Hi looking for some wisdom on an experience I had yesterday please 🙂
A little background I've lived in my house for over a year and a half, its a nice house maybe 30 or so years old. Occasionally I've heard things bang, one night I was getting ready for bed when I heard a large bang coming from the bathroom (sounded like my toothbrush holder hitting the floor followed by the toothbrushes scattering onto the floor) I was awoken at roughly 3am by 3 distinctive bangings followed by me experiencing sleep paralysis (while I couldn't move I felt a feeling a rotars spinning traveling accross my face - I was unable to shout for my oh who was asleep next to me) I went back to sleep and when I woke up I checked the bathroom and everything was in place (nothing had fallen)
When in my living room I sometimes hear footsteps above me (coming from my bedroom) my oh has heard someone upstairs when in the shower - thinking it was me when I hadn't been upstairs at all. Me and my oh also heard what sounded like a thump of the toilet seat being dropped Onto the toilet, again on checking nothing has been moved. When my mother stayed over she was asleep in my room and thought that either me, my oh or sister had been in the bedroom in the night. None of us had.
Fast foward to yesterday I didn't feel to good so I went for a lie down, I was trying to get to sleep when I heard my oh open the door and check on me (bless) he then went back downstairs, just drifting off I heard him come back in walk around the bed and leave again, i fell asleep and dreamed I was being haunted, unusually in my dream I did all the protection methods I know ( praying to arch angel michael, my spirit guides and angels, surrounding my self with light and using reiki symbols etc) when I woke up I looked at my tv and an old movie was on, in black and white. I didn't watch as I was mad my oh must have sneaked in bed and put the telly on, I turn around and he isn't there, is he winding me up by putting the telly on? I grabbed the remote look at the tv to turn it off and it's not on, what had I seen?
I go down stairs to greet my oh and tell him and he tells me he only checked on me once he had not walked around my bed he was downstairs.
Kudos for getting to the end of this, any opinions are welcome 🙂
Could be:
- ghost
- spirit with a message for you
- house spirit (the most likely option)
- something else entirely
I am sure you are not going mad!!
I have heard that sleep paralysis has been linked with attack by an incubus ............. but I am no expert - not even sure I believe incubi and sucubi exist tbh! And anyway the sleep paralysis episode was just one of a number of events.
It would be very easy to dismiss it all as a dream - but too many people have experienced too many things.
I would guess it is spirit in some form. Whether linked with the house or linked with the people I don't have a clue.
I have heard that sleep paralysis has been linked with attack by an incubus ............. but I am no expert - not even sure I believe incubi and sucubi exist tbh! And anyway the sleep paralysis episode was just one of a number of events.I would guess it is spirit in some form. Whether linked with the house or linked with the people I don't have a clue.
Incubi and succubae exist. On the other hand, they are very rare. Also, the description doesn't sound as if it is this type of spirit. There's definitely a sense of attack with such things.
All houses have spirits – although you can go a long time without realising it, particularly in cultures like ours which don’t recognise such beings. I’ve dealt with a lot of ‘hauntings’, most of which have turned out to be the house spirit.
Incubi and succubae exist. On the other hand, they are very rare. Also, the description doesn't sound as if it is this type of spirit. There's definitely a sense of attack with such things.
All houses have spirits – although you can go a long time without realising it, particularly in cultures like ours which don’t recognise such beings. I’ve dealt with a lot of ‘hauntings’, most of which have turned out to be the house spirit.
What is a 'house spirit' I've never heard the term before
Incubi and succubae exist. On the other hand, they are very rare. Also, the description doesn't sound as if it is this type of spirit. There's definitely a sense of attack with such things.
All houses have spirits – although you can go a long time without realising it, particularly in cultures like ours which don’t recognise such beings. I’ve dealt with a lot of ‘hauntings’, most of which have turned out to be the house spirit.
Hi thanks for all the responses, sorry to sound stupid can you tell me what incubi and succubae are please?
I often protect myself but not sure what to make of a potential spirit wondering around my bed as I'm falling asleep, although I wasn't scared at the time (I thought it was my oh) I find it a bit unnerving :/ and the sleep paralysis topped with the feelings in my face and the noises really scared me. How would I know if this was a negative spirit or a positive one. I'm wary as I have my young child in the house.
I totally believe in live and let live but I don't want to be scared.
Do you think my dream (or nightmare of being haunted) straight after something walked around my bed are connected?
Thanks for the replies 😀
Hi thanks for all the responses, sorry to sound stupid can you tell me what incubi and succubae are please?
