Please bring your angel wishes evelopes again tonight. If you not got one then find some paper and write one wish out to the angels. Just keep then close to you as we do are New lesson tonight.
See you later.
Love and blessings
Wendy xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Are you all nearly ready,
hello wispy misty xx [link= ]Dedwydd[/link]xx
I got my native american music on tonight, lovely:D
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Ready, Wendy....
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I'm ready
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Ready Wendy 😀
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
i'm ready too:)xx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I'msa ready!
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I'm here - sorry not been in long been out with the ambulance crew today so bit sleepy!!
Glad you FIL is improving MA - sorry not posted a message for you before x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Good Evening all
I've been looking forward to tonight all week. Was getting in a bit of a panick when i found the page wasnt loading.
Glad it's all up and working again now.
Love and Peace
Tracy x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
the wonders of modern technology eh ..[sm=banghead.gif]just before i started posting i couldn't access any forums whatsoever so it looks like snails have been let loose in the system and all of our posting has heightened the effect!
warm wishes- christine x
edited to say i'm ready too 😀
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
I'm ready xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Thank you wispy-misty, hope you are well.... Your day sounds very interesting xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
hello Tracy, welcome xxx
Lets think about love love love
Ok some people can love very openly, some people have suffered pain in the past or present and have not been able to bring themselves to Love or be loved.
The way to Spirit is through Love, The Heart Center
"Develop from the heart, meditate on love, live love, absorb love, give love, and your soul will become alight. The divine magic will rest in your hands, enabling you to heal the sick, to comfort the bereaved, to bless the sorrowful, to beautify everything you touch, and to bring peace and happiness to the lives of men and women."
Words by White Eagle
Grace cook was the medium who channelled through White Eagle.
Lets begin
The Love Within
As you sit quietly I want you to invite your Guide and Angel to be close to you.
Now count to 5.
Visualising a Rose Bud (colour of your choice)
Look at your Rose Bud; now watch the Rose Bud being filled with a Golden Light containing the Power of Love as it gently comes down from the Universe.
Stay for a few moments and watch your rose, can you smell the beautiful fragrant. Remember your experience on your return
Now count to five and you will be back where you started your meditation.
Remember to stamp your feet when finished and to thank your guide and angel.
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Beautiful words, Wendy, and the meditation was so peaceful I almost dozed off...I can still smell the lovely heady fragrance of my red rose now....
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi Wendy and everyone
My rose was peach and as soon as the golden light came down to the rose, it exploded in all directions, sending out beautiful gifts (although I couldnt see what they were).
I felt I was walking a path and behind me I could choose to leave, in my wake, either calm and serenity with the love I express or frustration & chaos if I didnt give unconditional love. It made me think of the impact my daily life has on others.
Near to the end, I felt my left ear tickling (sp) - I hope it was my guide and I asked to hear their voice, I told them I love them and trust them, but I need to hear their voice (still waiting ha ha). I know I have to try harder to hear them!
Then I was back.
I lovely but short time away....
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Beautiful words, Wendy, and the meditation was so peaceful I almost dozed off...I can still smell the lovely heady fragrance of my red rose now....
Did anything happen with your rose Pat x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Oooh I feel all tingly now. My one rose turned into a number of roses scattered in a boat at the edge of a river. I felt the need to get into the boat and relax floating down the river. I did this and the fragrance from the roses was amazing.
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Sorry Wendy but my meditation was cut short as someone touched me twice on my left knee and I nearly jumped out of my skin [sm=eeeK.gif].. I fell into the meditiation very deeply & quickly though which was lovely as I have been neglecting it some what over the last 3 weeks.. I'll try again in a little while once my heart starts beating normally again lol
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Umm yes a very loving a peaceful mediation that one - something I definitely need at the moment (am feeling very frazzled [sm=confused-smiley-012.gif]- although not really sure why)
I could immediately feel an amazing warmth around my heart chakra - normally I just get a tingly feeling but this was real heat - bit like deep heat - but in a comforting way! I also got my usual head tingles but these were more noticably on my right hand side tonight when often on my left.
