Past-life. Have you...
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Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

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Hello, In a recent post of mine on HP I was talking about someone who I feel I have a very strong bond with (in this life). It was suggested to me that this person may have been someone I knew in my past life, and this explains the bond in this life(if it is a bond). I just wondered, if anyone knows about past life in general (as I don't know a great deal), why in this lifetime have we chosen to meet again, what are the reasons? Has anyone else had an experience like this in this life time, meeting someone from a past life?

Thanks everyone, xx

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Hi yes there can be many reasons why you have connected again, sometimes it can be unfinished business, sometimes to unite for a common purpose and sometimes to break the cycle it is for you to discover the purpose.

Divine Love

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Hello aquacrystals,

Divine Love is right. It is for you to 1) ascertain that you have met someone from a previous life, and 2) to discover what the purpose for your meeting is. I have met several people from past lives, not all from the same one, and I have even met one of my guides in human form. Sometimes people from our past 'take up' from where they left off, so that the cycle begins again. I certainly felt a connection like that with my dad, for whom I have always had an affinity.

I wish you lots of fun in sorting them all out!


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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?


Thank you for your replies! I just feel that this person could be from a past life with a real strong bond, it feels weird I didnt get why I needed to keep in contact or see them until someone suggested this and it felt right. Thank you for your replies and if any one has any thoughts, greatly appreciated!


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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Hi ! Very interesting topic ! 😀

I think that if past lives aretrue , then it is logical to meet again those wehad a strong bond with..iflife on earth existsto teach us lessons and assist us in growing and developing our souls then the one thing that has the most power in doing this is love and our case,human connections..the emotional connection we share/shared with other, meeting them again in this life or the next is to our benefit even if we don't realize it sometimes..How else can we learn ? through relationships and emotions..when you feel strong feelings about someone you learn love and are closer to your soul not just their meeting them again is not sth strange but very natural, given that past lives are valid as a theory..I want to believe they are..

Aquacrystals, if you feel this connection with that someone, then it is have come together to learn from each other..this has happened to me, too..there are no coincidences really..Now, why ? This is sth you only know and can discover..the point is however, if you feel it strongly then it is true..and I think it's a blessing toshare deep feelingswith another soul..Ask yourself when and how you met ? What was your emotionalstate at the time ? What were your goals ? what were you after ? What did you want to bring into your life ? etc..questions like that can help you see why this person was brought into your life when he/she did ...also , why You entered his/hers..also, try to be can think of it as you would if you were watching a it in your mind and read the "subtitles" 😀

I guess the reasons for meeting past life friends and mates could be learn, to teach, to love again or to be given one more chance to do the right thing this timeetc..the purpose is to connect again on a soul matter what happens in this life and what the circumstances are ( good or bad ) , if love is pure, true and mutual then it is will meet these souls you have a special connection with again..I believe we choose to meet them again prior to being born into this life..ofcourse, there is much more to that, things we may be unaware of right now..but I think even if we don't meet them all now, we will in the future or in the past ! I mean time is relevant, there is no past or future really ! And if we can't meet them now , we will meet them someday;)

Definitely, there is a reason for meeting everyone we meet ! Even now that I am writing these lines there is a reason for it ! So, if you feel deeply about a person there is a very good reason for it ! This is a very good starting point for you in realizing why you met this person..Most of us take our meetings with people for granted..but if we stopped and asked ourselves why now ? why him/ her ? why under these circumstances ? Then we would understand a lot about ourselves and life and could discover a few personal truths that could someday lead us to the Truth..

I hope this helped a bit..
Present Life Lovehehehe
pink puppy 😀

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Hello, The person I am talking about, in answer to your questions above, we used to go out with each other about 3-4 years ago. It wasn't a fantastic relationship, he had trust issues. I have met a wonderful man since, but keep wanting to be in contact with my ex since. I know he feels the same. I went through a rough stage when I was with my ex, maybe depression, and other issues I'd rather not mention out loud. A medium told me that my ex has made me the person I am today. I just feel so connected to him, its weird. My current partner does not like him and does not let me be in contact. Any thoughts greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your replies, pink puppy I hope this makes sense to you. xx

