returned from them didn't get lost, didn't get hurt, didn't die of exposure, hunger or thirst. But those can't be ignored as likely explanations.
I'm not dismissing anything; claims for unexplained events I simply pigeon-hole as 'not proven' along with alien sightings, UFOs etc.
I'm open to the persuasion of facts and evidence, not headline-grabbing claims.
I'm amazed by the beauty of crop circles but haven't read a single scientific explanation that persuaded me.
Persuaded you of what? That they were not made by humans? Do you know that, within the crop circle, the electromagnetic field readings have been shown consistently to be much higher than surrounding levels...curious, huh?
Persuaded me about the mechanism that created them.....
Yes I am well aware of the details you've mentioned. curious? The whole aspect of crop circles is curious. The EM field is simply one element and offers no explanation of the mechanism that produced either it or the shape.
Persuaded me about the mechanism that created them.....
Yes I am well aware of the details you've mentioned. curious? The whole aspect of crop circles is curious. The EM field is simply one element and offers no explanation of the mechanism that produced either it or the shape.
At the risk of stating the obvious, I think it does point to supernatural causes, i.e. outside of humanity.
That human agency isn't the cause still leaves us not knowing what agency is.
At the risk of stating the obvious, I think it does point to supernatural causes, i.e. outside of humanity.
Yes, these circles happen out at sea, too. Not just on land. I think there might be a totally rational explanation for them but what it is, I do not know.
crop circles at sea?
crop circles at sea?
That's a new one for me..... What kind of crops grow at sea?