house burgled dream
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house burgled dream

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keep having dreams that my house has been burgled 😡

any thoughts??

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keep having dreams that my house has been burgled 😡

any thoughts??

To interpret a dream fully I would need more detail of an individual dream. But in general terms..... Home in a dream is the heart and if it's being burgled then something is happening in your life concerning your heart.

I can't really say more than that because of the lack of detail.


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thanks for the reply

not sure how much info would be needed

from what i can remember, is this;

came home, found front door open, TV, electronic picture frame, and computer screen gone, PC base was still there which was important to me in the dream, i went to check on my dogs ashes to make sure they hadnt been taken

i then woke up

i have probably had this dream about 10 times at least in the last few months

i lost my dog back in november, he was very close to me and i am still finding it very hard to cope with his loss. he had a long battle with cancer which took his life in the end.

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The dream represents deep heart pain, and there is a contrast between the boys toys, and the loss of your companion. Do take these as literal because what you see in dreams are symbols.

Your dream shows you have some regret or guilt over the events leading up to your bereavement, and therefore you are beating yourself with the stick of hindsight.

So the message from the dream is to grieve, let go and remember the special times.


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The dream represents deep heart pain, and there is a contrast between the boys toys, and the loss of your companion. Do take these as literal because what you see in dreams are symbols.

Your dream shows you have some regret or guilt over the events leading up to your bereavement, and therefore you are beating yourself with the stick of hindsight.

So the message from the dream is to grieve, let go and remember the special times.


i'd say you are probably spot on with this. i have huge regret and guilt over my loss, although everybody says i done everything possible and they were surprised how long my dog lasted, even the vets were amazed.

but deep down i think i could have done more, i guess thats why i have so much guilt.

anyway thanks for your reply it does make sense now with what has happened. i think it will be a long time before i do let go.

thanks for your help

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A building symbolises how you see the world, your life etc. Dogs symbolise friendship and loyalty. An open door is an opportunity. All the stolen items seem to be screens of sorts. They could stand for seeing things objectively (because you are watching from a distance) or the need to see things in your life or your past more objectively/detached. After all they were stolen. This may be linked to how you see friendship and maybe this is also something your dog was here to teach you. But I'm guessing and only you can put the pieces together. Dreams are personal and how you felt in them is key. See the opening scene as the key message and the remainder as the detail.

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As I was reading your post I felt it was due to a 'loss' as a home being burgaled involves loss.

The loss of your dog has affected you deeply. I would recommend the Bach Rescue Remedy, you can rub it into your heart centre as often as you wish. Also some Bach Pine to help you with the guilt you feel would be helpful, you can either put some drops in water or under the tongue.

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hi, pls i dreamt that my brother forgot to lock the doors when he was leaving the house and by the time i got back, the whole house has been ransacked nd all the prices possessions had been taken. my mum was in tears as she had struggled to put everything in place in that house just to make it comfortabe for us. and then i was in pain too. was unable to identify the burgler

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Hi guys.. just a question regarding some dreams I'm having lately.
I have dreams that someone is burgling myhouse. It's never the same person. The first dream was of me waking up (in my dream ) to find the door leading up the attic had been slammed shut. While my husband and baby boy still sleep. I get up to open the door and there is someone pressing their weight against the door to shut it. This definitely clarifies someone being in the house. So once I know someone is behind the door. I run into my bedroom and shove the drawers against the door so nobody can get it. I woke up feeling so floppy and weird i literally couldn't move my body.
Tonight, I have had a dream I was babysitting for my neice. The house is really weird, all the doors and creaking and it's dark upstairs. I can feel a presence of somebody watching me in the house so I call my boyfriend to get the hell there because I am freaking out. A bit later on i can hear someone trying to get in by the door handle and banging against the door. As I wake up again, so frightened and just not being able to move my body. I wonder why I am having these dreams?? I have a son I am very protective over and I'm always making sure my doors and windows are locked always even during the day. Maybe it's my subconscious because I get so paranoid about being broken into. I don't know maybe you could help??? Thank u xx