Incubi and succubae are spirits (often referred to as ‘demons’, particularly by the Mediaeval Church) who seek to have sex with humans. As I said, rare.
I often protect myself but not sure what to make of a potential spirit wondering around my bed as I'm falling asleep, although I wasn't scared at the time (I thought it was my oh) I find it a bit unnerving :/ and the sleep paralysis topped with the feelings in my face and the noises really scared me. How would I know if this was a negative spirit or a positive one. I'm wary as I have my young child in the house.
Protection generally has to be specific to the entity, so you’d need to know what you were protecting yourself from. The best protection is to be full of your own power, but I appreciate that this isn’t easy. Negative/positive doesn’t have a lot of meaning, really. They depend so much on your point of view. But – with very few exceptions, which this doesn’t sound like – spirits are not going to hurt you or your child. You could always call in a shamanic practitioner to check it out.
What is a 'house spirit' I've never heard the term before
A house spirit is a spirit who looks after the house. In many cultures (Chinese, for example) offerings are made regularly. This has not been done here for so long that the house spirits no longer expect it. But if you are a sensitive person, you can easily be aware of them. They mostly won’t hurt you. (If it were angry for any reason, you’d certainly know about it.) Again, a good shamanic practitioner should be able to talk with it to find out why it is attracting attention – if indeed it is, and not just wandering around its own house.
The best protection is to be full of your own power, but I appreciate that this isn’t easy.
How do you achieve becoming full of your own power ?- I appreciate this probably isn't a quick answer type question (!) but have never been quite sure how this is achieved.
How do you achieve becoming full of your own power ?- I appreciate this probably isn't a quick answer type question (!) but have never been quite sure how this is achieved.
The shamanic answer is by being complete – having no major intrusions, having as much as possible of your soul complete and being in contact with your power animals. Answering your question isn’t hard, but the doing of it can take a long time.
Once you are complete – ‘full of yourself’ – this not only doesn’t let anything else in that can drain power from you, or attack you, but also means that you know what you feel like when you are complete. If then you do lose soul or power, you will be aware of it quickly and can take steps to rectify the situation before it becomes a problem.
The shamanic answer is by being complete – having no major intrusions, having as much as possible of your soul complete and being in contact with your power animals. Answering your question isn’t hard, but the doing of it can take a long time.
Once you are complete – ‘full of yourself’ – this not only doesn’t let anything else in that can drain power from you, or attack you, but also means that you know what you feel like when you are complete. If then you do lose soul or power, you will be aware of it quickly and can take steps to rectify the situation before it becomes a problem.
OK, thanks. I would like to get to this state one day.
OK, thanks. I would like to get to this state one day.
From the first time I met my power animal, I started to get better. I had a major soul retrieval about 20 years ago, which completely changed my life, as severe depression disappeared overnight. (I’ve heard this from others – people who come back to me after a healing and say, “for the first time in my life I don’t want to be dead.”)
I reckon it took about 10 years of shamanic work to get to a stage where I knew what ‘complete’ felt like. It would have taken far less – maybe 2 or 3 – if I’d discovered Jonathan earlier. Unfortunately, my first teacher was a ‘dabbler’.
From the first time I met my power animal, I started to get better. I had a major soul retrieval about 20 years ago, which completely changed my life, as severe depression disappeared overnight. (I’ve heard this from others – people who come back to me after a healing and say, “for the first time in my life I don’t want to be dead.”)
I reckon it took about 10 years of shamanic work to get to a stage where I knew what ‘complete’ felt like. It would have taken far less – maybe 2 or 3 – if I’d discovered Jonathan earlier. Unfortunately, my first teacher was a ‘dabbler’.
Perhaps the long process ended up teaching you what you need to know in order to help others with similar difficulties? I have something to learn from shamanism because it keeps coming up in my life. What exactly that is I have no idea but I hope regaining myself is part of the lesson - I am firmly of the belief that the more sorted or full you are the more you can help others whatever you choose to do.
From the first time I met my power animal, I started to get better. I had a major soul retrieval about 20 years ago, which completely changed my life, as severe depression disappeared overnight. (I’ve heard this from others – people who come back to me after a healing and say, “for the first time in my life I don’t want to be dead.”)
I reckon it took about 10 years of shamanic work to get to a stage where I knew what ‘complete’ felt like. It would have taken far less – maybe 2 or 3 – if I’d discovered Jonathan earlier. Unfortunately, my first teacher was a ‘dabbler’.
