Evening all
A few months ago now I bought a piece of moonstone mostly due to my partners mum passing over and me thinking maybe I could help in some way to show her that the spirit world does exist. I purchased thinking the same as I do when I buy other crystals that the chances of me picking anything up relating directly relating to spirits is very remote because as a rule of thumb in the past with all crystals I've come into contact with its all been about feelings never actually hearing spirits whispering in my ear which is exactly what happened on 2 nights after keeping it next to my bed. It happened around the time just before I went to see a doctor because for the first time in my life I decided that I needed some medication to help me with depression that I was suffering from. My point is how do you decipher between voices of spirits and voices of depression? From what I've read voices can be very common when you are suffering from depression. It really made me wonder if I was truly going mad, my mind wouldn't stop talking to myself, I couldn't stop breaking thoughts down, I'd constantly be contradicting myself it was without a doubt a strange time in my life.
Getting to what happened I placed the crystal beside my bed before I dropped off to sleep and where I can honestly say that I never have problems falling asleep whether I'm depressed or not so within what seemed like moments after falling asleep I became aware that I was in a light sleep state, I was almost awake and that's when I heard the voices or whispers and what seemed like a very cold finger tip touching the top of my hand. I couldn't understand anything that was being said but to me it felt like if it was a spirit then it was a spirit that was playing with me or trying to make me freak out although that's just how I perceived it to be, this happened on both nights it felt very real to me even though I have to question it due to what I read.
So how can you tell the difference, how do you know your not just mad?
. My point is how do you decipher between voices of spirits and voices of depression? From what I've read voices can be very common when you are suffering from depression.
Voices are not common with depression . What medication are you on as sometimes hallucinations CAN be a side effect of some medication. Feel free to pm me if you don't want to discuss your medication on an open forum.
Morning Tashanie
I didn't start taking anti depressants until a few weeks after the incident, the thing is I've never heard voices ever unless it has been around crystals and i've only ever had 3 moments where i've heard things, twice was with the moonstone and the other occassion was with a piece of my friends piece of quartz, that was another story all together.
I've never taken any such medication for low moods in my life and never any voices what so ever which is why there is a question mark in my mind because they have come out of the blue.
Morning Tashanie
I didn't start taking anti depressants until a few weeks after the incident, the thing is I've never heard voices ever unless it has been around crystals and i've only ever had 3 moments where i've heard things, twice was with the moonstone and the other occassion was with a piece of my friends piece of quartz, that was another story all together.
I've never taken any such medication for low moods in my life and never any voices what so ever which is why there is a question mark in my mind because they have come out of the blue.
It could well be that the crystals and your desire to have proof that the spirit world exists have opened you up and increased your sensitivity. Certainly Moonstone is wonderful for psychic development - as I can personally attest.
Clearly given your emotional issues after your bereavement and your low mood, there is potentially scope for some psychosis - which COULD lead to you hearing voices. But the fact you are asking if it could be a sign that you are 'mad' is an indicator that your cognitive faculties are working normally.
Personally I would accept the voices for what they are (assuming you have ruled out any mundane cause) and take them as a gift . But I would also take good care of your mental and spiritual health. Some meditation could be helpful provided your GP doesn't think it will cause any problems with your low mood. (I am being a bit cautious because mental health issues and depression are two areas when hypnotherapists have to be careful - and meditation is a form of self hypnosis. )
I understand your caution, I didn't go completely loopy but the loss of my partners mum did take a toll even though I made an effort to try and keep my spirits up but it was clear shortly after that this was a highly emotional time that I wouldn't be able to duck and dive as much as I'd have wished too
I just wish all these phenomenon were better understood like how we as how people can sense certain things like energy from people, spirits, crystals, trees the list goes on. I remember a time when my brother would be on leave from the army and he'd be back home for a couple of weeks, the first week and a half was fine but then a couple of days towards the end of his leave I would start feeling sad and it took me a little while to figure it out when on one occassion I asked him if he was sad and he told me he was and that he always got like that just before he would be leaving to go back. It's not like there were any visual cues either as he is 7 years older then me so we had our own friends and did our own things so I wouldn't see him a great deal but there was this definate feeling of sadness that would come over me, so I understand that my spirit is sensitive but I have problems validating it because its always been a little hit and miss with me.
