Hello. My issue is that I pick up other peoples negative emotions. I often feel if they are ill, and where they hurt. I get this in churchyards too. If someone is depressed or suffering from a mental illness its like a physical blow to be near them. Its like I'm a radio wave picking up the signals, and its actually having quite a crushing effect on me. I have studied meditation, tried closing down techniques and protection techniques but it doesn't help. When close members of my family are unhappy or unwell I feel that too. What can I do to switch this off? Any ideas?
Hello. My issue is that I pick up other peoples negative emotions. I often feel if they are ill, and where they hurt. I get this in churchyards too. If someone is depressed or suffering from a mental illness its like a physical blow to be near them. Its like I'm a radio wave picking up the signals, and its actually having quite a crushing effect on me. I have studied meditation, tried closing down techniques and protection techniques but it doesn't help. When close members of my family are unhappy or unwell I feel that too. What can I do to switch this off? Any ideas?
All is one, so it can happen if you are open enough. There is nothing you have done to bring it along, nothing you should do to switch it off. There is no need of protection either although you are probably feeling that you need to. Just relax into these emotions. Your fighting with them is the problem, not the emotions that you feel. As you relax they will pass easily without battering and crushing you. Get out of the way. It has come relax into it and then see it pass. When you stand in the way it batters you.
Hi Star2Snow
You don't switch this off, you have to learn to embrace it, as Jnani says if you attempt to fight this, you are actually fighting yourself and that internal conflict is causing most of the problem, you need to embrace it in an open and non-judgemental way, that will allow you to become one with your intuition and then be able to acknowledge the information which you are giving yourself and since it has done its job of alerting you and you have embraced the information, you can then choose to use it or let it go.
Yeah just pass by such wave lengths like you are passing through cold and hot climate area. Meaning just take them as a part of atmosphere. Don't take it over your mind too much and let it get through like a hot or cold wind.
Perhaps it is a call for you to do something about it, not to protect yourself, for in doing so you isolate yourself, but to help by giving support and love, perhaps by healing or perhaps just by holding a hand of one in need.
If you know who it is try just standing in silence next to them, if you are not sure just allow your love to permeate everyone locally.
Have you tried healing?
OOhh I never thought of accepting it! Daft. I've been searching for ways to close it down and put barriers up for so long and it just seems to get stronger. I am trained in Reiki but felt the emotions of others so much that I found it too emotional to work. But mayne if I learn to accept and relax......... I will try that, although it will be a steep learning curve!
If it's getting stronger as you try to block it, then that isn't the way to go. It's almost as if you are running in the opposite direction to the one you are being guided to ...
Might I suggest this is a Gift for you to use? Ask to transmute the energy you pick up into Love and Healing and return it to the person emitting this emotion. After all, it is only an energy, allow it to flow easily round or through you, transmuting it in the process. You'll be amazed at the effect it has.
You might find interesting too.
When you feel these emotions do you hand them back to the person you feel it from like are you ok or are you feeling a bit down? By being able to recognise what is yours and what is theirs because the feeling passes is also a good way of also becoming more comfortable with your gift. By also recognising what you are absorbing and feeling the differences in the nuances of emotion you will also notice that these feelings will pass quicker rather than hanging around and draining your energy if that makes sense?
Hope this helps xxxx
How are you feeling now?
I would say acknowledge their presence, recognise that these feelings aren't yours, and ask/allow them to move through you and dissipate to a more positive form of energy (unconditional love springs to mind). I think sharing our patient's suffering (in a detached and healthy way) is one of the most wonderfully empathetic things we can do as healers, and I feel blessed whenever this happens to me, as I feel it demonstrates deep connection.
It sprung to my mind that having a piece of rose quartz (or perhaps clear or smokey quartz if you are more drawn to another) in your treatment room could help - you could direct those emotions towards the crystal. Clear, for transformation to positive energy, rose for love, and smokey quartz will absorb and hold onto anything negative - remember to cleanse it regularly.