I chose a coppery/peachy/orange rose and when I was imagining it filled with golden light I very difinitely could smell its aroma - a really lovely light perfume.
Beautiful once again Wendy!!
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Now first my rosebud wanted to be blue - I've never seen a blue rose, have you? I tried to change its colour but it wouldn't budge so I went with it. However, the Golden Light didn't make any difference to the rose or me. The light stopped flowing, then the rosebud changed colour and became a deep red. The Golden Light flowed and as it did the rosebud stayed tightly furled but it felt as if a flower opened where my heart is - don't know how else to describe it! As I was thinking what a wonderful feeling, so the rosebud begun to open into one of those lovely old-fashioned shrub roses, the ones that smell like roses of my childhood. As I sat here I felt surrounded with love, and like there were two pairs of arms wrapped around me, one from my left side, one from my right side. Then I just knew it was time to come back, and here I am!
Afraid I couldn't smell the rose, but that might be because my house is full of the smell of hyacinths at the moment - they've all come into flower over the last 2 days!
Lovely, lovely experience. Thanks Wendy. [sm=1kis.gif]
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi Wendy and everyone
My rose was peach and as soon as the golden light came down to the rose, it exploded in all directions, sending out beautiful gifts (although I couldnt see what they were).
I felt I was walking a path and behind me I could choose to leave, in my wake, either calm and serenity with the love I express or frustration & chaos if I didnt give unconditional love. It made me think of the impact my daily life has on others.
Near to the end, I felt my left ear tickling (sp) - I hope it was my guide and I asked to hear their voice, I told them I love them and trust them, but I need to hear their voice (still waiting ha ha). I know I have to try harder to hear them!
Then I was back.
I lovely but short time away....
Do not try to hear them, trust that you already do.
wendy xx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
i felt an immense pressure on my forehead which i can still feel a bit now. i went tingly all over and i kept feeling my left hand being touched - i'm sure there was a dent on the bed next to me again as well as if someone else was sitting there too! my rose was blue and the light was being poured into it by a jug. i struggled to smell anything but i could imagine how soft it was.
Hannah xx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
ORIGINAL: lightwinds
Beautiful words, Wendy, and the meditation was so peaceful I almost dozed off...I can still smell the lovely heady fragrance of my red rose now....
Did anything happen with your rose Pat x
Meant to say Wendy thatthe petals opened and it seemed full of light - probably the golden light I was trying to visualise - and seemed toilluminate the room...such a lovely serene feeling...
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Sorry WendyI meant to add my rose was green until it started tobloom turning to a lovely soft yellow.
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Oooh I feel all tingly now. My one rose turned into a number of roses scattered in a boat at the edge of a river. I felt the need to get into the boat and relax floating down the river. I did this and the fragrance from the roses was amazing.
Sound lovely and this had made my legs all tingly, your journey will be a bed of roses.
love wendy x
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
hi ladies 😀
sorry i am late had tohelp a friend...
my rose was red and i rose high aboove the earth it unfolded,, it was huge and beautfiul and out of the cetnre a golden heart imerged it shot up and exploded into like a thousand stars, i was floating in spsace and i felt the stars encircle the earth,, whilst this was going on one of my guides took me to aplace that i go inmeditation where a story has been unfolding and took me to a new part,,,and it was beautfiul feeling,, i remember thinking by the next full moon,, xxx
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hi all.. I was just looking at the names logged into this thread and noticed a lot of colour in the names..
We had a...
just made me smile as Wendy mentioned the colour of our roses..
RE: Group B. Opening to Love.
Hello Wendy.
How are you ?
I could imediately feel my guide to my left, as he put his hand on my shoulder, and my angel to my right.
As my rose was filling with Gold light, and loving energy. I got a sense of peace. With that a flock of birds flew to me and were on my arms, and shoulders, communicating with me. A beautiful white dove then came and rested in the middle of the rose.
I had a feeling of warmth around my heart, and throat chakra, as I comminicated on a level, with pure unconditional love, with all around me. Peace, and unity does exist.
Thank you Wendy for that very powerful, and very inspiring meditation. It was truly beautiful.
Hails xxx