I've seen a couple of freaky things which is hard to understand partly because at the time I was under the influence of mdma, my friend who I was with that night walked past me in the hallway and we stopped and spoke for a minute, this is going to sound very strange and its fine if you think i'm making it up but I always tell it like it is and i'm not the sort of person that gains from lying or story telling, anyway we were speaking and I saw what looked like muscle forming around his forehead, by his cheeks and it looked very much demon like to me, the funny thing is he saw my expression and how I said 'whoa your face just went wierd' at which time he turned his head away from me and shook it very quickly as if to try and nod it off before me going into the loo and him going back to the frontroom. Nothing was said after that. Another experience was again with him but this time with a piece of quartz he let me carry around with me. I had it in the bathroom whilst I was having a shave and I can swear I heard what to me sounded like the voice of an angel or something similar, it felt like it was coming from a million miles away, I couldn't make out anything in particular that she was saying but I got the very distinct impression that she wanted to be with the guy who owned the crystal at which point I then took it back to him and said that she wanted to be him. He who I wont name was very deep into Wicca, he has a very natural understanding with crystals but he is also a little dark with it even though he would argue to the contrary, lots of things like that happened all the time but for some reason I always find a way of denying it and that is very annoying. Another thing I dont understand is how you can seemingly use random thoughts to connect with a crystal, how on earth do people do that, they say to connect with a crystal you hold it in your hand then imagine it in your mind as best you can, make it the size of a mountain, ask its permission to come in and then imagine being inside the actual crystal where then you'll gain a connection with it. This sort of thing is just out of this world and what surprises me even more is how well known scientists like dawkins and hawkings have not even come remotely close studying it or experimenting with it because if they did what conclusion would they come too. would they say its just your imagination playing games with you or would it make them think differently.
The only reason I can tell when I am in the process of feeling something or hearing something is because I guess I'm not used to it, I dont look for it all the time and personally I feel like I'm always aware of my feelings, they stay on a steady line and when that line is interupted in some way it tends to stick out even more with me because I can tell straight away that this isn't a normal day to day feeling going on here.
Please dont be afraid to be open with me, I understand your being hesitant because illness should be taken seriously but I'm telling you now that I'm not the type to do stupid things, I have a wonderful family and 3 beautiful children who I must take care off. I've since given the moonstone away because it was too much for me I prefer to just have a couple quartz sitting around my place and thats it really.
Please dont be afraid to be open with me, I understand your being hesitant because illness should be taken seriously but I'm telling you now that I'm not the type to do stupid things, I have a wonderful family and 3 beautiful children who I must take care off. I've since given the moonstone away because it was too much for me I prefer to just have a couple quartz sitting around my place and thats it really.
I am sure you are sensible, And I am sure you take good care of your health.And I don't think you would do anything stupid. I just don't want to suggest a course of action that might have an adverse effect in the highly unlikely event the voices are NOT spirit (and I would LOVE to hear spirit - I am so jealous)
May I suggest you try a development group or workshop? It should teach you techniques to help you open up AND help you control things. The only way to understand what is going on is to practice, so you know what it feels like.
You are NOT going mad - but you could do with some practical training. We have a young girl with ADHD in our development group. She was seeing and hearing things - and is MUCH happier now she has some basic techniques to help her control what goes on.
A meditation to help you meet your guide would be useful so you know who to ask for help .
Try googling psychic development in your area or look on facebook or twitter. thats where I found my first development workshop.
Good luck
Thank you for your kind words. I'm pretty sure if this was a spirit then it was a mischeavious one at that and its aim was to try and freak me out but whether its my mind playing games or spirits playing games they aren't going to succeed.
Funny you should say about meeting my guide I had soul retreval a couple of years ago and the lady told me my animal guide was a stag and she told me that she took a journey for me which to me just sounded like pie in the sky but she had wrote 3 pages of a4. I mean that sort of thing sounds barmy to me but I also understand that you have to connect with crystals by your imagination (in most cases) but how is this possible when the mind and its thought process is such a random thing that I find it hard to get my head around it, yet I've seen my friend charge a crystal up by placing between 4 candles all in the direction of north, east, south and west and at the end of the ceromony he dabbed the crystal with the incense stick and it almost felt like there was a force pushing him away from it. I know I may have been very fortunate to witness these things and that I should be very grateful (which I am) but my mind still have troubles dealing with it. I was told by a friend that the logic part of our brain is the dominant force now in our brains making it much more difficult to believe then it would have been a 100 years ago due to our dependence on physical things, and it seems like a good point.