Love & light
Hi Star2Snow. I agree with all the wise replies you have received so far and would add the following point:
If you raise your own vibrations you will find that you tune into more uplifting vibrations in those around you. It's a bit like being a radio receiver: you effectively scan the airwaves and pick up the stations that you choose.
You can raise your own vibrations through positive daily affirmations and positive visualisation, as well as simply treating yourself well. Becoming more filled with light in this way is the best protection there is from negative energy.
Also, being part of a supportive group such as Healthypages is clearly very helpful.
You will still pick up the sad stuff - it's just that you don't have to do it all the time, nor so strongly.
When you do pick up the sad vibes, you can deal with them as appropriate: fill the situation or person with light in whichever ways feel right for you, and then let go and move on. Remember it's not your stuff.
In time this will all become easier, and it is truly worth it. Being sensitive, intuitive, or psychic, call it what you will, is a wonderful thing to be.
Strange how times have changed... I was told many moons ago - to always protect yourselve againist negative energies and hence I have always carried Haematite( My choice) To accept these energies is ok, but there are some who may have problems getting rid of them... I always know when someone is feeling ill as I seem to get the basic symptons and it can prove a little embarrassing to have to ask if anyone is feeling poorly( normally the symptons go away after someone has confirmed them)
I often think I would be weighed down with if I carried a crystal for every type senario lol lol 😀
Very and most enlightening answers which I will very much take also on board.
Another point of view is that these emotions affect you because there is space in you that allows them in.
A person who is full of their own power and soul will only feel other's emotions when they need/want to.
Hi my lovely,
You have empathy, theres so many people that have it. I too have empathy, pick up others feelings, emotions, illness and so on. Don't ignore and switch it off, embrace it. Also when we have contact with another person, un-knowing to them we pick up there stuff, and it sticks to our Aura.
Have you heard of grounding and protecting? This helps you not to pick up the rubbish.
Grounding - Place your feet flat on the floor indoors or out, then imagine you have large roots coming out of your feet, all the way down to the centre of Mother Earth and hook them.
Protecting - Imagine you are surrounded in a big white bubble that only allows positivity in and negative bounce straight off.
I do that a few times a day, it helps I no longer pick peoples energies up when out shopping, lol.
Also at the end of each day, I imagine I have these hook attached to my aura, I un-hook them, as they stand for every person you have met that day.
It will get better, it a fab gift to have, as you know how people are feeling and can help or understand.
I feel that most of the responses here missed the mark.
Really missed the mark.
Imagine standing in a store with a wall of TVs all on and all on a different chanel. Embrace that madness.
Have a little empathy for the empath. They suffer until they understand their gift and even then they suffer to control it. They have to have solitude to recharge.
Imagine that you have a severe alergy to animals. Every time you are near an animal or a person that has animal all over them; you feel itchy, runny nose and have to clear your throat. Now embrace that!
Don't think. Its not the same. Go stand in a store with all the tvs on. If the sound is off; turn the sound up a little on each one. Embrace that. Now turn the sound up only on the ones with violent tones. Feel it. Embrace it.
Now you have empathy for the empath.
During the early days of my awakening I seemingly took on board the woes of the world . So many things awakened and so many feelings / senses came to the fore . I think you can be born a sensitive due to your current vibration and it is something one learns to live with .
As one understands the nature of pain and sufferings one's personal connection with others pain becomes lessened in my own experience .
I think one sees through new eyes as the saying goes .
Everything is how it is meant to be and will be a reflection of their very self . Their very self that has created their experience and will perceive such experiences due to their current reflection .
At a point I retreated into my man cave because I couldn't handle being around others .
A channel said to me a fortnight ago it is no fun being an empath is it and she held my hands and thanked me from spirit for understanding and helping others that are in pain . There are not too many moments where others really understand what I have been through .. perhaps only spirit do ..
Nowadays I perceive differently and I integrate the pain of others differently but it was necessary to experience what I did how I did because thats how the cookie crumbles .. because it's written in the stars ..
x daz x