lost in time and sp...
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lost in time and space.

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OK, now I will listen for the ambulance "coming to take me away Ha ha!" Old song. You had to be there 🙂

I often wake up not knowing who I am, where I am or when I am. I have never acknowledged this openly before. But there it is.

I am on no medication. I don't smoke (anything) and don't usually drink. But I often feel a shift or a vibration. I have really strange thoughts when people don't remember things the way I do. Like... well... maybe...they weren't the people that it happened with. CRAZY!

I suspect that I slip between. I don't know what that means. I just said it. I does seem strange to me to astral project effortlessly. I know I have always disassociated. And that's how I lost my pieces.

My thoughts are now: is this something that needs to be fixed or a gift to be explored. Does anyone have any ideas? Does anyone else experience this?

I'm reading about shamanism but it doesn't resonate at all (I am not journeying). This is causing problems with sticktuitiveness. That is staying on long tem tasks. I seem to always be in flux. And things aren't always what they seem.

OMG...I'm in a matrix... no...I have no clue.

And maybe they just need to come and take me away?

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We all have moment of being disconnected
And are looking at what other people practice
Not all that we look at will resonate with us
This is why we have so many differing treatments
So many people working in different directions
Not one of us will be right about everything in other peoples eyes
However, we do what we do for ourselves and our needs
With our personal growth, other people are secondary
If we continue to bend to other peoples needs
We will fail to provide for our own needs

The Ambulance awaits us all, in the view of someone else
And the matrix can be a part of all our lives, as we build our boxes around us

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The things you say have interesting layers.

didn't mean anything negitive about shamanism. Just that I am not journeying. I'm still reading it. I am looking at soul retrieval information. It's just not what is happening to me. It says you do not choose shamanism it chooses you. It did not choose me so I'm not feeling it (now/yet).

I'm always seeking answers. If we have lived other lives? If time is not necessarily linear but could be all at the same time? If we may live other lives in the future? If there are other dimensions where we may be doing the same or simular things? Could there be spillage? Especially when asleep and/or not focused on this present.

A lot of new age thinkers are saying that we create our here and now with our thoughts. Thats what the whole law of attraction is saying.

If we are creating our reality with our thoughts and our thoughts change. ..we could cause a shift?

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Like...prophecy? There is a prophecy that something will happen because of a certain trend of behavior. But people respond to the prophecy, change the behavior and the prophecy doesn't come true. A shift has been created. Do we feel it?

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I've sometimes felt that I'm in a completely different dimension. Everything else is the same but an event as occurred that seems unexplainable. I read or heard somewhere that there may be infinite dimensions, where almost everything else is the same but your individual circumstances have changed, depending on which dimension you are in. Maybe thought is the doorway. There are view points on thought healing, What if the process of being healed by thought, just means that you are now in a different dimension where you never had the illness in the first place. As far as your concerned, all else would be the same, job, family, friends.
