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Can anyone help me contact my Mum?

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My name is Jessica. I was wondering if you could help me connect to my Mum. She sadly passed away when I was 14 due to an aggressive brain tumour. Due to where the tumour was is enabled her to talk or move and sometimes i even wondered if she even recognised me. I sank into a deep depression of which i'm still battling now. I just need some closure that she is at peace and i would like to tell her that I love her and know that she can understand. Would you be able to help?

Many Thanks

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Please consider this very carefully. I guess you will get a lot of soothing replies, but my experience of working with the dead shamanically is that the souls who can be contacted are in need of help that you are unlikely to be able to give. Those who have reached the Land of the Dead realise that they need to get on with their path and can no longer help with yours.
I would advise that you either ask a shamanic practitioner to check up on your mother and, if necessary, take her to the Land of the Dead or learn some shamanism yourself.

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I have a slightly different perspective of death than Crowan, but I like her comments.

Don't expect to be contacted by her or for you to be able to contact her, believe that she is safe, happy and loved. Most of loved ones who have passed over have no need to make their presence known to those who are living, they are resting and evaluating their lives before they begin another, only my opinion of course, but it gives me comfort.

Your mum already knows you love her very much. I'm sure a part of her is always there beside you, watching over you and is very proud of you.

I haven't lost my mother and I can't imagine how you feel, but since losing my Nana, I talk to her and ask her advice still. I don't expect to hear her voice but I sometimes get an answer of some sort, sometimes quite unexpectedly. Maybe you could try talking to her? Just to get things off your chest.

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My name is Jessica. I was wondering if you could help me connect to my Mum. She sadly passed away when I was 14 due to an aggressive brain tumour. Due to where the tumour was is enabled her to talk or move and sometimes i even wondered if she even recognised me. I sank into a deep depression of which i'm still battling now. I just need some closure that she is at peace and i would like to tell her that I love her and know that she can understand. Would you be able to help?

Many Thanks

Hi Jessica

Im a clairvoyant medium of some years standing, and over the years have thought long and hard about many of the questions you have raised in your post. I havent gained my knowledge from books, preferring to work with what feels "right", and thus far, it seems to resonate.

So - the following is only my idea - and not to be taken as "gospel".
Firstly, you worry about whether your mum is at peace and able to understand. My own father passed recently after severe dementia, and I can tell you with confidence that once they pass to Spirit, their old ability to understand and communicate comes back. What you have to remember is that your mum is a Spirit energy, not the physical body she used to inhabit, so she is whole and perfect now.

I can say with certainty that she knows you love her. Im sure that you talk to her, and she hears you - love transcends all boundaries, including death, and our loved ones know when we are thinking of them - your mum is no exception.

You must be careful when posting on the internet and showing how badly you want contact with your mum. I do believe that she can be contacted for you, and have many many examples of this happening. However, there are a lot of people out there who will see your posting as a chance to rook you for money. Please be careful. If you are really keen to make the contact, can I suggest you start with your local spiritualist centre ? They usually have mediums there every week, and wont charge beyond a few pounds entry,

However, I also have to warn you that if you are not emotionally ready and able to cope with your mum coming through she may not do so. Spiit know whether you can cope with the contact, and if you are likely to fall apart when you contact your mum again, she may well delay this until you are more able to cope. So dont be disappointed if this doesnt happen overnight.

Keep talking to your mum, she can hear you, and keep sending up the love. When the time is right, it will happen. I wish you every blessing in the world - I know how you feel and send love xxx

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Firstly, you worry about whether your mum is at peace and able to understand. My own father passed recently after severe dementia, and I can tell you with confidence that once they pass to Spirit, their old ability to understand and communicate comes back.

My experience is that anyone dying in confusion (which certainly includes those with dementia) needs help to get where they need to be.

What you have to remember is that your mum is a Spirit energy, not the physical body she used to inhabit, so she is whole and perfect now.

