Please bring your angel wishes evelopes again tonight. If you not got one then find some paper and write one wish out to the angels. Just keep then close to you as we do are New lesson tonight.
See you later.
Love and blessings
Wendy xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
ORIGINAL: lightwinds
Sound lovely and this had made my legs all tingly, your journey will be a bed of roses.
love wendy x
Thanks Wendy - I think a new part of my journey started yesterday with a message I received from a friend 🙂
Hmmm I can smell cigars right now - don't smoke in my house!
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Sorry Wendy but my meditation was cut short as someone touched me twice on my left knee and I nearly jumped out of my skin .. I fell into the meditiation very deeply & quickly though which was lovely as I have been neglecting it some what over the last 3 weeks.. I'll try again in a little while once my heart starts beating normally again lol
MA its ok, just ask your guide to help you to feel carm and let the feeling flow around you, but not to come too close.
wendy xxx
the pages are taking a little while to load at the moment, so bare with me;)
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
My rose was crimson red when i first started then as soon as the golden light came upon it , it changed to pure white. I tried really hard to smell its fragrance but there was no smell although i felt like someone was holding it right under my nose saying the aroma is there your just trying too hard to smell it .
Tracy xx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
your meditations are beautiful and I can feel such power tonight so full of devine Love.
Reading through each one, so post as I read xxxxxxxxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
MA its ok, ask your guide to help you feel carm and let the feeling flow around you, but not to come too close.
I'm kinda kicking myself I didn't stay calm, but they were quite a prod and totally unexpected!
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
i feel really quiet tonight,, in an nice peaceful way..xxxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
ORIGINAL: aquablue
i feel really quiet tonight,, in an nice peaceful way..xxxx
You're right - it does feel peaceful tonight
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
im a total scaredy cat when anything moves or makes a noise, i just am no where near ready to receive a prod,,xx id be cackin my self!! xx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I wanna prod!*pouting* in fact i think I need a big kick ha ha
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I agree there is a lot of calm tonight - enjoyed reading about your mediation aquablue - your mediative story sounds intriging!!
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Umm yes a very loving a peaceful mediation that one - something I definitely need at the moment (am feeling very frazzled - although not really sure why)
I could immediately feel an amazing warmth around my heart chakra - normally I just get a tingly feeling but this was real heat - bit like deep heat - but in a comforting way! I also got my usual head tingles but these were more noticably on my right hand side tonight when often on my left.
I chose a coppery/peachy/orange rose and when I was imagining it filled with golden light I very difinitely could smell its aroma - a really lovely light perfume.
Beautiful once again Wendy!!
In Love and Light
when one starts off as a bud, one can keep growing untill one reaches full bloom, and with you it is already a flower.
wendy xx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi everyone, computer is messing up so don't know if my last message posted successfully or not:Di have to go to bed soon but was just wondering if anyone could send some positive thoughts to my boyfriend, Phil, as he has an exam tomorrow for his degree course and i know that he is really nervous about it. Thanks everyone and thank you Wendy for a lovely, calming meditation.
lots of love
Hannah xx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hmm maybe not a kick but perhaps a bit of 'shake rattle & roll'?!? [sm=dance.gif][sm=1syellow1.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif]
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Goodnight Hannah, tell Phil I shall be thinking of him tomorrow and wishing him lots of luck with his computer is being difficult must be all this energy!
Much love and speak tomorrow
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi wispy,,
yes this meditation of mine started weeks and weeks ago and its been something that i have had to wait to unfold for me cos i was to busy trying to force the issue as patience isnt a virtue of mine..!1[8D],,so it ws good to see that i was taken to another part of the story..xx very heart warmingxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi Whitedragon.
Positive thoughts speeding there way to your boyfriend.
Hails xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi Hannah
Spirtual energies being sent to Phil - trust all will go well for him tomorrow.
Night night
S x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hails xxx
hello hails xxxx
catch up with you soon.
and everyone:D
You all did very well again, I will be leaving a message about the love and the rose later after I been through you meditation xxxxxxxx
wendy x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
i visualised a bright pink rosebud, as the golden light shone down i saw it light up the bud and the petals all bloomed shimmering in the light, there was aviolet light surrounding me and above i saw the most amazing electric bluey-whitelight, i felt warm and cosey and tingly
i dont remember much after this as i must have been really deep or asleep and came round to the dryer beeping that it had finished drying my washing - ido rememberthat i was with two people, a dark haired male and a femalethough and i remember them saying that i was on the right path and to continue with the further education, i felt as though they were leading me to a pathway and showing me the way, that is all i remember, came back startled and gutted i had forgot to turn the dryer off xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Amber Blue Rose x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi Hannah, Positive thoughts to Phil and good luck with his exam.
With love,
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Thank you Wendy - what a lovely message!
Hannah - will be sending out positive thoughts to your b/f for tomorrow and for you for your test.
I must love you and leave you all now - am rather tired! Will be back tomorrow (got a day off[sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]) and take a peek at the rest of tonights postings!!
Love & Light to all here - good night xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Night everyone... I am off to bed now (think I will be watching BBC2 though!).. the trance mediumis tonight.
Blessings to everyone
Love Sue x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
My rose was a wonderful pink as soon as the golden light hit the rose it started to open and then it multiplied more and more roses. The colour of the rose then a golden pink stretched out from my aura about 4 feet and I was surrounded in a golden pinky hue. What a lovely meditation.
Thank you Wendy,
Luv Binah
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I am off to bed too...I am so relaxed, I am almost falling asleep here at the computer! Thank you so much Wendy, and I will catch up with all the other postings tomorrow.
Much love to you computer is being really difficult tonight too...its even slower than it is usually!
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Sending Phil positive vibes & best wishesHannah xxxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
goodnight girls, and good luck to phil,,xxx im here for at least another 15 minues got some energy 🙂
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
hannah. loads of positive thought to phil
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
hi hannah - good luck and blessings tomorrow for a phil xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I think we all slowed up tonigh pat, the stillness is the peace.
Goodnight Pat.