The Meeting Room
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The Meeting Room

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I have dreams of meeting my husband in a large room I name the Meeting Room.
It is always the same room with folks milling round,large table set for tea i.e. Cups and saucers,etc.
In these dreams,I usually meet folks who have passed over. Mostly relatives and close friends.
Hubby is always by my side though he never speaks.
By the way,my husband passed away nearly 7 years ago.

The last dream I experienced like this was a few weeks ago.
Same room,same people and we were standing beside the table.
One of the ladies came over to my husband and spoke quietly to him.
I gathered without hearing that someone he knew was arriving soon.
Hubby was in the Oz army many years ago,service in the Korean war.
Through life he kept in touch with many old army mates.
Through the years,those contacts stopped,one by one and we assumed that those men had passed on.
Probably in the same age range as us,retired.

This night I dreamed a young soldier had arrived. I watched from the other side of the room,as the soldier came through the door.
He was dressed in uniform,battered,dirty and tired as though from battle.
Slouch hat on his head.
Young in age.
My husband obviously knew him. There was great joy as the two met.

I woke up astounded at what I had dreamed.
That young soldier looked about in his 20's years of age.
If that is who I think it was,the man who arrived in the dream,would have been in his 80's now.

I believe I witnessed a young soldier returning from battle,but arrived as a young man to identify himself to my husband.
God bless him.

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That is lovely and also very interesting.

The it one you ever remember being in with your husband when he was alive?


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No Patchouli.
I started having dreams about this room a few years ago.
First time was after having lost a few relatives years ago.
Didn't understand what I was seeing then. Always a large table in the middle of the room,set as if for tea.
I saw relatves like aunts and uncles who had passed over.
Incidently my husband was alive then.

The dreams stopped for a while until a few years ago.
The first one I had was back in this room,seeing hubby there.
Looking healthy and very much alive.
Since then I have seen my young grandson who passed at the age of 35 years.
A neighbour of mine who passed about three years ago.
Why I call this room 'the meeting room'.....:)

I was told recently that this could be a half way mark between here and spirit.
I am not allowed to go any further.

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That is fascinating and for me, somewhat wonderful.

I do believe that this existence is not it all and it would be nice to see people as you do that have gone from my life.

I hope someone has some explanation of what may be happening...maybe an out of body experience and not an actual dream?

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Someone did suggest that or Astral travelling.
I call them Lucid dreams.
The first ones I dreamed hubby was still alive and I was there on my own.
I remember telling him about seeing my relatives,he took it very seriously.
Laughed and said 'One day I'll see you there'.
He passed over in 2006.
The latter dreams he has been by my side. The most vivid that made more sense to me,was the dream I have recounted here.
Hubby meeting his old army mate.

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My last dream was of my grandson. He passed over a few years ago at the age of 35 years.....He appeared the room looking about 16 years old. Waving to me like mad!
It was wonderful seeing him looking so healthy again.

The last dream I had of these sort of dreams was seeing a young soldier appear in the room. Dirty and battle scarred...I knew who he was,an old friend of hubby's. From way back in time. Both had been in the Korean war.
My husband left my side and went to greet him.
Several days later,I heard that the soldier had died in an old people's his 80's.
So there was the proof I was looking for.....:D

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In shamanism it is not usual to visit the dead - the spirits generally say that the dead belong in the land of the dead, the living belong in the land of the living. However, sometimes it is necessary to speak to someone who is dead and a safe, neutral place is arranged for this meeting. It sounds as if your room might be one of these safe meeting places.

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That sounds correct,Crowan....Have you ever had dreams of someone who you know who has passed over,show themselves in a dream?
You think it is your memory bringing them back. If you do have any dreams like this,look to see if there is some sort of barrier between you.

Like a fence,a river,a bridge etc.
That means you are on the side of the living. They are on the side of those who have passed over to spirit.

There is always some kind of divider or barrier between you and them....
One is spirit and one is our side.

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There are other places to be, though. Not all the dead are in the "right" place. Some are lost and/or stuck.
Then there might not be the river or bridge, because they haven't managed to cross it without help.

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Sorry I'm late in answering this.....
True. Some have problems in crossing...But there always should be someone to meet them or so I have been told....
Some get lost on the way...I queried this recently and the answer given was a violet death or unexpected death....

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Sorry I'm late in answering this.....
True. Some have problems in crossing...But there always should be someone to meet them or so I have been told....
Some get lost on the way...I queried this recently and the answer given was a violet death or unexpected death....

Those deaths would do it, but so will confusion through dementia, drugs (including morphine etc. for pain relief), alcohol, or simply not knowing where to go after death (and who does know, these days?)
There's only someone to meet them if they get to the land of the dead. It is (as several spirit teachers have said to students that I have been teaching this stuff to) an epidemic of souls not getting to the land of the dead.

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Now to be honest I'm not sure about it. Once the physical body lets go,we are only spirit. I would assume that all physical illnesses would depart from the soul or spirit.

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If that were so there would be no need for healing in the land of the dead - there is a hospital there.

What are you not sure about?

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I did read a while ago that there are hospitals in spirit for those who were very ill before passing. I know this contradicts what I am saying but the hospitals there are more for a healing of a different type.....To bring the spirit back to full strength.....

I had a dream a good while ago just before hubby passed over....
We were sitting in our old home when there was a knock on the front door.
I opened the door and standing there were two ambulance men but not clad in the uniforms today,rather old fashioned uniforms were worn.

Hubby walked to the door,looked back at me and smiled. I knew then he wouldn't be back. He passed over in hospital a while later.

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I did read a while ago that there are hospitals in spirit for those who were very ill before passing. I know this contradicts what I am saying but the hospitals there are more for a healing of a different type.....To bring the spirit back to full strength.....

yes, this is so - I know The Hospital well. But your points about the physical illness/damage being left behind - that only works if the dead person gets to the land of the dead. Many don't.

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Not quite sure what you mean,Crowan....some become lost or fail to reach the spirit world?

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Not quite sure what you mean,Crowan....some become lost or fail to reach the spirit world?

I don't talk about "the spirit world", for many reasons.
Our souls are here, in bodies. We die. Our soul is, at that point, not in the land of the dead. It may not get there. It may get stuck here. It may get lost between here and the land of the dead.

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Correct. I could liken that when many years ago,looking for a certain area in a strange town,I became completely lost.....the panic set in! I must have wandered street after street so imagine a lonely spirit recently deceased looking for an opening to somewhere we know nothing about......

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Correct. I could liken that when many years ago,looking for a certain area in a strange town,I became completely lost.....the panic set in! I must have wandered street after street so imagine a lonely spirit recently deceased looking for an opening to somewhere we know nothing about......

Shamans know the way to the land of the dead and they know the way back. We have visited the place as part of our training.

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You are a shaman? That sounds interesting....would you tell me about your work,please?

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Most of my work now is teaching and writing, but I still see clients - often for healing but sometimes "problems" with ghosts, with hostile land spirits or with anything else that they want help with.
I've written a couple of stickys (stickies?)in the "Shamanism" forum. Why not read those and then ask questions? That way, you can concentrate on the bits that interest you most.:)

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'Land spirits'?
Would they be known as earth spirits as well?

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Earth spirits, nature spirits, elementals - they have many names.
If you tell me what you know of earth spirits I might be able to say if we are talking about the same thing.

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I don't know much about them. I have friend on another site who knows a great deal about,often describes as living in the earth and caves etc.

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Yes, they live everywhere.