The Land of the Dead is more spiritual/less material than here, but not as much as you might expect.

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Very touching. May I give you a warm loving, soothing hug? It seems your grieving has not found a sense of completion because there is a lot you would have loved to say to your mum and a lot that you would love to hear from her. So it is the burden of unsaid love that you carry in your heart.
Inspiral has given you an excellent piece of advice. Your mother is in the lap of perfection as perfection itself now. when the body is no more the limitations of body can't carry on. When the mind is no more the limitations of mind don't exist. Your mother lives through you. For you are part of that energy...A part of her , her habits, her ways, her heart , her loves continue in you as you.
Allow yourself to grieve with tears, talking about her-but from a place of fullness. If you allow tears, heaviness of unexpressed love, it will fill you with love again. Your mum is already in that place of love. it cannot be any other way.
A place of lack is not where she is. Nobody ever dies-only the body dies. Sit in love and know that even when she did not say much the love was always there. You didn't get to hear much of it but the essence of that love is beyond what words can say anyway. know in your heart that you each moment you feel love for her it is being communicated to her in ways you cannot imagine.
May I suggest sit with her in your heart and love her the way you really want to- and feel the sensation of joy and lightness.
I see this cloud lifting soon. may it become easy
loving hugs

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My experience is that anyone dying in confusion (which certainly includes those with dementia) needs help to get where they need to be.
The Land of the Dead is more spiritual/less material than here, but not as much as you might expect.

where exactly do they need to get to? They need help to get to where they need to be...whose help?
Your experience of death? Did you die once and recall all this detail?
The land of dead is more spiritual/less material than here...but not as much as might expect" that is precise, have you visited it?
I find it odd because we don't even know what exactly is going on here on this planet, within our own little bodies, in our big toes let alone have a charted map of land of dead. Not knowing is the way of life( or death). we can barely see the tip of iceberg yet pretend to be keepers of the oceans.

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Always nice to see a new member to join us old farts; when its allied to common sense and insight even better.
Sensibility, joy and a shade of caution there you have the basis and stepping stones for your future. There is much to you that others do not yet see =)

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My experience is that anyone dying in confusion (which certainly includes those with dementia) needs help to get where they need to be.
The Land of the Dead is more spiritual/less material than here, but not as much as you might expect.

Hi Crowan

I can only go by my own experience. My father had dementia, and was very confused towards the end of his life. However I was blessed to receive a message from him, via a fellow medium who did not know he had passed, two days after his death, and prior to his funeral.

In the message, he gave specific instructions with regard to arrangements that were being made, detailed events that had occured since his passing, and talked about conversations we had prior to his passing when we believed him to be out of contact with us.

Hardly the actions of a man who needed help to get where he needed to be.
Without a doubt, my father shook off the restrictions of his illness as soon as he stepped into the Light, and is now the whole, happy and intelligent man he always was.

Jay - inspiral:)

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where exactly do they need to get to? They need help to get to where they need to be...whose help?

Anyone who can help.

Your experience of death? Did you die once and recall all this detail?

As we all have. Also, many years of discussing this with spirit teachers and working with those who have died and are stuck between here and the Land of the Dead.

The land of dead is more spiritual/less material than here...but not as much as might expect" that is precise, have you visited it?


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Hello Jessica,

What an awful experience for you, losing your mum to such a terrible disease at an early age. Of course you want answers and maybe contact her. It's only natural. My mum died only recently from Alzheimer's Disease, another truly horrendous illness that I would not wish on anyone. She has since contacted me, as I knew she would, and she is fine. Love ties do not break with earthly death, they only grow stronger.

Darling. I would agree that you should visit a Spiritualist Church in your area when you have been to Cruse. The church will have a regular mediums' list, and would be able to advise you on who to contact, if that's what you want. There are no guarantees with consulting a medium i.e. it may be another relative, or friend who comes through, but you will benefit from the experience as much as a visit to Cruse.

I truly hope you find peace, my dear.

