Hello all,
My path has been evolving, taking and changing shape and as a result of this I have been meditating more, realising I can actually see my aura and have been able to see auras for a while 😮 (that's a suprise face not a horror one!) and have been asking for communication with my spirit guides and guardian angels. These periods happen periodically but quite frequently and is dependent of what else is happening and how 'conscious' I am at the time. I feel as though Spirit (can't get my head around using that word) has been accelerating things in the past few weeks concerning my getting my act together and as a consequence I have been putting more effort into connecting with myself and my guides.
So... after seeing signs of synchronicity yesterday and whilst doing a meditation asking for communication and a sign that my guides were with me and thinking... the phone will probably just ring... the phone did ring, making me jump out of my skin! I, also, when getting back into a meditative state, felt as though one of our kittens was walking around the carpet next to me but I didn't open my eyes to check until afterwards (the kittens are foster ferals, so they aren't particularly affectionate) and neither were there. Also, yesterday when lying down reading a book, I felt a tickle of whisker or nose on my foot and when looking, nothing there.
This morning, having a lie in whilst my husband was downstairs with our son, I awoke to hearing the bin men emptying our bins and felt one of our cats (we have 4 in total currently) padding near my feet and a slight rumble of a purr. I looked down to see which one and.. nothing.
This is not an isolated experience but whilst noting that this has happened in the past because of always being fairly accepting of the notion of spirits/guides/afterlife/paranormal/call it what you will - I have not questionned it. There have been a few times where I have felt a cat jumping up onto the bed but my cat has been in another room.
So, my extra long and rather detailed post :rolleyes: is leading to the question of.... is this likely to be a cat that I have known in the past (one of my grandmother's cats that have passed - all my cats are still alive!) or a spirit guide? This cat has moved with me to different houses but not all.. and is obviously making an effort to make contact here and now... (should I put out some extra food? ;))
When lying in the bath yesterday and asking for confirmation of who my guides were I saw the Eiffel Tower and a bear paw print.. so now am considerably confused!!! 😀 Unless my guide is a French Cat Bear...
Why not ask the cat who s/he is? Have you known it in the past? Has it come to keep you company or is it wanting connection to someone loving in the physical? Is it your totem animal? etc.
You might be surprised at the answers - I find it much easier to communicate with animals that have passed on.
The Eiffel Tower might not just mean French but could be related in your mind to a totem ... was the thought that stuck me on reading the two posts together. It might not just be a bear paw print but an animal paw in general .. have you looked up "bear" in shamanic tradition?
Thank you both for your replies.
Why not ask the cat who s/he is? Have you known it in the past? Has it come to keep you company or is it wanting connection to someone loving in the physical? Is it your totem animal? etc.
I shall try this.. I did wonder what the name is and got Jess in return, to which I chuckled.... Postman Pat's Jess?? Hmm...
The Eiffel Tower might not just mean French but could be related in your mind to a totem ... was the thought that stuck me on reading the two posts together. It might not just be a bear paw print but an animal paw in general .. have you looked up "bear" in shamanic tradition?
I did wonder if the paw print could have been an animal print in general and so therefore possibly a cats - however it did have a definite bear look and feeling. I did look up bear in shamanic tradition and it had various definitions and descriptions for different sorts of bears.
Strangely enough I was massaging a client in her house yesterday and heard a cat meow twice during the treatment. It sounded like it was outside but she doesn't have a cat (just a very big Great Dane) and I have never heard/seen a cat round there before.
I shall try and ask the cat for some clarification. I like her. I think it's a her.
Let us know how you get on 😎
Purring Spirt of a Cat
Hi there.. three times now I have gone to bed and as soon as I turn the tv off, I lay there and can hear so loudly a purr from a cat.. Its right next to me, on the floor next to my head is in bed.. What does it mean??
Hi there.. three times now I have gone to bed and as soon as I turn the tv off, I lay there and can hear so loudly a purr from a cat.. Its right next to me, on the floor next to my head is in bed.. What does it mean??
Wooo that would give me the shrieks!
😀 I visited the forum, thought about cats, and then found this 🙂
I think its nice to have a cat presence around you. It might be a calling for you to recognise the totem and honour the qualities of a cat. You could try some shape shifting, keeping pictures of cats close by, meditate as if you are a cat, feel their qualities and ask yourself what qualities of the cat you could benefit from taking on yourself.
edited to add I've just realised why I like cats so much - my totem is a tiger!
Cat Wot
We used to have a "cat wot" - (a cat wot doesnt live here) in my old house. I used to see him regularly sat on the dining chairs, and so did my husband once, much to his horror (!).
The interesting thing was my four earth plane cats would go to jump up on the chair when the cat wot was there, and would suddenly veer away and move on, so they obviously saw him too ! 😀
It might be a calling for you to recognise the totem and honour the qualities of a cat. I've just realised why I like cats so much - my totem is a tiger!
Could you define 'totem' for me, please. 🙂
Could you define 'totem' for me, please. 🙂
Hi I have had many experiences from the spirit world. It started when i moved home. Iknew instantly there was a presence. A lot of happenings happened.Some others too witnessed.In short it was a lovely lady named Gladys and her two dogs.She was a previous tenant. One time my front door knocked, as i answered it to David. He said why you barking like a dog??? lol i never.. As he knocked the door a dog startex barking, he said it was a little one. That night. as i was going through the hall to the bedroom when i suddenly heard a dog yapping from above me.... i said hello,I'm now off to bed, night!! Your not only hearing your also feeling the sensation of the cat. He just wants you to notice him... speak to him. The previous tenant had two yorkies. Who were her babied. And obviously still are. Via my lovely experiences .. thetes a connection. Not always the obvious one. Your open to the spirt world don't be surprised if this is just the beginning.