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

I know exactly what feeling you're talking about. One time, Iwentto a Kriya Yoga conference in Vancouver B.C., there was a swami from Sandiego California visiting to give a speach. After the speachpeople crowded into thefoyer(sp?). Me and my three friends went in to the empty conference room andgreeted the swami and I started asking him many questions. Somehow I asked him something about past lives, and hesaid things carry through like marshall arts and drawing, which are some of my favourite things.It was really cool. People began togather around us, and a select few at that. People that I recognized very strongly. It was aconnecting moment,It definatly felt like I new these people from some distant time.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

I think we all come across people we've known in our past lives often. I think it'd be only natural that we kind of go in a circle and if we have no karma left with certain people, we still sometimes "hang" around each other to make sure the other person is ok. I think that's when we just feel a plesant connection with someone, it may never go anywhere, but we just feel a certain way about that someone.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

I feel I have met someone from a past life, however, they think I am mad and do not believe in this. So, where do I go from here, the attraction and the feelings I have for this person are so strong. I am lost and mixed up as to what to do.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

There may not be much you can or should do if the other person does not acknowledge the connection in the same way you do. Maybe you were meant to bring something to this persons life, what does your own intuition tell you that you need to do?

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

When I first met my roommate she and I both felt an extremely strong connection. With that connection we found that we would experience things the other also experienced. For example she was eating biscuits and at the same time she was eating them I was craving them although I was not aware she was eating them at that time. This all started in July and I moved in with her because she and her husband were getting a divorce. Since then we have both discovered things. She has discovered that she and this husband have tried to have a relationship that keeps going sour through several relationships. She also remembers killing herself over him repeatedly. I recall being her father in a past life and watching things go badly and feeling guilt when she killed herself. These memories came to each of us at different times but we both believe that we are working through this together. I am here to make sure she makes it through this ordeal in this lifetime and to make up the Karma of that guilt I felt and she is here to make the right choices this time regarding the desolving of her marriage.

Anyway, not only is it possible to meet people from past lives but you can also determine if there is a reason. Keep in mind if you are here together now for a reason the purpose will be revealed when the time is right and not before. Have faith that you will accomplish the tasks set before and all will be as it should.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

In this life, I've come across someone who I firmly believe was known to me in a previous life, though in a negative way; to the point that, I believe I was hurt(either emotionally or physically) by this person.......However, I also(re?) connected with someone who I totally believe was extremely precious to me in a previous life.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

If you are intersted in past lives and meeting up woth souls you knew from other lifetimes, you should read Dr Brian Weiss' books. (Many Lives, Many Masters; Only Love Is Real; etc) He is a clinical psychiatrist and was usingregression to take a woman back to her childhood, when she accidentally regressed to a past life. He has since researched it and used past life regression on many patients with phobias, depression, etc.

His theory is that we all belong to a "soul group" that tends to reincarnate together, although the relationships may differ (eg your father in one life might be a brother/sister, husband/wife, son/daughter, etc in another).

Sometimes someone who was part of your soul group may be your spirit guide in another life - I think this is the case with me. My spirit guide was my husband in one other lifetime and a brother in another.


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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Thank you all for your replies, so interestine. Please carry on posting however as long as you feel! Guinivere, may I ask this person you are talking about are you with them now together in this life? Many thanks xx

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Indeed I am........I feel very blessed.................:)

