In the dream I and some other people were at the house of a work colleague who was not feeling well. I was helping her with her children and advising her that all the running she does is causing the problems she is having with her leg muscles. We all went outside into her garden (although it seemed now we were outside my house) and were looking towards the north east. We watched as the sky changed and we saw a huge ball of fire come down and hit the Earth. I told everyone to get back inside the house, get mattresses off the beds and make a safe place under the dining room table, make sure the children were safe. I carried on watching and saw the sun as a huge blazing ball of fire with flames flicking out of it and lashing at the Earth, then I woke up.
In the dream I and some other people were at the house of a work colleague who was not feeling well. I was helping her with her children and advising her that all the running she does is causing the problems she is having with her leg muscles. We all went outside into her garden (although it seemed now we were outside my house) and were looking towards the north east. We watched as the sky changed and we saw a huge ball of fire come down and hit the Earth. I told everyone to get back inside the house, get mattresses off the beds and make a safe place under the dining room table, make sure the children were safe. I carried on watching and saw the sun as a huge blazing ball of fire with flames flicking out of it and lashing at the Earth, then I woke up.
as i read your dream i felt quite anxious.. very fearful.:hug:. im no dream expert, but i felt it was like one of my 'worse nightmare' type dreams.. how in your dream you can go from being you, being thoughtful and helpful to your colleauge possibly a normal thing for you to be this way to all of a sudden it becomes potentially ..the end of the world as we know it...brrrr.. i get these me its like looking at somewhere like Japan who are doing what they do on a normal day, taking the kids the school, visiting parents, then all of a sudden its all completely wiped out in the blink of an eyelid a whole town,made me truely thankful, i am where i am,.
Like all dreams, your dream should not be taken literally. Dreams are full of symbols and it's their relationship that gives dreams their meaning.
In your dream there is her home, your home, her leg and the fire ball. The rest of the dream supports these symbols:
- Your colleague is someone you know, but not specifically the one in the dream.
- Her home is her heart.
- Your home is your heart.
- Her leg is something that is preventing her from making progress in life, or something perceive is holding her back.
- The fire ball is an event that causes you anxiety or guilt
So how do we put this all together?
There is someone in your life that is in your thoughts right now. You're not happy about their situation and feel there is more that can be done about it. You were around and possibly influenced the events that brought that person to their current situation.
You don't know if you should help or interfere and you are worried, even though you feel some responsibility for their situation, that you may make things worse.
That's it really.
That is quite accurate Myarka! Thinking back on the dream and some of the elements I can understand where they came from. But there is someone, not my colleague though, who is giving me cause for concern.
Sun-rose, I strangely did not feel panicked or worried by the whole dream. I am always aware that a lot of elements in dreams are simply influenced by snippets of conversation, things seen on TV, in books, magazines etc. so I knew that the dream was something of a conglomeration of things I have recently experienced.
Thank you both for you insights.