I was a fairground, in town, i never recognized, I went round where the bandits were, every bnandit had money in the tray, I went over to one, when a family appeared, I said to the lady use the money to buy your kids some sweets. I walked round the fairground to come across the old fashioned sweetie machine ( where you put in money, and sweets came out) I tried this, it had said 400, I remember that is expensive, I put in 20 piece, and recieved large red and white sweets.
I then was in town, I used to live, I remember looking at a bus timetable.
I am still puzzled about this, as the dream is fresh to me like a daisy.
I hope anyone can find meaning in this, as I have tried and came to a blank on it.
RE: fairground
Hi spiritualhappyness, you know your dream is to me quite a spiritual jorney.
It like at the fair you can go on rides and you can keep spinning around having fun but at the end you have nothing to show for it exspect the exsperience.
Well you have gain a new spiritual gift Which you have not quite recognized, the bandits to me mean you could have search you truth from other spiritual people but have never got the answers you need( but maybe paid out some money to find this truth) but you carry a spiritual family with you and it love from a guide (i just felt it was a oriental or middle east person) have you been drawn to anything like that lately? The 400 mean this is quite a Challengen to seek and find justice, understanding your material life and then opening up to higher guidence.
Were the 20 comes in and the colours a union a spiritual one, moving you forward to a higher spiritual understanding bring about harmony and then we arrive home a place we no and now a jorney awaits, it up to you to choose the time.
only take what you feel is right for you.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: fairground
Your are pretty spot on, I have been told my door keeper is from the far east, and you are correct I used to pay money to speak to a Clairvoyant for Guidance.
I have to say I haven't experience a drawing from the middle east.
Thanks for your intrepretation.
RE: fairground
Your welcome spiritualhappyness, what i mean about drawing to middle East is like ornements, clothes foods bit like a guides influence.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: fairground
Sory I haven't noticed a drawing to any far east, i.e ornaments or food.