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Oh wow! iv'e just opened my back door and right outside i found a beautifull Magpie Feather, on one side of it is lustrious Blue/Black and on the other it is Black and White, Beautifull. 😀

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RE: Magpie

Magpie represents omens, according to the very quick google I did earlier. The feather you found sounds quite beautiful, but I'm afraid the only omen I see is a bad one - bad for the little birds whose eggs and chicks are stolen and eaten by magpies. Sorry, but I think they're noisy bullies, and they get shoo'd out of my garden every time!


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RE: Magpie

Just found this, ~

The black and white coloring of the magpie associates them to the world of magic, prophecy and witchcraft. They know how to live within the light and the dark simultaneously and understand the pros and cons of both. Magic is symbolic of creation. Occult knowledge must be understood fully before it can be used in a beneficial way. Those with this totem have the opportunity of creating a new and better life for themselves once they develop their psychic gifts completely and use those gifts with pure intention and self less service. Past life ties regarding the misuse of magic are common amongst magpie medicine people. The gift of a new creation will be offered to you only when you are ready. When the magpie flies into your life, get ready, your about to embark into the world of opportunity.

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RE: Magpie

Well, there you go!!! 😀 Guess my strictly practical, realistic side was coming out.

More esoterically, do you see any link between what you wrote above ..... and Atlantis? Or perhaps I should say FEEL any link? 😉


Just adding a PS: Where did you find it, BTW, any chance of one of your great links to click?

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RE: Magpie

Sure hun here you go~:D


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RE: Magpie

Holistic wrote

More esoterically, do you see any link between what you wrote above ..... and Atlantis? Or perhaps I should say FEEL any link?

I don't know yet, but it's funny you know in the back of my mind i allways felt i did something bad in a past life or was a sorceress or something, i don't know why i feel that but, because i am scared of everything (trying not to be) but am fascinated by everything at the same time, like i want to know what everything mystical is but am afraid of the outcome if you see what i mean, but this is where Reiki and everyone on here have helped me a lot eh lightwinds [sm=1kis.gif]
But i am different to the rest of my family they all think i have a weird imagination (a bit cuckoo) My dad allways said bless him, that the day i was born it was tipping down with rain but they couldn't get over that i had deep violet eyes.
anyway enough of me 😉
p.s. one other thing i just remembered ~ i don't like swimming, that is because i am too self conscious, but also i remember being forced to learn to swim as a child dragged into the water screaming and i didn't like it. [:@] But i do love the Ocean, i mean to look at 😀 well any water really.

Gosh that makes me sound like a psychological weirdo [sm=tongue.gif][sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif]

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RE: Magpie

Magpies have become very symbolic to me, and have proven on more than one occasion to be act as an omen good or bad.
I spent years seeing them thinking "huh, loads of rubbish, how can a chance glimpse of a bloody bird be unlucky, I see sparrows all the time and nothing bad happens, who decided to make a magpie unlucky…please…get a grip on superstition. If you believe in it, then that's what makes it true to you." Or so I told myself up until years ago, I started to see magpies and someones name would pop in my head, sure enough over a duration of a week or month I would see magpies and the same name would pop in my head, up until I received bad news about them!
I started to ignore this and say it's coincidence…(yes that old chesnut), until it became more frequent. Still years passed as this kept happening and I could not ignore the spooky connection but never told anyone.
Right up until November last year, I stayed over at my friends house, rose in the morning and wipped the curtains open, the first thing I looked at was a Magpie sat dead in front of me looking into the window (I kid you not) 'It's you' said a voice as the magpie spread its wings turned and flew off.
'bloody silly woman I am I said to myself, I know I'm fine and everythings ok.
12.30 that same day my mother rang my work, 'I have something to tell you', she said and whats silly was I was prepared in an instant for bad news.
'Your dad has had a stroke, and is at the hospital now with your sisters.' 'On my way'.I said and went with a new found faith in Magpies and the omens they can bring.
I see them a lot nowdays, always by freak fly by's across my car, or the very moment I look out a window and they are sat on a fence or something looking straight in at me I'm sure.
The names still come now and again, and if they don't I get a good or bad feeling from them.

They have taught me one thing, always slaute and respect the theiving little blighters, you never know what message they will deliver.

Poppychi xx

ps by the way my dad is slowly getting better it was a mild stroke and his speech is all thats left suffering.

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RE: Magpie


I love magpies also and can relate to what Poppychi has said, although I am more inclined to get good things happen when I see them and I get a good feeling to the day. I have loved them since I was about 7 I think and saw a programme about them. They are misunderstood birds but I can relate to them lol! I have a magpie as a guide who flies around me and sits on my shoulder. He is lovely.