Love and blessings,
Guin x

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

There is one past life which is a very vivid memory to me. I was a slave boy in the Iron Age period, in what is now oxfordshire/berkshire area of SE England, I belonged to the smithy and was given the name Isham which is a celtic name meaning 'of the iron man's estate'. My master was an espcially cruel and brutal man and I was dreadfully abused, I died at his hands when I was 12. In that short life the one adult I trusted and loved was a trader name Hennak who came to our settlement every autumn and stayed the winter, leaving again each spring. When I met him again in this life there was an instant bond. We met on a Friday evening, I moved in with him on the Monday and we were married six weeks later. Everyone said we were mad, that we didn't know each other well enough, but we had known each other before. He was my Hennak and I knew it at once. We have now been married for 14 years. He has taught me self-respect and to embrace not fear my memories. He could not save me last time around, but he has saved me this time. Its too long a story for here and too personal but trust me, he saved my life this time around. I have know doubt whatsoever of the reality and truth of this past life and our lives together.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Generally speaking, when you meet somebody new and feel very strong emotions (both negative or positive) towards that person, there’s high probability that you met that person before. It is very special feeling in case of your… previous lovers/partners – you may feel very attracted by another person. You can feel strange, because sometimes that person is not even in “your type”, if you know what I mean. Also, in most of the cases of people interested in so called ‘spirituality’, there are very strong karmic relations with one (or both) of your parents! So far, I met several people from my past lives. Unfortunately, most of them are not aware enough to remember me, but there are exceptions. I know about five people that I met for certain in the past, and they remember me either. Three of them – my previous enemies (hence negative emotions), one woman I was dating for some time in the past… And the last girl – we were a couple in several incarnations, we share the same memories in case of 2-3 incarnations, with especially strong memories from our incarnations in the USA (we were deeply in love, somebody burnt our house… probably slave’s revolt). And she’s aware of that, either. There are many techniques to recall memories from the past. Follow them if you feel so, although for me, the only goal to learn about my previous lives is to improve my current one! And I have to do that, because around 50-60% of my karmic intensions comes from my past incarnations…

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

However, I have met people who I am sure I have connected with in a past life and I cant see why I was connected to them in this one at all as meeting both of them caused me a great deal of pain and when you say that you meet everyone for a reason, sometimes that reason isnt obvious simply because you get people who as in both my cases crashed into my life after very very long gaps, caused me no end of grief and then exited.
So it is all very well me being spititually aware but I could have done without it as I am sure I may have learned some life lessons from this but I dont think they did and they were hard ones to learn.


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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

For me, FREE WILL is the foundation of our world, and if somebody is not willing to take his lesson, I let him live his own life. You can't force anybody to be more spiritually aware if that person doesn't want to!

Digging in the past incarnation can give you a knowledge why somebody is causing a pain to you. It helped me several times. How? The understanding that came with memories from the past helped me to forgive those people. Again, it is much easier for me to forgive when I know what and why I want to forgive.

True Forgiveness is the way to ultimate freedom of your own beign.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

I wasnt talking about someone else being connected to me being spiritually aware, I was referring to myself.
Forgiveness is all very well but if people were a little kinder to one another, no matter how many times they have connected or not connected in a different or this lifetime, people like me would not be dealing with other people's bad behaviour.
We are all ultimately responsible for our own actions and maybe we should all set aside time to reflect on how our words, actions or lack of words can affect other human beings.


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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

I have met someone that I feel I know from a previous life, the problem is I have fallen in love with this person who sadly does not love me. I am now at the stage for my own sanity I need to leave and walk away from this persons life and to have absolutly no contact. I am terrified because I can feel the pain already, don`t know what else to do, its all very very sad.

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RE: Past-life. Have you met someone in this life from a past life?

Hi Pauline,

We tend to reap what we have sown in our different lifetimes, as know what you have given out, you get back ten-fold...good or bad.

I don't mean to upset you, by what I am saying...but it is possible that what you have experienced at the hands of others, you have, in a previous life meted out to others. Leaving you with an issue that you have to resolve in order to move on from the situation.

I appreciate that none of us like to think of being at the other side of the coin, but it is a fact that we earn the karma we have given out in previous life-times. Some astrology books show this in the birth charts.

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Clinging onto unhealthy relationships

I had the same experience in the past year. The other person ended the relationship in January for selfish reasons. I was starting to go into a depression during the relationship, and I hyperventilated (anxiety attacks) since our second date. As much as I knew it was wrong for me, I could not let go. I went through an extremely severe depression after it ended. It's now six months later, and I still cannot get this person out of my mind. I keep feeling homesick, as if I was a child who lost both parents. I am searching for answers as to what happened between us in past lives.

Hello, The person I am talking about, in answer to your questions above, we used to go out with each other about 3-4 years ago. It wasn't a fantastic relationship, he had trust issues. I have met a wonderful man since, but keep wanting to be in contact with my ex since. I know he feels the same. I went through a rough stage when I was with my ex, maybe depression, and other issues I'd rather not mention out loud. A medium told me that my ex has made me the person I am today. I just feel so connected to him, its weird. My current partner does not like him and does not let me be in contact. Any thoughts greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your replies, pink puppy I hope this makes sense to you. xx