I can relate to the idea of being complete. Shamanism keeps being thrown across my path - as does Kaballah. I really must explore them in greater depth
Crowan, I noticed an Urban Shamanism group on [url]Meet Up[/url] the other day (mostly Bristol based, I think? ).... you've mentioned Urban Shamanism before on here - have you considered doing some Urban Shamanism workshops... even if it means going south for the initial/burgeoning interest?. I'd guess there would be plenty of interest in the Bath/Bristol area.... ?
Crowan, I noticed an Urban Shamanism group on [url]Meet Up[/url] the other day (mostly Bristol based, I think? ).... you've mentioned Urban Shamanism before on here - have you considered doing some Urban Shamanism workshops... even if it means going south for the initial/burgeoning interest?. I'd guess there would be plenty of interest in the Bath/Bristol area.... ?
Hi, I can’t remember what I said about urban shamanism, so I really hope that I’m not going to contradict myself. I’m sure you’ll be good enough to point it out, if I do, WS.;)
The problem with the term ‘urban shamanism’ is that different people mean different things. Wikipedia links it to Technopaganism (a term that I’ve only come across in Buffy). I read the Wikipedia entry and found nothing I could relate to at all.
There are various teachers who are offering ‘Urban Shamanism’ – not sure what they mean by it. I can’t see any reason that shamanism practised in towns and cities is any different than shamanism practised in the countryside. In fact, that’s where most people in this country do practise it.
I teach a workshop called “Shamanism in an Urban Environment” which is not so much about practising shamanism in a town – because, as I said, I can’t see a problem with that – but is about healing the town itself.
I don’t think that Bristol would be the only place interested, and besides, people travel long distances for to work with teachers who teach what they want to learn. I have, in Scarborough, students who travel regularly from the South Coast or Devon, Lancashire or Scotland. The furthest came from Hong Kong. I go to Sweden and have been on a workshop in Los Angeles. If you want to work with a particular teacher, or learn a particular thing, you will travel.
Hi, I can’t remember what I said about urban shamanism, so I really hope that I’m not going to contradict myself. I’m sure you’ll be good enough to point it out, if I do, WS.;)
The problem with the term ‘urban shamanism’ is that different people mean different things. Wikipedia links it to Technopaganism (a term that I’ve only come across in Buffy). I read the Wikipedia entry and found nothing I could relate to at all.
There are various teachers who are offering ‘Urban Shamanism’ – not sure what they mean by it. I can’t see any reason that shamanism practised in towns and cities is any different than shamanism practised in the countryside. In fact, that’s where most people in this country do practise it.
I teach a workshop called “Shamanism in an Urban Environment” which is not so much about practising shamanism in a town – because, as I said, I can’t see a problem with that – but is about healing the town itself.
I don’t think that Bristol would be the only place interested, and besides, people travel long distances for to work with teachers who teach what they want to learn. I have, in Scarborough, students who travel regularly from the South Coast or Devon, Lancashire or Scotland. The furthest came from Hong Kong. I go to Sweden and have been on a workshop in Los Angeles. If you want to work with a particular teacher, or learn a particular thing, you will travel.
As you're testifying to, it must be true about traveling to work with a particular teacher if a student is eager enough... putting myself in your position, I was thinking you would get to travel around and do what you love at the same time (as you do anyway).
Some how have the impression that Shamanism is nowhere near as wide spread as it 'ought' to be. I had a vision of urban kids gathered around a bonfire, communicating with the spirit of half-bricks :D... I bet they would love it!
If anyone is interested in the MeetUp group that I mentioned: [url]Here it is.[/url]
Just had a second glance at the MeetUp group, and it is actually called Urban Shaman, not Urban Shamanism ~ must have been my overlay all along... bet those urban kids would love the drumming too......!
Just had a second glance at the MeetUp group, and it is actually called Urban Shaman, not Urban Shamanism ~ must have been my overlay all along... bet those urban kids would love the drumming too......!
(I know of the book “Urban Shaman” by Serge Kahili King. As far as I know, it purports to be Hawaiian. There are lots of people who prefer their spirituality to be exotic.)
Shamanism’s a great thing to do with any kids. We (the local shamanic group) used to have a summer camp and several members brought their children. The youngest was 6. At that age, they tend to journey very easily. We didn’t do anything too intense – hanging out with power animals, dancing and drumming around a bonfire, meeting tree spirits.
Urban or rural – I reckon they could all enjoy it!
(I know of the book “Urban Shaman” by Serge Kahili King. As far as I know, it purports to be Hawaiian. There are lots of people who prefer their spirituality to be exotic.)
