I just had to start a new topic on COLOUR because i have allways been fascinated in colours and there meanings etc , and reading the other thread someone mentioned about the NEW Chakra colour being turquoise,
Now when i had my Reiki 1 attunement i saw the colour Turquoise definatly and when i mentioned it to my reiki master she said i probably imagined it.
So has any one else ever seen this colour while meditating as i have many times.
There are two colours that i don't like to wear and that is Black and Orange [:'(]
for some reason my wardrobe is full of Blues, Aquas, Turquoise, Pinks and Lavenders and Plummy Purples.
RE: The use of Colour
Oh ---- sorry Wendy i didn't notice you had allready started a colour thread. still half asleep 🙂
RE: The use of Colour
Hi Hawkwind
I won't comment on colours at all here so as not to clash (I wish I could stop doing puns!) with the other thread started by lightwinds, except that I do just want to say in reply to this:
Now when i had my Reiki 1 attunement i saw the colour Turquoise definatly and when i mentioned it to my reiki master she said i probably imagined it.
It is difficult just reading those words as opposed to hearing them, to know HOW that statement by your Reiki master was intended. "You imagined it" can sometimes have a slightly derogatory edge to it, a sort of poo-pooing, but on the other hand she might have meant that this was something that you really did see "in your mind's eye" and she was affirming it for you - presumably your other two eyes were shut at the time.
Like you said in another thread, I often see magenta "in my head" when healing or meditating, or brilliant emerald green, but I see no reason why seeing turquoise could not have been an equal reality for you. But you heard her say it, I didn't, so only you can say which way you thought it might have been meant. Do let me know if this has clarified at all.
RE: The use of Colour
I always think of turquoise as communication and counselling
Love and light
Pam xx
RE: The use of Colour
Turquoise is the most spiritual colour there is . If u notice when u r going around the shops u will see alot of clothes etc that is turquise. This colour has been out along time though just recantly recognised as a highly spiritual/ awakenign colour.
It represents Arch Angel Sandalphon his brother is Metatron. Though it also indicates Archangel Michael
Prayers and thoughts going up to heaven
Spiritual awakeing
Deepening of intuition and insight
Hope this helps hun
RE: The use of Colour
Thankyou all for your replies[sm=1kis.gif][sm=grouphug.gif] very helpfull 😉