I woudl have loved to have got a feather like that hawkwind as I have been searching for one for years :(, the search goes on lol.

with loev

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RE: Magpie

Awe Maria, i will send you the feather hun if you would like it, just send me your addy via pm ok, 😉

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RE: Magpie


Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

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RE: Magpie

You are very welcome hun 😉 🙂

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RE: Magpie

Hi poppychi

Glad to hear your father's stroke was not serious. You could perhaps post a request on the Healing and Prayers forum?

Maybe I should try to ignore the magpies' predatory eating habits and be more open to anything they might have to tell me - there certainly seem to be a lot of them around here - so maybe I'm missing something! 😉

Hi Hawkwind

Thanks for the link re the magpie associations website. I'm just about to post on Ancient Mysteries about a new CD re Atlantis.

Re Reiki - it is said that in Atlantis everyone had Reiki - and more - and it was all taken away because of mis-use, and that now we are only just being allowed to have it back - a bit at a time. Can't "prove" it, of course, but what do you think?


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RE: Magpie

Oh Holistic thats interesting, it's funny you know i was interested in Atlantis as a child and then didn't think about it much for years untill i came on here.[sm=scratchchin.gif]

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RE: Magpie


You are not mad simply following your interests and spiritual path / I see u awakening and comming out like a butterfly does out of its crisalis.

Your father will accept that which makes his daughter happy?

And when I see a magpie by itself i am like
Hello mr magpie hows ya friends and family[&:] heh

Any way i have to do this as one time I saw a solitary magpie and said nothing cos i thought it was a whole load of....[sm=soapbox.gif]

And within a couple of mins I fell over[sm=boring.gif] Lol
So there u go


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RE: Magpie

Lol Dragon.[sm=rollaugh.gif] 😀

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RE: Magpie

I have always been quite supersticious I have to always salute and say oh good morning or oh goodevening mag pie how's your wife lol when i see one magpie. Its funny how once someone tells you of a superstition you have to follow it then I even got told about one that if you see a royal mail van you have to touch something red. lol Ithought thats ridiculous I'm not doing that one after being told I saw a royal mail van and five seconds later went flying and cut all my hand up badly and ended up in hospital. So now I secretly even have to do that one I;m terrible wont walk under ladders either. Thats safer anyways lol!!! The other day my boyfriend and I were walking the dog when we saw a strange looking bird just walking about my dog ran over to it and it didnt even fly away it just walked around I slowly aproached it to see it walk awy but it wasnt affraid then I realised it couldnt actually fly i think it was injured and it looked exactly like a magpie but had no tail feathers. I wanted to try and help it but it went under the fence where we were walking. The other day also I had noticed three doves think my boyfriend said they were ring tail or something they look a bit like pigeons. They had been all sitting on our fence and keep comming back everyday into our garden. I could not believe my eyes when I was sitting on the computer heard a thump at the window and there was one sitting on the window sill outside just looking around i went to take a photo of it and it flew away. Dont know if they have any spiritual meaning do you??? Stilll it was a lovely sight to be that close and it not fly away.

I have been told by someone that I have a spiritual connection with animals etc

Love angelic xxxx

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RE: Magpie

Hi Angelic, i found this for you ~

The dove is a member of the pigeon family and both hold the qualities of home, security and maternal instincts. Many with this totem will experience unsettling childhood's and will be challenged continually to acquire a solid secure foundation in all areas of their lives.

The legends and lore surrounding the dove associates it with many goddesses and it is considered the embodiment of the maternal instinct. The brood of dove consists of two eggs. Two represents the creative and feminine energies. Home and family are important to those with this totem and life lessons will be most predominant in these areas.

Since the dove is a ground feeder and eats mostly seeds those with this totem would benefit from a diet rich in wholesome seeds, nuts and grains. They would also do well in any health profession relating to nutrition.

The dove's song is its most distinctive feature. It can be heard throughout the day. The mourning coo of the Dove reflects hidden emotions stored within those who carry this medicine. How you perceive its sound often reflects the energies that are playing out in your life.

When dove appears it is asking us to go within and release our emotional discord, be it of the past or the present. It assists us in releasing trauma stored within our cellular memory. Humming can aid in this release.

Doves hold the energy of promise. When inner turmoil is cleared from our thoughts, words and feelings, the possibility of good fortune awaits us. In order to receive the gifts the doves bestows on us healing on all levels is paramount.

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RE: Magpie

Thanks that was a lovely piece of info!!!:)

Love angelic xxxx

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RE: Magpie

you are very welcome hun ~ allways glad to help when i can, lol don't know much yet but every little thing helps eh.;) so many people on here have helped me , i'm only too glad to do what i can .