Shamanism’s a great thing to do with any kids. We (the local shamanic group) used to have a summer camp and several members brought their children. The youngest was 6. At that age, they tend to journey very easily. We didn’t do anything too intense – hanging out with power animals, dancing and drumming around a bonfire, meeting tree spirits.
Urban or rural – I reckon they could all enjoy it!
I can see how they why they would, when my niece and nephews are a bit older (..over 5 ), I may well point point them in that direction, before their conditioning encases them like flowers tryng to grow through tarmac - if you know what I mean.
… before their conditioning encases them like flowers tryng to grow through tarmac - if you know what I mean.
I love that image. And yet some plants are so strong that they grow despite the tarmac. I hope your niece and nephews manage, with your help, to do so.:)
Fluffaduck – have you managed to get the problem sorted?
I love that image. And yet some plants are so strong that they grow despite the tarmac. I hope your niece and nephews manage, with your help, to do so.:)
Fluffaduck – have you managed to get the problem sorted?
Hiya sorry for the late reply I have been visiting family, as with the spirit, I havent really done much as I'm not sure it's posing a direct threat.
Has been further activity though, when my oh couldn't sleep so came downstairs and got on the couch (living room is underneath my bedroom) after staying up a few hours he was going to come back to bed but heard so much noise coming from the ceiling above (he thought it was me awake till he heard what sounded like someone running fro
One end of the room to the other) bless him he was too scared to come back to bed and slept on the sofa, me on the other hand totally oblivious slept all night 😉
If anyone is interested in the MeetUp group that I mentioned: [url]Here it is.[/url]
An entire page that doesn't mention the spirits once!
Has been further activity though, when my oh couldn't sleep so came downstairs and got on the couch (living room is underneath my bedroom) after staying up a few hours he was going to come back to bed but heard so much noise coming from the ceiling above (he thought it was me awake till he heard what sounded like someone running fro
One end of the room to the other) bless him he was too scared to come back to bed and slept on the sofa, me on the other hand totally oblivious slept all night 😉
Let us know what you decide to do about it (if anything). I would suggest that it needs sorting, for the spirit's sake as much as for yours.
An entire page that doesn't mention the spirits once!
Hmn, deeply puzzling. From everything you've said about Shamanism - they're missing a crucial element.
Hmn, deeply puzzling. From everything you've said about Shamanism - they're missing a crucial element.
It's a bit like trying to get people into a Christian church by not mentioning God or Jesus, in case it puts people off.
It's a bit like trying to get people into a Christian church by not mentioning God or Jesus, in case it puts people off.
Strange, I'd have thought that if a Shaman (or Christian, for that matter) was truly connected to their religion, then they'd be naturally enthused and at ease with mentioning the spirits (or God or Jesus), and know that their demeanor and way of speaking would be enough to convince anyone. No underhanded methods necessary.
Trying to get people into Shamanism, or Christian church by not mentioning the spirits or God or Jesus - is a bit like inviting someone around for tea, waiting until they're nice and relaxed and enjoying themselves: Then bolting all the doors and wheeling out some product you'd like to sell them. I know I wouldn't take to kindly to those tactics.
Trying to get people into Shamanism, or Christian church by not mentioning the spirits or God or Jesus - is a bit like inviting someone around for tea, waiting until they're nice and relaxed and enjoying themselves: Then bolting all the doors and wheeling out some product you'd like to sell them. I know I wouldn't take to kindly to those tactics.
Strange, I'd have thought that if a Shaman (or Christian, for that matter) was truly connected to their religion, then they'd be naturally enthused and at ease with mentioning the spirits (or God or Jesus), and know that their demeanor and way of speaking would be enough to convince anyone. No underhanded methods necessary.
Trying to get people into Shamanism, or Christian church by not mentioning the spirits or God or Jesus - is a bit like inviting someone around for tea, waiting until they're nice and relaxed and enjoying themselves: Then bolting all the doors and wheeling out some product you'd like to sell them. I know I wouldn't take to kindly to those tactics.
Let us know what you decide to do about it (if anything). I would suggest that it needs sorting, for the spirit's sake as much as for yours.
I agree, it can't be nice being stuck somewhere but what if the spirit does not want to go?
I agree, it can't be nice being stuck somewhere but what if the spirit does not want to go?
How would you tell, unless you got someone in who could speak to it? However, you are making an assumption that it is 'stuck'. There's always the possibility that it is there for some other reason, or that it belongs there but is disturbing you for some other reason.